The other small evil spirit leaders also stood up.

Even the bucktooth evil spirit leader couldn't help but constantly raised his head and looked out the door.

And Leng Chengyu's side.

When Leng Chengquan kept cutting forward on the guard post, he also took the ghost guards and followed Leng Chengyu a hundred meters away.

Wherever they went, Leng Chengquan and the others saw that those sentries made of hard stones like granite were now dilapidated because of Leng Chengyu's knife.

汜豜汜. The evil spirits in the sentry post had all been wiped out.

The four commissioners and their ghost guards were all shocked.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that Leng Chengyu chopped it out with a knife.

Especially Leng Chengyu slashed all the way up, and he slashed three times in total.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. There are a total of 5 sentries in this cottage, and Leng Chengyu smashed two sentries with a single knife.

When it hit the fifth post, the sword continued to move up and rushed into the cottage, causing many houses in the cottage to collapse.

At this time, Leng Chengyu looked at the rolling rooms in the cottage, which occupies a very large area, several kilometers.

And this cottage seems to have been opened up. The houses in this cottage are layered on top of each other, looking majestic and mighty.

When he got here, Leng Chengyu stopped and waited for Leng Chengquan and the others.

After all, Leng Chengyu had already slashed three times in a row, and he would consume a portion of his strength, and he had to rest.

Moreover, unlike the defensive point, there is a red-robed ghost-level evil spirit leader to build a protective barrier, and none of the evil spirits in the defensive point can escape.

Now on the cottage here, although there are fences on the periphery of the house, the outside of the house is dense forest. If Leng Chengyu cut it down with a single knife, he would definitely not be able to cut the entire cottage with a radius of several kilometers.

Moreover, ordinary evil spirits can fly, and if these evil spirits want to escape, they can quickly escape into the dense forest and disappear.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu wanted to wait for Leng Chengquan and his commissioners to come over and express their opinions.

See if you want to kill more evil spirits. After you walk into the cottage and see where there are many evil spirits, just cut it. Or, just cut the cottage and let those evil spirits escape.

Anyway, Leng Chengyu felt that it was best to kill more evil spirits.

Leng Chengquan and they soon came up.

Leng Chengyu expressed his opinion to several commissioners including Leng Chengquan.

Leng Chengquan said: "Catch the thief first, capture the king. I think that since the guard post in this cottage has been destroyed and can be attacked at any time, we might as well call out the big-headed bucktooth evil spirit inside, and then you take the opportunity. Killed him with a stab.

This way, than you can kill a lot of evil spirits with little strength, it will be more shocking to the East Ghost King, and it can make the East Ghost King more heartbroken.

After all, the stronger the evil spirit, the more rare it is. "

Leng Chengquan felt somewhat reasonable when he heard Leng Chengquan say this.

Leng Chengyu looked up at Zhirou and the others again, and Fang Zhirou and the others nodded in agreement.

Therefore, Leng Chengquan asked his ghost guards to summon ghosts who possessed the ability of ghosts to have an amplitude effect on the sound, and came out to shout loudly at the top of the cottage.

"The evil spirit leader of the bucktooth rabbit on the cottage, you are limited to three minutes before you come out to see the commissioner sent by the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts. Otherwise, we will encircle and suppress all the way, and then your life will be hard to protect."

After shouting, Leng Chengyu and the others waited quietly for the response from the copycat.

However, the above response of the copycat was a response, but the response was the noisy voice of evil spirits in the copycat.

The top of the cottage seems to have turned into a pot of porridge.

Many evil spirits seemed to be flying around, and some even flew into the dense forest and escaped.

Time has passed for more than 5 minutes, and the head of the Bucktooth Evil Spirit still has not been seen.

Leng Chengquan frowned and said, "How come there is such a timid and fearful copycat leader, wouldn't he dare to come out to see us?"

Leng Chengyu looked inside the cottage, and there were many evil spirits flying out, and then rushing into the dense forest, as if the situation was a bit wrong.

He couldn't help but said, "Will the bucktooth evil spirit leader escape? Otherwise, how can the evil spirits inside now dare to fly away?"

Leng Chengquan and several other commissioners also saw some problems.

Leng Chengquan said in a contemptuous tone: "I have also encircled many evil spirits' cottages before. Many evil spirits' cottages are stubbornly resisting, and they are unwilling to leave their territory.

Even if they fled, they fled in large numbers.

After all, if you leave alone, you will undoubtedly die if you are chased by the ghost guard.

However, it was unexpected that the cottage seemed to be out of control now, and it was like headless flies, and those evil spirits were constantly running around. "

At this time, Zhao Zizhou, who had just caught up, heard Leng Chengquan’s words, and couldn’t help saying: “I see the evil spirits in the cottage are running around like headless flies. It should be because I heard our Leng Squadron leader is coming. , They will run away only if they are afraid. I am worried that the bucktooth evil spirit leader has also escaped."

Hearing Zhao Zizhou's random interruptions, Leng Chengquan's face suddenly showed displeasure, and his stern eyes swept towards Zhao Zizhou.

However, when Yu Guang caught sight of Simon Yiyi beside Zhao Zizhou, his gaze suddenly softened, squeezed a smile and nodded. He wanted to scold Zhao Zizhou a few words, but he resisted not saying anything.

Besides, the bucktooth evil spirit leader is exactly what Zhao Zizhou said. When he felt that the houses in the cottage were trembling, and the evil spirits under his men said that when the master of the ward off ghosts had already hacked up, the bucktooth evil spirit The chief immediately flew over the roof.

Looking down the cottage through the tall lush leaves, I saw the sentry in a mess.

The original high sentry post has now become like a flat ground.

At the same time, he also saw a human ghost defender with a golden knife in his hand, which looked so dazzling in the sunlight.

Seeing this knife, the head of the bucktooth evil spirit couldn't help but trembled.

The head of the buck-toothed rabbit evil spirit believed the words of his evil spirits, and the ghost master did cut it up.

He also heard that Leng Chengyu slashed all the evil spirits in the defensive point with a single knife, including the master of the evil spirit leader.

Therefore, he was very afraid that Leng Chengyu would also come up and chop him.

He doesn't want to die.

Mi He Mi. He decided to abandon his territory and escape.

The territory is occupied, and the East Ghost King can send other evil spirits to take it back. Even if he sends him to take it back, he is willing.

However, it is time to avoid the edge of Leng Chengyu, a master of ghosts.

So, after observing and confirming that it must be the master of the ghost guard who had come up, when he fell from the sky, he did not return to the Juyi Hall at all, but fled directly.

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