The leader of the bucktooth evil spirit fled directly to the palace of the East Ghost King.

"Master Ghost King, it's not good! My territory is occupied by the master of ghost guards. He took a golden knife and chopped down my cottage along the way, cutting down my sentries like flat ground. Send Your guards go and get him back."

As soon as he fled to the palace of the East Ghost King, the head of the buck-toothed rabbit evil spirit was afraid of the East Ghost King to blame, and immediately complained to the East Ghost King, focusing on the power of Tilen Chengyu.

When the East Ghost King heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up: "You mean he is still in your territory now?"

The evil spirit leader of the bucktooth rabbit said: "Yes, in order to keep him, I didn't even have time to retreat from the evil spirits in my territory, so I ran to report to you alone."

The buck-toothed rabbit evil spirit ran away alone, leaving all the things under the evil spirits in the cottage to lightly expose, and said the purpose as if it was for the sake of the East Ghost King.

The bucktooth evil spirit leader said so, mainly because he wanted not to be punished by the Eastern Ghost King.

Sure enough, when the evil spirit leader of the bucktooth rabbit said so, the East Ghost King felt very excited.

"After waiting for so long, I finally waited for him, okay! You did a good job! If all your subordinates are hacked to death by him, I will give you more subordinates. You are my hero now."

Decrease Bxwx.cO 汜. The evil spirit leader of the bucktooth rabbit didn't expect that not only did the East Ghost King not punish him because he was afraid of running away, but also said that he did a good job, and he would also reward him.

The head of the bucktooth hare evil spirit immediately said happily: "Master Ghost King, then you should send your guards. If he is late, he may only leave behind his ghost guards, and then leave."

"My bodyguard has gone."

At this time, the East Ghost King said with a smile.

"Already gone?"

Not only the bucktooth evil spirit chief, but even the other chiefs in the palace were surprised.

They didn't even see the East Ghost King ordering his guards, it must have been sent out through some code word or sound transmission.

This makes the leaders feel that the East Ghost King's guards are even more mysterious.

And Leng Chengyu's side.

After Leng Chengquan asked his subordinates to call out the ghost guards, and after the bucktooth evil spirit leader came out to meet, Leng Chengyu and several commissioners waited for a long time, but did not wait for the bucktooth evil spirit leader to appear.

Leng Chengyu sighed: "Maybe it's true that, as my men said, the evil spirit leader of the Bucktooth Rabbit has escaped."

And Fang Zhirou also sighed: "If the evil spirit leader of the bucktooth rabbit escapes and wants to frighten the Eastern Ghost King, he can only use his own way to cure his body and kill the evil spirits in this cottage."

Song Fei and the Special Envoy of the Great Elder both nodded gently.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such. Leng Chengquan had no choice but to say, "Then go in."

Leng Chengyu suggested: "Evil spirits that are alone can be cleaned up by other ghost defenders, and if they are piled up together, I can let them kill them, so as to avoid the losses caused by the melee."

In this way, Leng Chengyu walked into the cottage with Guan Gong's broad knife in front. He specifically went to find those places with many evil spirits, and then cut it with a knife.

And Leng Chengquan sent their ghost guards to summon ghosts out to besiege those evil spirits who only wanted to escape.

While Leng Chengyu and the others were strangling the evil spirits in the cottage in large numbers, suddenly, a few strange winds came in the sky.

Because the evil spirits and various ghost spirits are performing ghost skills, the entire cottage is in chaos.

Therefore, when these strange winds swept in, they didn't attract everyone's attention. I thought it was an evil spirit or a ghost technique performed by a ghost.

However, when these strange winds seemed to slowly wind up near Leng Chengyu spiritually, and the strange winds moved wherever Leng Chengyu went, Leng Chengyu noticed something wrong.

He looked up at the strange winds and asked Liu Fang, the girl ghost who had been by his side to protect him, "Do you think there is anything wrong with those winds?"

"I'll try it."

Liu Fang also noticed something unusual about these winds.

Therefore, she flew over and slapped her hand at the strange winds.

Who knows, when Liu Fang's slap was slapped out, those strange winds suddenly broke out with great strength, knocking Liu Fang into the ground.

"They may be evil spirits!" Liu Fang, who fell on the ground, said nervously to Leng Chengyu, "Master, be careful, they seem to be coming for you."

Leng Chengyu suddenly remembered what the squadron leader said when Vice President Du Lin was arrested, that Vice President Du Lin was swept away by a few strange winds.

"Weird wind?"

Leng Chengyu immediately raised the Guan Gong knife and slashed it against the strange winds.

Leng Chengyu accumulated his sword power and the speed of his chopping past was very fast, he didn't accumulate full sword power before he cut out.

This is just a tentative attack.

The blade's momentum, like a violent wind and huge waves, swept towards those strange winds, very fast.

Those few strange winds wanted to avoid it, but there was no time to avoid it.

Then, a scream of "Ah!" came from the strange wind.

Soon those strange winds got into the dense forest and disappeared.

And what happened to Leng Chengyu, Leng Chengquan, Fang Zhirou and the others, they just commanded their ghost guards to encircle and suppress those alone evil spirits, but they didn't notice here.

Seeing that these strange winds had escaped, Leng Chengyu continued to wield his Guan Gong knife, chopped down the places where evil spirits gathered, and continued to work with Leng Chengquan and the others to strangle the evil spirits in the cottage.

And here is the East Ghost King.

East Ghost King was sitting on the throne of his palace, waiting leisurely and excitedly for his guards to capture Leng Chengyu, the master of ghosts.

He really wanted to see with his own eyes how powerful Leng Chengyu’s knife really was. He even had a kind of wanting to use Leng Chengyu’s knife to slash him, and feel it. Break a defensive point and kill all the evil spirits in the defensive point.

Who knows, at this time, a few waves of sluggishness have come in.

Then, Donggui Wang's face changed.

Dongguiwang's face changed from white to green to red, and he was angry.

"Damn it! Damn it! That ghost master actually injured one of my guards."

Although the actions of these guards of the East Ghost King are weird and have special hiding abilities, their levels are also ranging from level one to level six. Not every guard team member is that powerful.

Leng Chengyu's knife just cut and wounded a member of the guards of the first-level red ghost ghost.

Members of the Guards who are good at hiding and assassin have never suffered such a shame.

Mi He Mi. However, because some of the team members were injured, they had to return to the East Ghost King's palace and report to the East Ghost King.

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