The current East Ghost King can be said to hate Leng Chengyu, a master of ghosts, but at the same time, he is also very curious, why does Leng Chengyu have such great ability?

He really wanted to see Leng Chengyu's golden sword with his own eyes.

Finally, Donggui Wang calmed down his anger and suppressed his curiosity. He turned his head and glanced at the chieftains in the palace, including the evil spirit chieftain of the bucktooth rabbit.

"What do you think should be done now?"

The East Ghost King suppressed the anger in his heart, and asked calmly in an inexplicable tone.

However, all the leaders knew that if they were a little careless, the Eastern Ghost King would definitely take one of them to exasperate.

Therefore, all the leaders bowed their heads tremblingly, not daring to say a word.

The East Ghost King roared again: "Are you dumb? Do you want me to pry your mouth open before you can speak?"

"The guards who offend Lord Ghost King certainly cannot be merciless."

The leader said immediately.

This leader is also more flexible in mind, knowing that the East Ghost King would love to hear these words.

The other chiefs also followed suit.

"Yes, we must take revenge!"


"Never be merciless!"

What's more, the leader shouted loudly: "You must kill the master of ghost guard!"

At this moment, suddenly, the East Ghost King's sharp eyes swept towards the shouting leader.

The leader felt the gaze of the East Ghost King as if he was going to kill, he was a little puzzled, he was stunned there, he just followed the trend a little stronger, he didn't know where he had offended the East Ghost King.

It was the more agile leader who came out and said, "Yes, you must catch the master of the ghost defender, and let the ghost king personally kill him."

At this time, the leader's words finally came to the heart of the East Ghost King. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

Although the Eastern Ghost King was very curious about the methods of Leng Chengyu, a master master of ghosts, he hated far more than curiosity.

After all, Leng Chengyu has killed an unknown number of his evil spirits, and now he has injured his doting and proud guards.

This is more painful than killing his tens of thousands of evil spirits.

He had long wanted to kill Leng Chengyu, a master of ghosts.

However, before killing, we must figure out how Leng Chengyu, a human being, can become a killer **** feared by every evil spirit in his ghost king territory with a golden sword.

The Eastern Ghost King nodded to the agile leader and said, "Yes, you must capture this master of ghost defenders, take the golden sword in his hand, and let me smash him into pieces with my own hands."

Hearing the words of the East Ghost King's approval, the other chieftains were relieved, especially the one who was still yelling just now.

However, then the East Ghost King raised a problem again.

"Then how can we catch the master of ghost defender, and quickly tell your way."

The leaders were dumbfounded again, and didn't know how to answer.

The East Ghost King cast his gaze on the agile leader.

This agile leader deserves to be agile. He immediately said: "It is better to catch that master of ghosts, it is better to be fast rather than slow. Now he is killing the evil spirits of the territory in the territory led by the evil spirits of the bucktooth. This opportunity is not Should be missed."

At this moment, the leader immediately retorted: "We have sent a guard, but what can we do if we can't get it back?"

The agile leader said: "I think it is possible to carry out a wheel war against the master of ghosts."

"Wheel battle? What kind of wheel battle?"

The East Ghost King looked at this flexible leader with interest.

The leader said: "We can send a large number of evil spirits to take back the territory of the evil spirit leader of the bucktooth rabbit, and attract the master of ghosts to take action.

I don't believe that the ghost master has no limits. He saw so many evil spirits counterattack together, he would definitely use a knife to slash, thus preventing us from counterattack.

But how many knives can he chop?

We want those evil spirits to rush up as cannon fodder, and let the master ghost defender keep slashing, killing waves after waves.

Wait until the master of the ghost guard is tired, and then let the guards make a move, then it's not enough to catch it. "

"This is to sacrifice many evil spirits!" Many leaders sighed.

The agile leader immediately said, "What is there to sacrifice? There are so many prisons in the territory of Lord Ghost King, and there are so many evil spirits that offend Lord Ghost King.

As long as Xu tells them that he can take back the territory, let them be free.

These evil spirits, who were originally prisoners, would definitely be very happy. "

"Okay, that's it."

A smile finally appeared on the face of the East Ghost King.

He felt that the nimble leader said it was very reasonable, that the ghost guard master could not cut so many knives in a row.

As long as the power of the ghost defender is exhausted, that is, when his guards take action, then the ghost defender will not be able to escape.

And Leng Chengyu's side.

Leng Chengyu and the others are constantly killing the evil spirits in the headland of the bucktooth rabbit evil spirits that have not had time to escape.

At this moment, I suddenly heard that a ghost guard came down to report.

"It's not good! Captain Leng Squadron, the evil spirits in the territory of the Ghost King have counterattacked."

Now, the evil spirits in the UU Reading cottage have almost killed all the evil spirits that haven't escaped. Just as they were about to finish their work and leave, the evil spirits from the territory of the East Ghost King came to counterattack. Bxwx.C*o汜

Leng Chengyu got together with Leng Chengquan and several commissioners from the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance to discuss countermeasures.

Leng Chengquan saw that Leng Chengyu was like a murderous **** today. He smashed all the evil spirits gathered together to smash them, so that the ghost guards they brought did not have much loss, so he wiped out the whole thing. There are tens of thousands of evil spirits in the cottage.

Therefore, Leng Chengquan smiled and said to Leng Chengyu: "Why don't you go and cut a few more knives, so that the evil spirits who come to counterattack will never return."

Fang Zhirou said with some worry: "I think Captain Leng Squadron is also a little tired today."

Fang Zhirou has been paying attention to Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu had already cut a dozen knives in this cottage.

A knife with such a powerful force would definitely consume a lot of the body.

Therefore, Fang Zhirou was a little worried about Leng Chengyu's body. Mi He Mi

Hearing Fang Zhirou say this, Leng Chengyu felt warm in his heart.

He smiled and said: "I am indeed a little tired, but after taking a reply pill, it doesn't matter."

Fang Zhirou still worried: "There are not many evil spirits coming to counterattack now, only two or three thousand, and we also have almost 4000 ghost guards in our hands. We can use archers to block them for a while, let you rest for a while. Time, I think this is a little safer."

What else did Leng Chengyu want to say, Fang Zhirou resolutely said: "Now you are the backbone of our team, you can't make a mistake."

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