Hearing Fang Zhirou's caring words, Leng Chengyu couldn't help stepping forward, holding Fang Zhirou's white and tender little hand, and said, "Thank you for your concern!"

Fang Zhirou's face flushed, but she did not shake off Leng Chengyu's hand, but stood there quietly.

Song Fei, who was standing next to Fang Zhirou, had a disgusting anger in her eyes, staring at Leng Chengyu.

And Ximen Yiyi, who was not far from Leng Chengyu, saw the fire of jealousy in his eyes.

Then, Ximen Yiyi fixedly stared at Leng Chengyu, and while staring at Leng Chengyu, he walked towards Leng Chengquan.

When he walked to Leng Chengquan's side, he used his body to rub against Leng Chengquan, and then stared at Fang Zhirou with provocative eyes.

However, Fang Zhi, soft and cold, and Chengyu are now in a dimly happy moment when love is in the beginning and the deer scurrying around.

At this moment, they only had the two of them in their eyes and hearts, and everyone around them had become blurred in the eyes of both of them. All they felt was their body temperature and heartbeat.

They really want to experience this kind of happiness forever, and want time to stop there.

After a long time, Leng Chengquan suddenly coughed and said loudly: "In that case, then, I will arrange archers to block the counterattack of evil spirits first." Sacrifice as lolxsw.com

Leng Chengyu and Fang Zhirou, who were immersed in happiness, immediately separated their hands.汜减bxW x.C*O汜

Then, Leng Chengyu nodded to Leng Chengquan unnaturally and said, "Okay, you can arrange it. I will take a break first."

Therefore, Leng Chengquan instructed his ghost archers to use the walls and cliffs in the cottage that had not completely collapsed as a cover, and shot waves of sharp arrows at the evil spirits that came up in the counterattack.

The sharp arrow contained evil spirits, piercing the sky, and shooting at the evil spirits that rushed up like a raging beast, or those evil spirits that were flying up.

They shot down dozens or hundreds of those evil spirits at once.

After the sharp arrows continued to shoot down, the evil spirits also quickly hid behind the small shield next to them, not daring to rush up any more.

Seeing that Li Jian had suppressed the evil spirits of the counterattack, Leng Chengquan immediately said to Leng Chengyu: "Are you resting well now? Do you want to take a knife and cut it right now?"

At this time, Fang Zhirou said, "Let Captain Leng Squadron take a little more rest. I will let my paperman go down and destroy the 1,000 wicked people."

After speaking, Fang Zhirou took out a dozen of her paper figures from her storage space.

The strength of these paper men is very strong, they are all close to the level of the scarlet ghost.

These paper men flew down, and the vast aura had already caused the bodies of the evil spirits below to tremble.

A bold evil spirit fluttered out from behind the shelter to resist these paper men.

Who knows, these paper men can slap these evil spirits to the ground with just one slap.

Even those evil spirits that didn't fly out from behind the shelter were caught by these paper men and injured or killed them.

Soon, these evil spirits who came up on the counterattack were dead and wounded, and there were only a few left.

Behind these paper men, Leng Chengquan sent some of his ghost guards to summon ghosts to clean up the mess.

In this way, these evil spirits that came up on the counterattack will soon be wiped out.

"Why don't they have an evil spirit running away?"

Leng Chengquan suddenly saw a problem, that is, these attacking evil spirits seemed to be threatened, and could only advance but not retreat.

Leng Chengyu was also aware of this problem. He said: "I am afraid that these attacking evil spirits are just pathfinder stones, and there will be more evil spirits attacking later."

As soon as Leng Chengyu's words fell, the sound of ghosts crying and howling came from under the cottage, and waves of cold aura surged over the cottage.

Leng Chengyu raised their eyes and looked down, only to see a large swath of evil spirits underneath.

Some are flying in the air, some are walking on the ground, and some are crawling on the ground.

There are tens of thousands of evil spirits attacking the cottage.

"What to do?" Leng Chengyu asked with condensed eyebrows.

This time, Leng Chengyu was not only facing Leng Chengquan, but also facing several other commissioners.

But Song Fei and the Special Envoy of the Great Elder looked at Fang Zhirou.

Leng Chengyu also wanted to hear Fang Zhirou's opinions.

Fang Zhirou said: "We now have less than 4,000 ghost guards under our hands. We can't fight tens of thousands of evil spirits at all. Even if we add the paper men I brought, it's hard to resist."

"So, Captain Leng Squadron." Fang Zhirou turned her head to look at Leng Chengyu, and said: "It's better to let you be the vanguard first, take a knife to cut a path, and then we will let our ghost guard and my paper man , Clean up the mess behind you."

Leng Chengyu understood what Fang Zhirou meant, and wanted him to open the way in front, chop down those evil spirits to fear, and when they flee around, let the ghost guard summon ghosts to clean up the mess, so that it can reduce Lost.

"Can you still keep up with your strength now?" Fang Zhirou asked again in a caring tone.

Fang Zhirou didn't want Leng Chengyu to make a knife.

However, there are too many evil spirits attacking from below.

From the perspective of the optimal plan, Leng Chengyu opens the way first, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and their ghost guards are next to cooperate. That is the best, and it can minimize losses.

Leng Chengyu nodded and said, "After taking the Pill and taking a rest, I have fully recovered. There is no problem with cutting more than ten or twenty dollars."

"Okay, let's prepare now, do you want to let the archer shoot down one round first." Leng Chengquan asked.

Leng Chengyu said: "No, using the bow and arrows first caused the evil spirits below to scatter. Now I am alone and have a few of my men to protect and open the way in front. The evil spirits below are dense enough. At that time, it will be able to kill more evil spirits."

After speaking, Leng Chengyu took Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei, Ximen Yiyi and other ghosts from the ghost guards and flew down.

When Leng Chengyu went down, he was dragging his Guan Gong knife while accumulating the sword's momentum, and then flew down quickly.

Soon, when he was only a few tens of meters away from the evil spirits, Leng Chengyu swung his knife and chopped it down.

The vastness of the sword is like a violent wind and huge waves, sweeping toward the densely packed evil spirits. Mi He Mi

The evil spirits rushing in the forefront didn't even have time to make a screaming sound, they were already shattered by the violent wind and huge waves like a knife that suddenly swept away.

The evil spirits with a radius of more than tens of meters shattered all their limbs.

This caused these evil spirits to rush up, and several thousand were lost all at once.

Others were not shattered, and some were seriously injured. Those who were farther away were slightly injured, and those who were farther away, those who were all right, began to flee at extreme speed.

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