Finally, with only a few slashes, with the cooperation of the ghost guards brought by Leng Chengyu and several commissioners, tens of thousands of evil spirits were hacked and killed so that only a few could escape, and all the others were killed.

And those guards hiding the East Ghost King nearby saw that Leng Chengyu didn't consume much at all, and he was still strong and energetic, so they didn't dare to come out to catch Leng Chengyu.

Only waiting for the East Ghost King to send more evil spirits to continue to consume Leng Chengyu's physical strength.

This wave of 10,000 evil spirits had just been wiped out, and within a few minutes, there was suddenly another yin wind blowing up, and then the yin and yang weird cry of killing followed.

When Leng Chengyu and the others looked down on the cottage, they found that there were more than 20,000 evil spirits attacking the cottage.

Leng Chengyu also discussed with several commissioners and decided to use the previous method.

It was to let Leng Chengyu be the vanguard to hack to death the evil spirits with one slash, and then other ghost defenders would take care of the mess.

Before Leng Chengyu could rest for long, he immediately continued to rush, and then began to slash with Guan Gong's broad knife.

And Leng Chengyu also followed those thousands of ghost guards, and they also summoned their respective ghosts to cooperate with Leng Chengyu.

After a few minutes of fighting, the more than 20,000 evil spirits were killed at once and not many were left, all of them fled.

However, how long has not passed yet.

Leng Chengyu and the others discovered that another 50,000 or 60,000 evil spirits had attacked the cottage again.

Leng Chengyu and Leng Chengquan's commissioners began to look serious.

Fang Zhirou first said: "East Ghost King has too many people, and we can't kill them at all. Even if we kill this batch, the next batch will come even more. What should we do now?"

The Special Envoy of the Great Elder also said worriedly: "If it weren't for the sword of Captain Leng Squadron, and the East Ghost King sent so many evil spirits to attack, we might have been killed here long ago."

Leng Chengyu also felt very heavy, he could kill these 50,000 evil spirits.

However, if another 50,000 or 100,000 evil spirits come next time, if he continues to chop, he will consume a lot of physical strength if he continues like this.

At that time, even if there is a recovery pill, I am afraid that it will not recover so quickly.

If Leng Chengyu can’t cut it down, then there are so many evil spirits, even if there are only tens of thousands, compared with the more than 2,000 ghost guards they brought, it is as easy as ants crushing an elephant. .

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. In view of this, Leng Chengyu suggested: "Why don't we find a way to leave this place after we have killed this batch and return to the Xicheng District Defense Line?"

Several commissioners including Leng Chengquan and Fang Zhirou nodded in agreement.

After all, there are too many evil spirits under the East Ghost King, how can they be killed in waves?

Moreover, now they are still on the territory of the evil spirit leader of the East Ghost King's Bucktooth Rabbit, making the East Ghost King even more comfortable.

Therefore, everyone planned. Leng Chengyu opened the way first, and after killing the 50,000 evil spirits, he set off immediately and quickly withdrew to the direction of the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station.

I no longer care about the territory of the bucktooth evil spirit leader, and no longer care about whether there are evil spirits behind to continue to attack.

They couldn't invade this territory led by the evil spirits of the bucktooth rabbit.

With their current number of ghost defenders, trying to fight the East Ghost King is simply an egg against a stone.

After making the plan, Leng Chengyu ate a reply pill, and immediately flew towards the 20,000 evil spirits with Zhao Zizhou, Wu Siwei's ghost, and his own ghost, Liu Fang.

Then, under the cover of these ghosts, he began to accumulate momentum for Guan Gong's broadsword, and then kept hacking.

And Leng Chengquan and Fang Zhirou, and their commissioners, each commanded the ghost guard, and summoned ghosts to help Leng Chengyu clean up the evil spirits that had not been hacked to death.

In this way, more than 10 minutes passed, and finally this batch of more than 50,000 evil spirits was almost killed. The others were not killed, and they fled everywhere.

When they reached the bottom of the cottage, Leng Chengyu and the others no longer returned to the cottage, but immediately returned to the Xicheng District Defense Line station.

The Inspectors of the East Ghost King and his guards hiding in the dark felt very sorry to see that Leng Chengyu and the others had left.

However, the guards did not dare to immediately go forward to catch Leng Chengyu.

Because they saw that Leng Chengyu is still so energetic, and there is no sign of tiredness at all.

Therefore, they had to go back and report to the East Ghost King, and let the East Ghost King send more evil spirits to chase Leng Chengyu and the others.

Inside the palace of the East Ghost King.

Subtract The East Ghost King and the leaders are waiting for good news. Who knows, at this time, a few strange winds blew in, whirled above the East Ghost King's head, and then disappeared.

At this time, the face of the East Ghost King changed drastically.

At this time, a few more inspectors ran in and reported on their knees: "It's not good! The ghost king, the master of the ghost ward ran away. All their ghost ward, gave up the territory of the head of the bucktooth rabbit, and went west. The urban defense line station fled back."

The few winds that have just drawn in are the guards of the East Ghost King.

The East Ghost King knew from his guard that Leng Chengyu and the others had escaped.

The East Ghost King was already a little angry.

Now, these inspectors ran in and repeated it again, adding to the fire of the Eastern Ghost King.

The East Ghost King stretched out a sharp claw, grabbed one of the talking inspectors, and then flung it to the corner of the palace.

"You guys! I lost seven to eighty thousand evil spirits in vain, but I didn't even catch the ghost master and let him escape!"

The inspector who was thrown to the corner suffered a few minor injuries and didn't lose his life. He had lingering fears, so he pretended to faint and died in the corner.

The other inspectors looked at the East Ghost King in horror, and defended: "Master Ghost King, it's none of our business! We are just looking for news by the side!"

The East Ghost King also knew that, regardless of the matter of these inspectors, he turned his sharp gaze to the clever leader after he had finished breathing out one of the inspectors.

"It's all your bad ideas. Now that you have lost so many people in vain, but still can't catch the master of ghost guard, I want you to pay for it!"

As the Eastern Ghost King spoke, he stretched out his sharp claws, grabbed the neck of this flexible-minded evil spirit, and lifted his body in mid-air. It was possible to pinch the evil spirit's head to death at any time.

Mi He Mi. This evil spirit leader was also frightened with sweat on his forehead, and he did not expect that the ghost guard master had not been dragged down by the wheel battle he had imagined, and even fled.

He was constantly thinking in his head now, and he had to figure out some way to calm the anger of the East Ghost King.

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