Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 275: Implement the plan ahead of time

The East Ghost King pinched the neck of his flexible head like a duck.

However, this nimble leader is not panicked at all.

After thinking about it for a while, he said with a confident look: "Master Ghost King, it seems that you have to implement your plan in advance."

The East Ghost King was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this nimble leader was now about to be pinched to death by him, and he could still be so calm.

"What plan?" Donggui Wang's face was cold.

The agile leader looked like he took it for granted, and said, "Can you put me down first?"

The East Ghost King snorted coldly, but still let go of the agile leader.

After taking a few deep breaths, the agile leader said, "Master Ghost King, what I said is that your plan to invade Fuyang City should be implemented in advance."

When the other leaders heard what the smart leader said, they were in an uproar.

"What? Implement the plan to invade Fuyang City in advance?"

"We are not yet fully prepared. If we rush to invade Fuyang City, let alone counterattack from Fuyang City's ghost guards, just say that the scattered leaders near the ghost king's domain that are coveted by the ghost king's domain will be It's already unbearable for us."

"Say, why did you suddenly say that you are planning to invade Fuyang City in advance?" The East Ghost King suddenly stretched out his claws again, reaching the neck of the agile leader, and said with a cold face.

The clever-minded leader was still very calm and said, "Master Ghost King, if you want to catch the master of ghost guard, you should plan ahead."

Immediately there was a leader who retorted: "For the sake of a master of ghosts, should I risk the possibility of failure and implement the plan?" Xiru Xiru

"Failure does not necessarily mean failure." The agile leader said with a confident look, "Moreover, even if the Lord of the Ghosts does not invade Fuyang City, it has become a thorn in the thorns of the Alliance of Ghosts.

The current situation is different, and the tentative attack made by Lord Ghost King has already attracted the commissioner from the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts. "

"Attracted the commissioner from the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League, how did you know?" Donggui Wang asked with a cold face.

As the ghost king in the domain of the ghost king, he didn't know, how could this agile leader know.

The clever-minded leader said, "It was the evil spirits who had just been sent out to counterattack the gargoyle evil spirit leader's territory and fled back to discuss it in private. After occasionally hearing it, I found it out through inquiries.

It turned out that Lord Ghost King had made a deal with the Special Envoy of the Great Elder at the Headquarters of the Ghost King Alliance before.

The two women present at the time who often came to explore the territory of our ghost king were commissioners from the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

Now they appeared again on the territory of the evil spirit leader of the Bucktooth Rabbit.

What does this show? It shows that the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts may have sent the vanguard troops to the defensive line of Xicheng District.

If this is the case, then, even if Lord Ghost King does not invade Fuyang City, he will be surrounded by the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

At that time, the encirclement and suppression of the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts came, but we still have not implemented the plan to invade Fuyang City, we will never have this opportunity again, we can only strictly guard the territory of the ghost king.

And if Lord Ghost King quickly captured Fuyang City now, he could use the resources of Fuyang City to cooperate with other ghost kings and let them contain the headquarters of the Guizhe League.

At that time, the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts was harassed by other ghost kings, and there was no time to come to Fuyang City to retake Fuyang City.

After this turmoil, Fuyang City became the territory of Lord Ghost King. "

After hearing the words of this flexible leader, the East Ghost King began to think.

The other chiefs did not say any more rebuttals.

After waiting for a few minutes, the East Ghost King finally made a decision and said: "Okay! Then implement the plan to attack Fuyang City in advance, and everyone will discuss the specific implementation plan now."

The agile leader said again: "I think it should be attacked. We pretended to chase the fleeing ghost master, and then called him unprepared. Then we sent a large number of evil spirits into the defensive area of ​​Xicheng District. Advance into Fuyang City.

Lord Ghost King has more than one million evil spirits, and as long as he dispatches 700,000 to 800,000, it is enough to invade the entire Fuyang City. However, there are only tens of thousands of ghost guards in the defensive line of Xicheng District, and they can't resist the attack of Lord Ghost King at all. "

A fierce color flashed in the eyes of the East Ghost King, and said: "Okay! Then I will implement the plan to invade Fuyang City. I will send 300,000 evil spirits in the first batch to attack in three batches, and pretend to be chasing the Yugui. Master."

Let's talk about Leng Chengyu's side.

Leng Chengyu and the others have not escaped back to the defensive station in Xicheng District, but have entered the outer defensive point.

Suddenly, I heard an unusually thick and noisy sound from behind, as if countless crowds were surging.

But these sounds sound very eerie.

There was even a voice who directly shouted: "Grab the human ghost master!"

Leng Chengyu and the others realized that a large number of evil spirits were chasing after him. UU Reading 汜减汜

However, they have now entered the defensive point outside the defensive line station in Xicheng District, Fuyang City.

So, will the evil spirits of the East Ghost King chase in?

Leng Chengyu and the others entered the defensive point outside the Xicheng District Line of Defense Station, and they have already entered the Xicheng District Airline Station.

Even if there are the evil spirits of the East Ghost King behind, Leng Chengyu and the others can no longer escape to the Xicheng defense line station, but can only send the news back to the Xicheng defense line station, and then turn back to deal with these evil spirits. , And guard the defensive point with the ghost guards in the defensive point.

After all, these evil leaders, Leng Chengyu, and the others felt that they should have brought it in. They had to take this responsibility and could not allow the evil spirits of the Eastern Ghost King to invade the defensive point that was finally established in the Xicheng District Defense Line.

Turning their heads, standing on the high guard post, looking far away, Leng Chengyu and several commissioners were shocked.

Because they saw a large swarm of evil spirits surging from the territory of the Eastern Ghost King.

A rough estimate is that there are at least more than 100,000 evil spirits.

Even if Leng Chengyu's granddaughter is concerned, I am afraid he can't cut that much.

And Leng Chengyu plus the ghost guards brought by several commissioners, the total is less than 4000, even if you add the guards guarding in the defensive point, it is not enough 5000, how can it deal with more than 10 Wan's evil spirit?

Even Leng Chengquan, who has always been very calm, showed a look of panic on his face at this time. Mi He Mi

"What's going on? Why did the East Ghost King suddenly send so many evil spirits to chase us?"

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