Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 277: Large-scale offensive begins

"This one?"

After the East Ghost King heard the words of the agile leader, his mind became active.

In fact, the East Ghost King has always had ambitions. He invaded Fuyang City, also in order to realize his ambition, that is, he became the most powerful ghost king in the east, west, north and south.

The words spoken by the flexible leader right now were in the arms of the East Ghost King.

If the East Ghost King can obtain this batch of shells containing evil spirits in Fuyang City, then his strength will indeed be greatly increased, and his status among other ghost kings will definitely be greatly improved.

This is exactly what the East Ghost King needs and dreams of.

The East Ghost King slowly put down the body of the agile head, and released the sharp claws that grabbed the neck of the agile head.

Then, with his eyes glowing with expectation, he asked, "How can I win the batch of shells containing evil spirits in Fuyang City?"

"Of course it is occupying Fuyang City."

The clever-minded leader still said with a confident look.

"I don't believe how capable Fuyang City can be. It can guard that batch of shells. All the ghost guards in Fuyang City must add up to no more than 50,000, and Master Ghost King has more than one million people.

As long as they are all dispatched and swept through, Fuyang City will definitely be able to take care of the East but not the West, and the power of his batch of shells will certainly not be able to stop the attack of Lord Ghost King.

At that time, with the cooperation of the Ghost King's guards, directly break into the spot where the shells are located and control the batch of shells. "

"Okay!" After hearing the words of the clever leader, the East Ghost King felt very happy.

The East Ghost King can already feel the refreshing feeling of his brilliance in front of other ghost kings.

Due to his strength, other ghost kings had to kneel down in front of him and look forward to him, while he turned from ghost king to ghost king, ruling everything in this world, including evil spirits, ghosts, and even humans. There are human ghosts.

Decrease bXwX.*cO 汜. All are under his control.

Thinking of this, the bright smile on the face of the East Ghost King couldn't help but surface.

The East Ghost King turned his head to look at the other leaders, and said, "You immediately send all your men to attack Fuyang City from all directions."

None of the other evil spirit leaders dared to refute the Eastern Ghost King, so they could only bow their heads and answer "yes."

Then, they all left the palace and commanded their respective evil spirits to capture Fuyang City.

The plan to capture Fuyang City has been discussed for a long time, and which evil spirit leader attacks from which direction and which one is responsible for it has been determined.

Therefore, these leaders do not need to order from the East Ghost King again, they already know what they are going to do.

They returned to their respective territories, without any reservations, sent out 90% of the evil spirits in their territories, and then marched towards Fuyang City.

However, it will take some time to rectify the team.

It is determined that after a large-scale attack on Fuyang City, it will not be possible to send more than one million troops.

They must first gather training, talk about rewards and punishments, and boost morale.

Then distribute the detailed action plan to the little bosses below, and the little bosses will start the selection in batches.

However, the vanguard troops have to find the way first, and then the large troops behind will slowly keep up.

And follow-up resources should be made up one after another.

It would take almost half a day for such a million troops to move.

Also, if these millions of troops want to lay a net around Fuyang City, and then attack Fuyang City at the same time, it will take even longer.

After all, the territory of the Eastern Ghost King is very vast, and some chieftains have territories far away from Fuyang City. It takes at least three days for the subordinates of these chiefs to reach Fuyang City.

Therefore, it will take at least three days to complete the assembly of Donggui Wangwan's subordinates near Fuyang City, which is already the fastest.

If you want to attack, you have to wait at least 4 days later.

Besides, after Leng Chengyu was supported by shells containing evil spirits, he could almost kill all the 100,000 evil spirits.

Leng Chengyu and the others retreated to the defensive point, and when they found that no other evil spirits came to attack again, they first returned to the Xicheng District defensive line station.

After returning to the defensive station in Xicheng District, Leng Chengyu, several other commissioners, and the ghost guards who had taken with him, took a rest for a day or two.

However, within these two days, there was news that a ghost guard observed that there seemed to be signs of large-scale evil spirits moving around Fuyang City at the same time in the territory of the Eastern Ghost King.

Even President Zhong went to observe.

After President Zhong went to observe, his face immediately became serious.

However, Chairman Zhong did not say his own point of view, but asked the squadron leaders who were with him to observe.

"What do you think is the reason for the massive movement of evil spirits in the territory of the Eastern Ghost King?"

A squadron leader said: "This is very similar to the ghost tide, it seems that a large-scale evil spirit is moving."

The other squadron leaders also affirmed this squadron leader's words.

And the next discussion is, why are there so many places in the territory of the East Ghost King that appear to be similar to the movement of large-scale ghosts? And it's still moving towards the outer area of ​​Fuyang City?

Everyone quickly thought of it.

Immediately a squadron leader said: "Don't the East Ghost King is ready to attack Fuyang City on a large scale, right?"

Other squadron leaders also have this concern.

After President Zhong observed so many large-scale movements of evil spirits before, he also guessed this.

He also believes that it is possible that the East Ghost King is about to attack Fuyang City. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Chairman Zhong nodded and said, "I guess it's also the East Ghost King who is going to make a big move."

"Then what should I do now?"

The other squadron captains also became serious.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. "We don't have the strength to resist the large-scale attack of the Eastern Ghost King!"

Chairman Zhong said: "Report to the Headquarters of the Yuguizhe League immediately, so that they can send forces to rescue Fuyang City as soon as possible. At the same time, we must send various intelligence personnel to grasp accurate information and observe the movements of the East Ghost King at any time."

Although at the time of observation, a preliminary plan has been made.

However, after Chairman Zhong and each squadron returned to the Xicheng District Line of Defense station, they held another high-level meeting.

Even the commissioners and Leng Chengyu were invited to the meeting.

At the meeting, Chairman Zhong told his guess with other squadron leaders.

Mi He Mi. In the past two days, Leng Chengyu and several commissioners, although they were resting.

However, they also heard some news, but they didn't confirm it.

Now, what President Zhong said, they also feel that the situation is very serious.

And Fang Zhirou immediately said: "The headquarters of the Union of Ghosts has actually included the encirclement and suppression of the East Ghost King on the agenda, and a large number of shells containing evil spirits are also being transported to Fuyang City."

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