Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 278: Leng Chengquan's depression

"Are there more shells coming in?"

President Zhong felt very excited when she heard Fang Zhirou say this.

President Zhong knew the sound of the shells that he remembered before, and the place where the shells were loaded was chosen by President Zhong.

President Zhong had previously applied to the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts to encircle and suppress the East Ghost King, but he did not get permission.

However, the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts allocated some of the shells that contained evil spirits, so that President Zhong would prepare for emergencies.

When Leng Chengyu and the others went to capture the territory of the evil spirit leader of the Bucktooth and fled back, he already knew.

He also knew that he had been chased by more than 100,000 evil spirits.

Later, more than 100,000 evil spirits were bombarded by artillery shells, and he also knew.

Those artillery shells were directly dispatched by experts from the Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts to control the firing. Diminish

President Zhong couldn't directly take over this batch of shells either.

As for the sudden sound of the shells, Chairman Zhong also knew that it should be the order of the commissioners sent by the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

Therefore, he is not too surprised.

Finally, after hearing that Leng Chengyu and the others had been assisted by shells, they had defeated more than 100,000 evil spirits by relying on thousands of ghost guards.

He was very happy.

However, a large-scale movement of evil spirits in the territory of the East Ghost King is now observed. According to predictions, it is possible that the East Ghost King is about to attack Fuyang City on a large scale.

He felt very worried.

Because that batch of shells was not enough for the millions of evil spirits of the East Ghost King.

And now, after hearing Fang Zhirou say that there are a large number of shells already on the way to Fuyang City, he feels a little more at ease now.

Chairman Zhong said happily: "If there are shells coming, then I don't have to worry about the sudden large-scale attack by the East Ghost King."

The other squadron captains also felt very relieved.

And Fang Zhirou said to Chairman Zhong: "You arrange the place where the shells are placed. I see, this time the moving direction of the evil spirits of the East Ghost King seems to want to surround the entire Fuyang City uniform and attack in one fell swoop.

Chairman Zhong said immediately: "Please rest assured that the commissioners will arrange the place where the shells will be placed. We have had meetings and discussed many times, and there are several plans and the best plans that will be previewed for you.

At that time, we will take a look with the experts sent to see where the installation will be able to defend Fuyang City, and even take the opportunity to thwart the vitality of the East Ghost King, and then break into the territory of the East Ghost King. Take back the territory.

If that can happen, that would be great. "

Fang Zhirou said: "The Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts is indeed the idea. After the shells were shipped, they originally wanted to slowly advance to the territory of the East Ghost King, and then step by step to destroy the East Ghost King.

However, now that the East Ghost King is about to invade Fuyang City in advance, it happens to take this opportunity to concentrate all the power and wipe out the vital power of the East Ghost King. "

Chairman Zhong was also very excited.

"According to the scope and extent of the movement of the evil spirits, I am afraid that all of the million people of the East Ghost King will be dispatched this time.

If we can wipe out the vital power of the East Ghost King around Fuyang City, then we will enter the territory of the East Ghost King to encircle and suppress the East Ghost King, and it will become a breeze. "

As one of the four commissioners, Leng Chengquan, who was next to him, couldn't intervene. He felt very depressed.

He was originally the most outstanding genius cultivated by the Headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance, and he will be of great use in the future.

However, Fang Zhirou now has the upper hand.

He didn't know anything about the plan to encircle the East Ghost King by the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League.

This made him feel that he had to do something to make the Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts take a high look at him.

Unlike the others who were excited, Leng Chengquan sat there unhappy.

Although he was able to become the vice chairman in the richest city of the sea.

However, there has not been any major achievement so far, so that the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts will look highly, especially the elders of the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts.

And now, the reason why he was able to come to Fuyang City as the Vice President of Haidu City and the Commissioner of the Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts was because he was trained from the Headquarters of the Union of Ghosts.

Some big figures in the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian League still wanted to show him opportunities.

However, now that he came to Fuyang City, he thought he could lead this campaign to encircle and suppress the East Ghost King.

Who knows, Fang Zhirou stepped in, everything was already in Fang Zhirou's plan. Sacrifice as

And he has no idea about this plan.

The Headquarters of the Union of Ghost Defenders had already handed Fang Zhirou the overall responsibility for the encirclement and suppression of the East Ghost King.

However, Leng Chengquan also knew that there were also some big figures in the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts who wanted to train Fang Zhirou.

And Fang Zhirou's goal is not at all at odds with his goal.

Therefore, he would not be too jealous of Fang Zhirou's leadership position in this encirclement and suppression operation.

However, he always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He really didn't want to be Fang Zhirou's foil in this encirclement and suppression operation.

However, at this point, I can only expand his influence in this Thinking of expanding influence in this operation, Leng Chengquan suddenly thought of Leng Chengyu’s powerful ability.

Leng Chengquan felt that if he could have a good relationship with Leng Chengyu in this operation, and eventually take Leng Chengyu as his subordinate, the harvest of this operation would be very great.

The meeting finally ended in a lively discussion.

When the meeting just ended and wanted to adjourn, Fang Zhirou received a call from the headquarters of the Yuguizhe Alliance, saying that the first batch of shells had been shipped to Fuyang City, and the subsequent shells would arrive within two days.

After hearing this news, Chairman Zhong and the other squadron leaders were very happy, and Leng Chengyu was naturally very happy too.

However, what made Leng Chengyu feel a little puzzled was that at this time, Leng Chengquan approached him intentionally or unintentionally, and kept smiling at him, without knowing what Leng Chengquan meant.

Everyone was discussing how to install the cannonballs in the most suitable place to maximize the power of the cannonballs. This Leng Chengquan turned his attention to him.

This made Leng Chengyu feel a little scalp numb.

Leng Chengyu couldn't help but whispered to Leng Chengquan, who was almost three meters away from him, "Commissioner Leng, may I ask you something?"

And Leng Chengquan smiled and said: "You are very good, you are very capable, and I admire you very much."

"Appreciate me?" Leng Chengyu was a little confused.

Now that the meeting is over, everyone has started to leave the meeting and go out, and Leng Chengquan has already walked to Leng Chengyu's side. Mi He Mi

He smiled at Leng Chengyu and said, "Why don't we become brothers?"

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