Leng Chengyu smiled slightly, did not say yes or no.

Then, following the others, walked outside the gate of the conference hall.

Leng Chengyu and Leng Chengquan knew each other for only a few days, and they had become a brother in a few days, which made people feel a bit abrupt and very hasty.

Moreover, Leng Chengyu was not mentally prepared at all, and even Leng Chengyu and Leng Chengquan had not said a few words in the past few days.

Leng Chengyu didn't understand why Leng Chengquan suddenly wanted to worship his brother.

However, Leng Chengyu still couldn't accept it.

Seeing that Leng Chengyu did not agree, Leng Chengquan followed Leng Chengyu and chased after him.

He came to Leng Chengyu again and said: "You must think carefully. If you become a brother with me, you will have a lot of benefits, and there are many unexpected benefits for your future development. It can be said that the future is boundless."

Leng Chengyu stopped for a while and didn't say anything.

Then, he continued to walk forward.

Leng Chengquan did not expect that, as the vice president of Haidu City, the richest city in the League of Ghosts, he and Leng Chengyu, who was just the captain of a city in the small Fuyang City, took the initiative to ask for brotherhood. Not only did Leng Chengyu not feel happy and excited because of it, but instead acted very coldly.

This made Leng Chengquan feel very puzzled and felt dull.

However, Leng Chengquan still did not give up, and he said to Leng Chengyu: "Don't you think about it? This is really very helpful to your future.

I am an excellent talent cultivated by the headquarters of the Guizhe Alliance. I am just going out to practice as a deputy in Haidu. One day I will return to the Guizhe Alliance headquarters. At that time, it will be you and me. When fisting. "

Leng Chengyu paused again. Seeing that Leng Chengquan was still entangled, he had no choice but to say softly, "I'll consider it."

Then, he quickened his pace and left the conference hall and walked to his own residence.

Looking at Leng Chengyu's back, Leng Chengquan felt very complicated.

Had it not been for Fang Zhirou's control of the plan to encircle the East Ghost King this time, he would not have been so reckless and would have to recognize Leng Chengyu as his brother.

As an outstanding talent cultivated by the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts, he is also proud of him.

However, now he turned his face down to beg Leng Chengyu, but he was actually rejected.

Although it is not a rejection, there is still room for maneuver in the future.

However, he still wanted him to feel a little depressed.

However, he thought of Leng Chengyu's performance in Xicheng District so outstanding and outstanding, he felt that Leng Chengyu's arrogance in his heart is understandable.

However, if Leng Chengyu walked out of Fuyang City, to his Haidu City, or to Hongliu City, the city where the headquarters of the Guizhe League headquarters is located, he would know how big the outside world is.

As an outstanding talent in Fuyang City, Leng Chengyu has countless talents outside the vast world, and I am afraid it is just a drop in the ocean.

At that time, if Leng Chengyu realizes this, he will know how good it is to be a brother with Leng Chengquan.

Thinking of this, Leng Chengquan felt a little relieved.

This is the benefit he gave to Leng Chengyu. If Leng Chengyu doesn't know how to hold it, it is Leng Chengyu who regrets later, not him.

He also moved and walked back to the temporary residence of his commissioner.

And in the next three days, the shells containing evil spirits distributed by the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts were also shipped in batches.

Leng Chengyu and the others are also in constant meetings to discuss where the shells are loaded?

The previous plan was also slightly changed based on the large-scale evil spirits sent by the East Ghost King. Sacrifice as yxlmxsw.com Sacrifice as

The East Ghost King has 10 strongest leaders in total.

From these ten strongest leaders, each leader led 100,000 evil spirits, gathered around Fuyang City, divided into 10 directions, and tightly surrounded Fuyang City.

On the side of Fuyang City’s Ghost Guards Alliance, not only the Xicheng District’s defensive line resident, but also other urban districts have also entered a state of preparation.

The shells were loaded, and the evil spirits of the East Ghost King had also assembled around Fuyang City.

At this time, the time has come to the fourth day.

The headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts also sent many strong men to assist in encircling the Eastern Ghost King.

At the same time, many ghost guards were transferred from various base cities and came to Fuyang City, and there were almost four to five million in total.

Although, compared to the millions of evil spirits of the East Ghost King, there is still too much difference.

However, with the help of the shells containing evil spirits, I believe that even the millions of evil spirits of the East Ghost King can defeat it. Diminish

It can be said that Fuyang City’s Ghost Guardian Alliance, as well as the East Ghost King, are already on the brink of war between the two forces, and the war is on the verge of breaking out.

On the Ghost Guard Alliance, the Ghost Guardians who were investigating intelligence also sent back information, drawing out detailed information maps of the distribution of the evil spirits of the Eastern Ghost King.

At this time, it was in the temporary combat headquarters.

It has now been temporarily erected between the defensive line station outside the Xicheng District and the defensive point.

Because this place is more suitable for the commander-in-chief.

Now, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is having a meeting here and is discussing whether to preemptively. Before the East Ghost King launches a general attack, he will immediately project cannonballs.

Leng Chengyu, as well as the previous commissioners, as well as all the squadron leaders and vice-chairmen of Fuyang City, as well as Chairman Zhong, plus the other squadron leaders and vice-chairmen of the Ghost Guardian Alliance in the base city to support The president, the president, as well as the elders sent from the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance, as well as some other commissioners and leaders, etc., all gathered in this vast conference hall to hold a pre-war meeting and assign combat tasks.

What Leng Chengyu did not expect was that so many people, including the squadron leader, vice president, and president level, were very large, and even the elders from the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian League had come.

However, the person who presided over the meeting turned out to be the special envoy of the great elder Fang Zhirou.

After discussion, after analyzing the distribution data and maps of the evil spirits of the Eastern Ghost King, everyone began a fierce discussion about whether to strike first and then immediately bombard the evil spirits of the Eastern Ghost King with shells.

The final result of the negotiation is that you can start first.

Moreover, because I already know that in each of the East Ghost King's troops, there is a East Ghost King's top ten longest leaders.

After that, everyone mainly discussed how to attack and how to eliminate the vital power of the East Ghost King to the greatest extent after bombardment with artillery shells.

It is best to eliminate the 10 strongest leaders of the East Ghost King in the vicinity of Fuyang City. Mi He Mi

The most important thing is that these evil spirits cannot invade Fuyang City and harm the civilians in Fuyang City.

In short, all tasks are distributed to individuals, who are responsible for them.

Which one is responsible for which one is clear.

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