Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 280: Leng Chengyu was underestimated

Leng Chengyu and Leng Chengquan were commissioners sent by the four familiar Ghost Guardian Alliance headquarters, as well as several elders with the red-clothed Ghost Guardian level dispatched by the Ghost Guardian Alliance headquarters.

Together, they are in charge of the ten strongest leaders of the East Ghost King who is near Leng Chengyu's defense point called the Tigers and Leopards, and the 100,000 evil spirits led by them.

This tiger and leopard double evil spirit leader is very powerful, with a level 6 of the red ghost.

It is said that he has reached the peak of level 6, ready to break through to level 7.

And among the 100,000 evil spirits under his leadership, there are also many red-robed ghost-level evil spirit leaders.

At this moment, Leng Chengyu and the others are having a meeting in the temporary command post inside the defense point.

This command post is the command post in charge of their districts, not the general headquarters.

This is Leng Chengyu, as well as the four commissioners of Leng Chengquan and the others, as well as the elders sent from the headquarters of the Union of Ghosts, as temporary commanders of this branch.

This branch is called the Waidongshili Area of ​​Fuyang City.

Because the place where the big head of the tiger and leopard evil spirits is entrenched is in the Dongshili area outside Fuyang City, which is more than a few thousand miles away from the defense point of Leng Chengyu.

At this moment, the place where evil spirits are entrenched outside the defense point is raging to the sky, and the sound of ghosts crying and howling is heard from time to time, which is very infiltrating.

Because more than 100,000 evil spirits are entrenched here, the surrounding temperature has dropped a lot. It was originally summer, but now it is as cold as early winter.

And Leng Chengyu and the others also gathered more than tens of thousands of ghost guards nearby, and there were still shells capable of destroying these 100,000 evil spirits.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Just waiting for the command to be sent from the headquarters, and then all the artillery shells from all areas were fired towards the million evil spirits gathered around Fuyang City of the East Ghost King.

Before the evil spirits of the East Ghost King attacked Fuyang City, they caught the East Ghost King by surprise.

And Leng Chengyu and the others waited until the shells were fired to clean up the mess.

The purpose of this battle is mainly to eliminate the living power of the East Ghost King.

After this battle, the East Ghost King could no longer be regarded as a Ghost King, but was reduced to the strength and influence of only one leader, so that he could no longer fight against Fuyang City.

Moreover, it is best to be able to kill the East Ghost King, and even more so to avoid future troubles.

However, even if one million men were preparing to attack Fuyang City, the East Ghost King would not personally come forward.

The East Ghost King would only sit in his own palace, waiting for the good news at hand.

And in the temporary command post in the area ten miles away from the east that Leng Chengyu and the others are in charge of, Leng Chengyu and the others are allocating after the shells are fired, who is responsible for dealing with the tiger and leopard double evil spirit leader, and who is responsible for other scarlet ghosts. The leader of the evil spirits.

The big sword in Leng Chengyu's hand can kill even the Eastern Ghost King. He is more than enough to deal with the big head of the tiger and leopard evil spirits.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu first proposed: "Why not let me be in charge of the tiger and leopard double evil spirit leader, I promise to kill him."

Leng Chengquan, Fang Zhirou, Song Fei, and the special envoy of the Great Elder, these four commissioners have not spoken yet, and some of the elders of the Ghost Guards Alliance headquarters who have just arrived who don't understand Leng Chengyu's strength can't sit still.

An elder named Du Feng immediately stood up and looked at Leng Chengyu coldly, and asked, "Can you summon your ghost and let us take a look at your ghost's strength?"

The other elders also echoed Elder Du Feng. They all felt that who was in charge of the tiger and leopard dual evil spirit leader was very important in this battle.

They originally thought that Elder Du Feng had the highest level of ghost guarding among all the people here, and that Elder Du Feng should be responsible.

Decrease B*bun. However, when they heard Leng Chengyu say this, they all thought that Leng Chengyu's ghost guard level should also be very high.

However, they heard that Leng Chengyu was just a squadron leader, not even the vice president, and he was so young that it was impossible to have the strength of Elder Du Feng.

Therefore, together with Elder Du Feng, they proposed that Leng Chengyu summon the ghosts and take a look at Leng Chengyu's strength.

Leng Chengyu shook his head helplessly, and he had to summon Liu Fang.

As soon as Liu Fang was summoned, Elder Du Feng's eyes were very sharp. He deserves to have the strength of the fifth level of the Red Ghost Slayer. The momentum he released from Liu Fang can roughly estimate Liu Fang's strength.

After estimating Liu Fang's strength, Elder Du Feng snorted coldly: "I guess your ghost's strength is only capable of reaching the first level of the scarlet ghost. Are you too arrogant? You can deal with it. Can you get the big head of the tiger and leopard double evil spirit who is already at the 6th level of the red ghost?

You would not think that after the shells attack. This big head of the tiger and leopard evil spirits will be so injured that you can handle it at will, right? "

After Leng Chengyu heard Elder Lu Feng’s contemptuous words, he was not angry. He explained: "I am not relying on my ghost to deal with the tiger and leopard double evil spirit leader. I still have a powerful The trump card."

"What trump card? Can you show it to everyone?" Elder Du Feng still didn't believe in Leng Chengyu.

The others, including Leng Chengquan, Fang Zhirou, Song Fei, and the special envoy of the Great Elder, these commissioners who had seen the power of Leng Chengyu's broad sword, did not speak.

Because, they also doubt in their hearts whether Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong Broadsword can deal with the tiger and leopard double evil spirit leader who has reached the sixth level of the red ghost.

After all, the evil spirit of the sixth-level peak level of the red ghost is too powerful, although Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong Broadsword is also very powerful.

However, if something goes wrong, it is difficult for everyone to afford this responsibility.

Leng Chengyu saw that the other commissioners didn't mean to speak for him, so he had to take out Guan Gong's knife.

Elder Du Feng looked at Leng Chengyu’s golden sword of Guan Gong, and said: "You do contain surging energy in this knife, but you have to deal with the 6th-level peak-level evil spirit of the red ghost. It's too difficult, I think you should be in charge of other scarlet ghost-level middle leaders."

In fact, Elder Du Feng was able to give Leng Chengyu the face of Leng Chengyu, the middle leader who was in charge of the tiger and leopard double-headed leader, who was only in charge of the red-clothed ghost master.

After all, President Zhong only sent Leng Chengyu, the squadron leader, to take charge of the Dongshili Wai area with them, and did not send other vice-chairmen of Fuyang City, as well as the leader-level ghost guards deployed from other places. , And no one was sent.

It can be seen how much President Zhong believes in Leng Chengyu.

Elder Du Feng guessed that Leng Chengyu should have the strength to convince Chairman Zhong, so that only Leng Chengyu, who is only at the squadron leader level, will be responsible for this area in the Fuyang Ghost Guards Alliance.

Mi He Mi. However, to let Leng Chengyu be the leader of the strongest tiger and leopard double evil spirit, Elder Du Feng was still worried.

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