Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 281: Large-scale attack begins

Seeing Leng Chengyu bowed his head and did not speak, and looked very dissatisfied, Elder Du Feng said again: "This big head of the tiger and leopard evil spirits came from me and several other headquarters of the Union of Ghosts. The elders will be responsible together."

Then, Elder Du Feng turned his head to look at Leng Chengquan, Fang Zhirou, Song Fei, and the elder's special envoy, and said: "You are also responsible for a red ghost-level middle chief. We elders If there is extra energy, if there are too many middle leaders at the level of the scarlet ghost, a force will be allocated to assist you."

Seeing that Leng Chengyu still did not speak, Elder Du Feng said to Leng Chengyu again: "Don't underestimate those middle leaders. Many of them also have the strength of the second and third level of the red ghosts. You must deal with one of them. You must be serious. treat."

Leng Chengyu said at this time: "I will take it seriously. I hope you can also kill the big tiger and leopard evil spirit leader."

Leng Chengyu could have easily killed the big head of the tiger and leopard evil spirits.

After all, Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife can kill the 7th-level red ghost king of the East Ghost King, how can he not kill the tiger and leopard double evil spirit big head, which only has the 6th red ghost big head.

However, since Elder Du Feng and others didn't believe him, he couldn't help it.

In fact, Leng Chengyu thinks that Elder Du Feng only has the strength of the 5th level of the red-clothed ghost guard. I am afraid that it will be a little reluctant to deal with the tiger and leopard double evil spirits. Even if you add a few other elders, you may not be able Easy to kill.

The strengths of the other elders are also between the third and fourth levels of the red-clothed ghost guardian, and the highest level is this elder Du Feng.

However, level 5 to level 6 is a watershed. I don’t know how many times stronger it is. Even if Elder Du Feng, a red-clothed ghost guardian at level 5, plus a few other elders in threes and fours, they may not be able to handle it. .

Unless, the big head of the tiger and leopard evil spirit was seriously injured in the shelling.

If the tiger and leopard double evil spirit leader is not injured, if it is in its heyday, Elder Du Feng, as well as several other elders from the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts, may not be able to deal with it together.

However, Leng Chengyu didn't say anything. He just hoped that when the shells came over, the most powerful shell fell on the head of the tiger and leopard double evil spirit, causing the tiger and leopard head to receive serious injuries.

Then, Elder Du Feng and the others could easily kill the big head of the tiger and leopard double evil spirit.

Leng Chengyu took out his cell phone to check the time, it was almost time for the shell to fire.

Elder Du Feng and the ghost guards sent by other ghost guards alliance headquarters, as well as Leng Chengquan's specialties, all watched the time and waited for the moment when the shells attacked. Sacrifice as

The time has finally come.


At this time, countless shells cut through the sky from the place where they were loaded, and directly bombarded the place where the evil spirits were hoarding. The shells kept falling beside the evil spirits and exploded in the places where the evil spirits gathered.

The artillery bombardment was carried out by all the artillery shells, not only the area ten miles away from Leng Chengyu and the others, but also other areas in Fuyang City.

In short, all the shells were aimed at the millions of evil spirits led by the top ten strongest evil spirit leaders of the East Ghost King, and these evil spirits were bombarded by the shells at the same time.

The shells hit the place where the evil spirits were entrenched, and the screams of the evil spirits continued to be heard.

There was the smell of gunpowder smoke everywhere, and the screams of evil spirits being killed by the explosion of the cannonballs, and the black evil spirits floating in the air.

It can be said that a series of beautiful scenery lines have been formed, dazzling and dazzling, and the sound is even more shocking.汜减bxwx.C*o汜

Even in the palace of the East Ghost King, deep in the territory of the East Ghost King, the sound of shells can be heard.

The East Ghost King sitting on the throne in the palace, after hearing the sound of the cannonballs, he couldn't help but cast his eyebrows and looked out.

"What the **** is going on? What sound?"

The other leaders in the East Ghost King's Palace who have not been sent out are also unknown.

After all, it is too far away, and it is not too clear to be able to hear.

Some leaders even said, "Could it be that someone beat the funeral drum?"

The leader immediately denied: "What kind of funeral drum? There is no human inhabitation in the territory of Lord Ghost King. Only where humans live will the funeral drum be beaten when people die. Fuyang is so far away from us, how can the sound of funeral drums be heard? Convey here?"

After listening to these dense rumbling voices for a while, the East Ghost King didn’t pay attention, but waited for the inspector to send back the news that the top ten strongest leaders had been assembled, and then let him initiate the command of the general attack. .

At this time, the inspector finally ran into the palace.

However, he ran very panicked.

The East Ghost King frowned when he saw the inspector running in.

"What are you doing in a panic? The general offense has not been launched yet. Even if it is launched, it is not an attack on our territory, but an attack on Fuyang City. What are you afraid of?"

As soon as the inspector ran into the palace, his legs softened, he immediately knelt down, UU Reading, facing the East Ghost King, said with trepidation: "It's terrible! Lord Ghost, it's terrible! "

"Of course the ghost king is terrible. As long as the ghost king takes action, the human ghost guards in Fuyang will definitely be frightened and shattered."

The leader immediately slapped the East Ghost King's flattery.

The inspector immediately corrected and said: "We are scared to heartbreak! The shells of the human ghost defenders are terrible. Countless shells fell on the gathering place of the ten most powerful leader teams, exploding many evil spirits to pieces. Now, the casualties are too heavy!"

"What? Human shells killed many of our evil spirits?" The East Ghost King immediately stood up, staring at the inspector with sharp eyes.

"Yeah, it's terrible!" The inspector nodded and said.

"What the **** is going on? We haven't launched the general offensive yet, why did the humans project cannonballs?" Donggui Wang furiously turned his gaze to the agile leader.

However, this nimble leader still looked calm and composed, and said, "Master Ghost King, this was originally expected. There were a batch of artillery shells in Fuyang City. They saw a large number of evil spirits moving under Master Ghost King. Close to Fuyang City, he will definitely attack with shells. Mi He Mi

However, this is just a drop in the bucket. Their cannonballs can't do much to deal with the millions of evil spirits under Lord Ghost King. "

The East Ghost King was suspicious, and asked: "Then what should I do now? Did my evil spirits lose them for nothing? And the batch of shells, which have been used by the ghosts before they get it, and there will be left at that time. How many?"

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