Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 294: Leng Chengyu was underestimated

When Leng Chengquan heard Elder Du Feng say this, he felt very disgusted in his heart.

Elder Du Feng and their ghosts, coupled with his paper man, are now barely able to contend with the three-headed six-armed hericium human body and evil spirits.

And his paper man can come back to replenish his evil spirits.

He didn't believe that his dozens of paper men came back in rotation to replenish their evil spirits, and they were able to achieve their peak state with every attack.

And the power of the evil spirits of the hericium must be depleted step by step.

At that time, it will be the moment when the situation reverses.

Leng Chengquan didn't know that Elder Du Feng had just injured one or two ghosts. Why did he say such a frustrating remark?

Leng Chengquan immediately retorted Elder Du Feng in a slightly reprimanding tone: "You don't need to be aspiring to others and destroy your own prestige. You have ghosts injured, and I also have paper men who are missing, but I believe this will make Zhan Zhan. If you go down, you will still be able to kill this nasty monkey head human evil spirit."

In fact, Elder Du Feng also knows that their ghosts and Leng Chengquan’s paper people combined are more numerous than the hericium body and evil spirits. Even at the level of strength, if they add up, they can still have the upper hand. .

However, he played against the game for two rounds, failed to achieve the desired result, and was suppressed by the evil spirits of the monkey head.

He was somewhat discouraged. Diminish

Now that he heard Leng Chengquan say so, he lowered his head and didn't speak any more.

Only the next battle can explain everything.

Victory is defeat, so use battle to prove it.

His Du Feng, and the elders from the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance, would not be afraid of any battle.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Why don't you get out, let me use my knife to slash him."

Leng Chengquan and Elder Du Feng turned their heads and found that it was Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu held a golden sword in his hand, and the girl ghost Liu Fang was flying beside him.

At this moment, Leng Chengyu was standing there, staring sharply at the evil spirit of the monkey head. Sacrifice as

Elder Du Feng saw that Leng Chengyu was coming, and his face immediately showed a happy look. The other elders who came to the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts were also very happy.

Elder Du Feng immediately said: "Okay, if you take the knife, then it can be foolproof."

It is not without reason that Elder Du Feng is so confident in Leng Chengyu.

Before, when Elder Du Feng and the others besieged the evil spirit leader of the top ten strongest leaders, it was Leng Chengyu, and with only two swords, the evil spirit was smashed.

Now, this Hericium human body evil spirit is one level lower than the top ten strongest evil spirit chiefs. If Leng Chengyu shoots a sword, he will definitely be able to capture it.

Elder Du Feng and the others were about to let their ghosts withdraw from the battlefield to make room for Leng Chengyu's sword.

However, at this time, Leng Chengquan said indifferently: "Captain Leng Squadron, can your sword handle these three-headed and six-armed Herician evil spirits? Don't plant yourself in that time."

Leng Chengquan knew that Leng Chengyu didn't need a ghost to make a knife, but he was an ordinary person himself, holding the golden knife to chop.

However, if Leng Chengyu's sword fails to work, then he will definitely be countered by the evil spirit of Houtou's body.

Under the counterattack, can an ordinary person like Leng Chengyu escape it?

Leng Chengquan admitted that Leng Chengyu is very capable.

Before, when he was cooperating with Leng Chengyu, Leng Chengyu smashed the sentry of the evil spirits with a single knife, and he also witnessed the strength of Leng Chengyu's knife.

However, the evil spirit of this monkey head is different from the evil spirits in the guard posts and the evil spirit leader of the cottage.

The evil spirit of this monkey head is much more difficult to deal with than the evil spirit in that cottage, or even the evil spirit leader.

This monkey head human evil spirit not only reached the fifth level of the scarlet ghost, but also had three heads and six arms.

If Leng Chengyu slashed past, the three-headed six-arms of the evil spirits of the Hericium would only use half of the arms to block Leng Chengyu's knife.

Then, if the other half of the arms quickly counterattacked Leng Chengyu, would the body of an ordinary person of Leng Chengyu be able to receive the sharp fist of this monkey head human evil spirit that contains powerful attack power?

the answer is negative.

It is impossible for Leng Chengyu's body to withstand a heavy punch from the evil spirit of the monkey head.

Even the paper man who contained a lot of evil spirits in his body, and had reached the second, third or fourth level of the red ghost ghost, was hit by a punch of the monkey head human evil spirit, and he was smashed and broken his leg.

And Leng Chengyu, an ordinary person's body, might be blasted into meatloaf with a punch.

Leng Chengquan knew that Leng Chengyu was very powerful and capable. He wanted very much to win over Leng Chengyu and become a powerful subordinate in the League of Ghost Defenders.

Therefore, he did not want Leng Chengyu to take risks.

Leng Chengquan said to Leng Chengyu in an unquestionable tone: "Captain Leng Squad, you should step aside and let us solve it ourselves.

Although, it may take a little longer, but with so many ghosts and paper people of us, we can definitely kill the evil spirit of this hericium. U U Reading

It's fine if you can rest assured to watch it by the side. "

In addition to not wanting Leng Chengyu to risk his life to make this knife, Leng Chengquan also wanted to let Leng Chengyu know that he himself was also very powerful.

He was even able to deal with the evil spirit of the monkey head that Leng Chengyu couldn't deal with.

Then, Leng Chengquan turned his head and said to Elder Du Feng and the others: "You should have the confidence to kill the evil spirit of the monkey head with me, right?"

Seeing that Leng Chengquan refused Leng Chengyu's help, Elder Du Feng could only sigh.

Elder Du Feng knows very well that Leng Chengquan’s identity is special. It is not only the vice president of the Haidu Ghost Guardian League branch on the surface, but also the commissioner appointed by the Ghost Guardian Union headquarters. There is also a more mysterious identity. , So that Elder Du Feng had to listen to Leng Chengquan's words.

Elder Du Feng nodded to Leng Chengquan and said, "Okay, we will do our best to cooperate with you."

And during the few breaths when Leng Chengyu wanted to join the battlefield, the monkey head human body evil spirits had already felt very impatient, and he had begun to punch the paper men and ghosts that were still surrounding him. Up.

Bang bang bang.

The monkey head human body evil spirit has six arms and six fists, respectively and in different directions, bombarding the paper figures and ghosts that are close to him. Mi He Mi

Those paper men and ghosts can only run the evil spirit in their bodies, and the spirits of ghosts can resist.

At the same time, he kept backing away, trying to avoid the flash of fists that came in a flash.

Of the six fists with strong attack power, three bombarded the ghosts and paper figures, while the other three were avoided.

The ghosts and paper people that were bombarded by the fist light immediately mobilized the ghost and evil spirits to form a protective barrier on their bodies.

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