However, even if the ghost and the paper man formed a protective screen in front of them, it was of no use.

The fist light bombarded it, and only hearing a "bang" sound, the protective barrier shattered and dissipated.

But the power of the fist was undiminished, wrapped in a powerful and vast momentum, and it suddenly hit the bodies of the ghost and the paper man.



The paper man's body was directly penetrated by the fist, leaving a big punch hole in his chest.

Then, the body was blasted out, floating in the air like a broken kite, and finally fell to a place a hundred meters away.

Although the ghost body is stronger than the paper man, but after being bombarded by the fist, the body still collapsed.

Then, he was blasted to a place a hundred meters away and fell to the ground, vomiting bursts of black blood in his mouth, apparently already suffering a lot of injuries.

"This... how is this possible?"

Leng Chengquan was shocked.

These paper men of his were just full of evil spirits, and they were all in their heyday. There was a hole in the body that had been punched by the evil spirits of the monkey head human body, and they had lost their combat effectiveness.

Even if it is recruited to replenish the evil spirit, the hole has to be repaired, and repairing the hole is not something that can be done in a short while.

If a few more paper men broke their legs or were pierced by the evil spirits of the monkey head human body, Leng Chengquan's plan to consume the power of the evil spirits of the monkey head human body by constantly replenishing the evil spirits would be defeated.

Elder Du Feng and the others sighed, and they did not expect that this monkey-headed human evil spirit has been fighting for so long, and its strength is still so strong.

"Why don't you let me get the knife?"

Leng Chengyu's faint voice came from not far away.

Now, because several ghosts and paper men were blasted out, there was already a space left for Leng Chengyu to make a knife.

When Elder Du Feng and the others heard Leng Chengyu say this, they smiled and nodded, and then looked at Leng Chengquan.

However, when Leng Chengquan arrived at this time, he still did not let go, because he was not reconciled.

He originally wanted to show Leng Chengyu his strength.

And if he wants to gather Leng Chengyu and become his loyal subordinate, he must show his strength to frighten Leng Chengyu.

In fact, he is still at a disadvantage in the battle with the evil spirits of the monkey head human body, and he is not willing to let Leng Chengyu get involved in the battle at this moment.

As a result, he really didn't believe that Leng Chengyu could deal with the evil spirit of this monkey head.

After all, the hericium's personal evil spirit is as high as the fifth level of the red ghost, and it is still three-headed and six-armed.

He was very scared. Leng Chengyu was a little careless and was counterattacked by the evil spirit of the monkey head. The consequences would be unimaginable.

Secondly, even if Leng Chengyu could kill the evil spirit of this monkey head, Leng Chengquan would not want to see it.

Because after Leng Chengyu helped him clean up the mess, it was not that Leng Chengyu admired him but became his loyal subordinate, but he had to be grateful to Leng Chengyu, who owed Leng Chengyu's favor.

He really didn't want to do this.

However, the battle is now urgent.

Seeing Elder Du Feng, Leng Chengyu nodded their heads. Although Leng Chengquan didn't say anything, but now that the space has been reserved, Leng Chengyu still raised his Guan Gong knife to accumulate his sword power inside Guan Gong knife.

The energy ball in Leng Chengyu's dantian circulated through the meridians of his body, and then poured into Guan Gong's broad sword through his arm.

In Guan Gong's Broadsword, energy began to accumulate, and it accumulates more and more.

The huge amount of energy filled Guan Gong's sword, causing all of Guan Gong's sword to make a buzzing sound.

At the same time, the bursts of energy ripples spread around because of the vastness of Guan Gong's sword energy.

The bursts of heat continue to spread to the surroundings.

Of course, it soon spread to the front of the evil spirits of the monkey head human body.


The evil spirit of the monkey head couldn't help but look over to Leng Chengyu.

Originally, this monkey head human evil spirit wanted to kill all the paper men and ghosts that came around in one fell swoop.

Who knows, the energy ripples in Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife radiated bursts of heat, and he had to attract his attention.

He saw that Leng Chengyu was holding a dazzling gold sword, and the vast energy accumulated in the gold sword.

He suddenly remembered that Leng Chengyu should be the master of the ghost guard that the Eastern Ghost King wanted to see in person.

This monkey-headed human evil spirit has also heard the legend of Leng Chengyu. According to the legend, Leng Chengyu chopped the evil spirits in a defensive point to pieces, and his soul was scattered. Even the red-robed ghost-level leader was also chopped off. Seriously injured, two knives were cut to pieces, and his soul was scattered.

But that was just a legend, he had never seen the evil spirit of the monkey head.

However, this also had to make him take it seriously.

Looking at Leng Chengyu's golden sword, the greater and greater the vast energy, the monkey head human evil spirit felt that it was impossible for Leng Chengyu to accumulate energy for the gold sword.

If this knife allowed Leng Chengyu to accumulate enough energy to chop him down, even though the evil spirits of the monkey head human body did not believe that he could be chopped into serious injuries.

However, it would also hinder him from killing the paper men and ghosts that were besieged in front of him.

Therefore, he must stop Leng Chengyu.

Now, Leng Chengyu is tens of meters away from him.

However, he has three heads and six arms. When bombarding his fists to deal with the ghosts and paper people who are close to him, he was still able to separate his strength and bombard Leng Chengyu with a punch.

The huge fireball-like glow of the fist that contained the aura of a red ghost, just like that, rushed towards Leng Chengyu.

Before Leng Chengyu's body, the vast wave of air that was rolled up has blown up Leng Chengyu's clothes. Diminish

Leng Chengyu at this moment hasn't been able to accumulate a perfect sword momentum yet.

The sword momentum has only accumulated a large part, and has not yet reached its maximum power.

However, the boxing man has arrived in the blink of an eye.

"Be careful!"

Elder Du Feng and the others, as well as Leng Chengquan, all exclaimed at the same time.

And Leng Chengquan was even more worried that Leng Chengyu would be beaten to death by his fist before the knife was cut out.

He appreciates Leng Chengyu so much and wants to recruit Leng Chengyu as his subordinates.

However, it would be a pity if he died now under the fist of the evil spirits of the monkey head human body.

Amidst everyone's worries, Leng Chengyu looked at the fist light that had already rushed towards his face. He had no choice but to swipe his knife to resist.

Although Guan Gong's Broadsword has not accumulated its momentum yet, it already contains surging energy.


Guan Gong slashed his fist with a big knife, and there was a violent harsh sound.

Then, the fist light immediately shattered and dissipated, losing its power. Sacrifice like sacrifice like


Originally, the monkey head human evil spirit who didn't put Leng Chengyu too much in his heart, felt that he was bombarded with this punch, and Leng Chengyu was not dead and was seriously injured.

Who knows, now his fist light hadn't reached Leng Chengyu's body, he had already been chopped to pieces by Leng Chengyu's golden knife. Mi He Mi

"This knife is so powerful!"

The brows of the evil spirits of the Hericium couldn't help twisting up.

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