Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 296: Submerged in thick smoke

The evil spirit of the monkey head was very unconvinced. When his fists were dealing with the ghosts and paper men who besieged him, these ghosts and paper men were at the level of the scarlet ghosts, and they were all hit by him with a punch. Severely injured and retired.

But now, after Leng Chengyu's golden sword smashed his fist, it still contained extremely surging energy, not consuming much energy at all.

This makes it difficult for him to accept.

He no longer focused on the ghosts and paper men besieging him, but began to focus on Leng Chengyu, who was still accumulating the sword power for the golden sword.

Originally, this monkey-headed human evil spirit had six arms. Every time he punched, one arm contained only one-sixth of the whole body's strength.

However, his entire body's strength is now concentrated on one arm.

He wants to see how powerful Leng Chengyu's knife is.汜减bxWx.C O汜


The monkey head human body evil spirit fists danced, and the huge fireball-like fist that contained the horrible ghost spirit, rushed towards Leng Chengyu with lightning speed.

Where the fist light passed, a boundless wave of air was rolled up, causing the surrounding air to shatter, making bursts of sonic booms.

"Ah! Not good!"

A scream suddenly sounded, mixed with the sonic boom, which was very frightening.

Elder Du Feng couldn't help screaming this voice.

The reason why he screamed so out of shape was not only because of the terrifying power emanating from the fist, but also because the fist had become bigger.

Before, the fist light bombarded by the evil spirit of this monkey head was only as big as two or three water tanks.

However, the fist light that came out of the bombardment turned out to be like a big mountain.

In front of this huge mountain-like fist, Leng Chengyu and Elder Du Feng's bodies have become extremely small.

And Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife was even more contrasted, like a thin needle, it became negligible.

Under the bombardment of such a huge fist, in comparison, can Leng Chengyu's golden sword, which is like a fine needle, still be able to smash this huge fist?

Elder Du Feng's answer is no.

Elder Du Feng had a hard time believing that Leng Chengyu's golden sword was able to chop off the evil spirits of the hericium human body like before, and the second time he blasted a fist that had become so many times larger.

"Quickly get out of the way!"

Another exclamation came from Leng Chengquan.

He was also like Elder Du Feng. Seeing such a powerful and terrifying fist bombarded by the evil spirits of the monkey head, he immediately raised his throat with his heart, and he was very worried about Leng Chengyu, not only was he unable to fight the fist. Mang, I am afraid that there will be no scum left by this fist.

Leng Chengyu hadn't escaped yet, and the paper men of Leng Chengquan, as well as the ghosts of Elder Du Feng and their spirits, could not help avoiding the sharp edge of this huge fist and stepped aside.

Leng Chengyu, who had just smashed a fist light and continued to accumulate his sword power, also saw the extremely huge fist light that was bombarding him.

Leng Chengyu's expression also became serious.

Just now, the first fist light bombarded by the evil spirits of the monkey head human body, Leng Chengyu easily slashed it with a knife and chopped it to pieces.

Leng Chengyu was very confident.

After smashing the first fist light, Leng Chengyu felt that the strength of this monkey head human evil spirit was just like that, and he couldn't withstand a single blow in front of his Guan Gong sword.

Who knows, now this fist light, which has been enlarged many times, is like a big mountain, when it is pressed against him, no matter how calm he is, his heart becomes very dignified.

He had to take it seriously.

He has almost accumulated a perfect sword force in Guan Gong's Broadsword now.

In the face of this huge fist rushing quickly, Leng Chengyu accelerated the speed of accumulating sword momentum.

And when the sword power accumulated to 90% and it was not yet complete, the huge fist of the monkey head human body evil spirit had already come to Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu had to slash out with all his strength, slashing towards this huge fist.


Everyone only saw that when Leng Chengyu's knife smashed the fist light, the huge fist light spread out, turned into a billowing red smoke, and filled the air.

At the same time the explosion sounded continuously.

And Leng Chengyu was also submerged in the red smoke formed by the condensed fist light of the billowing red ghost spirit.

Everyone can't see Leng Chengyu, only the huge fist of the monkey head human evil spirit, which is making bursts of violent explosions, and then continuously spreading into red smoke.

The terrifying air waves raged toward the surroundings, making the nearby Elder Du Feng, who was already a hundred meters away, and other elders, as well as Leng Chengquan and the others, even the paper men and ghosts, could not help being forced to go. Stepped back a few steps.

"Ah, it's over."

Can't see Leng Chengyu's figure, only see the red smoke that still contains terrifying power from the burst of fists, Elder Du Feng and the others can't help but sigh with regret.

They felt that Leng Chengyu should have been buried in the fist, and even the body that had been bombarded was broken and dissipated, leaving no traces.

"Oh! Sometimes genius is like this, and it will fall into complacency. A genius who is too self-confident will always have no good results."

Leng Chengquan couldn't help but sigh.

The evil spirit of the monkey head on the other side even sneered.

"Hahaha...Is this the human ghost master master of the East Ghost King who has always dreamed of sending a guard team to meet with his own eyes? It seems that there is nothing can't hold my full blow "Xi Ru

After finishing speaking, this monkey head human evil spirit's cold gaze turned toward the ghosts and paper men who were still surrounding him, and said coldly: "You will end up like him."

The cold eyes of the evil spirits of the monkey head passed the ghosts and paper people, and fell on Elder Du Feng and Leng Chengquan behind them, and said gloomily: "You have to die too."

Then, the monkey head was malicious and wanted to continue brewing his fists to bombard the ghosts and paper men who surrounded him.

Who knows, at this time, before the thick smoke has completely dissipated, there are waves of heat ripples containing very huge energy in the direction of Leng Chengyu.

The evil spirit of the monkey head couldn't help but stared at it.

"What's the matter?" Mi He Mi

The evil spirits of the monkey head have a very good understanding of the power attributes of his fists. Although his fists are shaped like a fireball and are also red in color, they are cold and cold. They are bombarded by his fists. It was like being blown by the cold wind of Ling Li.

However, now from the thick smoke that turned into after his fist was broken, there was heat that made his heart tremble.

When the monkey head human evil spirit was puzzled, the thick red smoke on Leng Chengyu's side finally dissipated, revealing the tall and straight body of Leng Chengyu who was still standing upright.

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