And the person in charge of the receptionist, including the other receptionists around him, was even more shocked.

Because the person in charge of the receptionist had always refused to let Leng Chengyu go to the battlefield because of Leng Chengyu's insufficient strength, now, Leng Chengyu has cut the dragon head personal evil spirit into flight.

How could they not be shocked?

And the person in charge of the receptionist couldn't help muttering to himself: "It turns out that he is not young and impulsive, and he is not trying to make up for a lot of credit. He is really capable!"

The person in charge of the receptionist is a little regretful now, he persuaded Leng Chengyu before.

He was too ignorant before, if he let Leng Chengyu in before, I am afraid that the dragon head's body and evil spirits would have been subdued now.


He sighed and found a reason for not letting Leng Chengyu enter the battlefield. He said, "I also followed the regulations. His ghost is only a red-robed ghost and does not meet the rules for entering the battlefield. Who I know, his knife is really that powerful."

On Leng Chengyu's side, after slashing the dragon head human evil spirit into the air, his face was very indifferent, and he didn't feel much surprised.

The level of the dragon head human evil spirit is only the seventh-level high-level red ghost ghost, has not reached the peak, and is not as strong as the Eastern Ghost King.

Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong sword can kill even the East Ghost King.

What's the point of being able to chop off the human evil spirit of the flying dragon head?

However, Leng Chengyu still admired the strength of this leader's personal evil spirit very much.

If the fire of the dragon head's body and evil spirits were not blocked by his related father's sword, if it was sprayed on him, he would probably be wiped out in ashes.

Moreover, the strength of this dragon head human evil spirit is stronger than all the red-clothed ghost-level evil spirits he has encountered before.

Now, after this dragon-headed human evil spirit was chopped with a knife by Guan Gong, although it was chopped off, it did not suffer multiple injuries and could still stand up.

And the other red-robed ghost-level evil spirits, after being slashed by Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong, couldn't move at all, they could only slumped on the ground.

It can be seen how strong this dragon head human evil spirit is.

"In that case, he must be hacked to death quickly no matter what."

After Leng Chengyu saw the dragon head human evil spirit stand up, there was a layer of heat on his body, and the heat continued to gather in his throat.

Leng Chengyu knew that this dragon-headed human evil spirit was about to brew a flame again and attacked him.

Leng Chengyu couldn't let the flame of the dragon head's personal evil spirit attack again.

Because the knife just slashed the flame before it fell on the dragon head human evil spirit, which caused the dragon head human evil spirit not to be severely injured by the knife, but only slightly injured.

Then, if he cuts a second knife, Leng Chengyu wants to slash the dragon head human evil spirit to death, he must cut it out before the flame of the dragon head human evil spirit sprays over.

Leng Chengyu immediately let Liu Fang take him to fly forward, approaching the dragon head human evil spirit, and at the same time, circulate the energy ball in his body, infuse it into the sword of Guan Gong, accumulate the momentum of the sword for Guan Gong.

Soon, the momentum of Guan Gong's broad sword accumulated to completion.

Because he has gone through so many actual combats, Leng Chengyu is already familiar with the process of accumulating sword momentum, so when accumulating, he can continue to speed up.

Once the accumulation was complete, Leng Chengyu swung his knife towards the direction of the dragon's head and the evil spirit.

The yellow knife light flashed, as if it were a signal flare, indicating that the surging energy in the golden knife was about to come out of the knife.

Amidst the humming and vibration of Guan Gong's sword, within Guan Gong's sword, the perfect sword power was accumulated, containing huge energy, and it was wrapped in terrifying attack power. The evil spirits flew towards the dragon head like a horse.

At the same time, this pike is getting bigger and bigger, quickly turning into a wave, and then into a violent wind, with the same direction, but the attack power is getting bigger and bigger, getting more and more terrifying, and swept toward the dragon’s head. Away. Diminish

Seeing this, the evil spirit of the dragon head's body could not help but start to panic.

He was thinking about brewing the strongest flame to attack Leng Chengyu, but now he has not brewed successfully, the strongest flame has been brewing to seven or eight minutes, and it is rolling in his throat.

Seeing Leng Chengyu's violent wind and wave-like sword force had already swooped over, he was hesitating whether to brew his flame ball to the strongest.

If not brewing to the strongest, then the flame he sprayed out, he estimated that at most he could crush Leng Chengyu's violent wind and wave-like blade, and then he could not kill Leng Chengyu at all.

This is still the best.

If something bad happens, then the flame has gone out. However, Leng Chengyu's sword power is still not completely annihilated, and he still attacks him, which is troublesome.

Therefore, it is no wonder that the dragon head human evil spirit hesitated.

However, Leng Chengyu's sword gesture, because Leng Chengyu was closer to the dragon head human evil spirit, so his speed became very fast, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the dragon head human evil spirit.

The sword hasn't come yet, and the hot vigor has already caused pain in the skin of the dragon's head and the evil spirits.

At this moment, the dragon head human evil spirit can no longer hesitate, he can't wait until the flame is brewing to the strongest before spraying out.

He must squirt out now. UU reading

He opened his mouth wide, trying to spray out the flame that had only been brewing to a strength of seven to eight in his throat, against Leng Chengyu's fierce sword force.

Who knows, the flame of the dragon head human body evil spirit hasn't sprayed out, and Leng Chengyu's violent wind and huge wave-like blade has already hit him. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

At the same time, it poured into his big mouth.

The flame he had just vomited back into his throat abruptly.

After the flame was hit by the sword, it became even more boiling, and when it rushed into the throat, because the throat was brewing before the flame, it also became extremely hot.

The two kinds of heat are intertwined, and the narrow space in the throat can't contain it at all.

Just hearing a boom, the flame exploded.

The throat of the dragon head human evil spirit was blown off, and the dragon head of the dragon head human evil spirit was thrown straight into the sky.

Although he was thrown into the sky, he avoided Leng Chengyu's sword gesture. Mi He Mi

The sword force hit the headless body of the dragon head human body and the evil spirit, and the whole body of the dragon head human body was shattered, turning into black smoke and dissipating in the air.

But the dragon head that was thrown into the air survived. After flying into the air, it fell to the ground very quickly, and it was very intact, but it didn't have the breath of life.

In other words, the dragon head human body evil spirit has been hacked to death under this knife.

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