"do you died?"

"Is it really dead?"


"It's really dead!"

As Leng Chengyu collected the soul crystals from the broken body of the dragon head human body and evil spirits, a series of surprised and uplifting voices continued to be heard.

There are almost a dozen or twenty ghosts that besieged the dragon's head human body and evil spirits, and naturally there are a dozen or twenty of those who defend against ghosts.

They all gathered around at this moment.

Many people first check the dragon head that fell from the sky.

Found that this huge dragon head had no breath of life at this moment. Decrease bX*wX*.cO*汜

They finally determined that this dragon head human evil spirit had completely died.

"Hiss! It was he who hacked the dragon's head and the evil spirit to death with two knives!"

At this time, everyone's eyes were again on Leng Chengyu, who was concentrating on collecting soul crystals.

"Yes, it's him."

"His golden sword is really powerful. It is much stronger than the combined force of the ghosts released by a dozen of us."

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be able to see such a powerful ghost defender here, and it's not relying on ghosts, just relying on a knife."

"This is incredible!"

After marveling at Leng Chengyu's strength, someone cared about who Leng Chengyu was.

Because most of the 5th and 6th level ghost defenders in red clothes here are sent from outside, and they are not from the defensive line of Xicheng District in Fuyang City.

Some of them were sent from the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance, while others were transferred from other base cities, and they didn't even know Leng Chengyu.

"Which base city is he from? Isn't he the richest base city, Haidu?"

"It's very possible. Only Haidu can have so much financial resources and produce such powerful weapons."

Many people believe that Leng Chengyu is a master of ghosts from Haidu.

However, at this time, there was a master of ghosts at the vice-chairman level in other districts of Fuyang City, but he suddenly said loudly: "You are all wrong. He is not from Haidu City at all, but from Fuyang City."

"You are from Fuyang City?"

"How can you, a small city in Fuyang, develop such a powerful weapon?" Xiru 75zw.com Xiru

The vice president-level ghost master said: "I heard that his golden sword is a family heritage, handed down by the older generation of ghost master masters."

"Really? What you said is not true?"

The vice president-level ghost master said: "I have heard the legend that there is a very young and newly promoted squadron leader in Xicheng District. With a golden sword, a single defensive point was killed. All the evil spirits of the Eastern Ghost King who occupied the defense point inside, including the red-robed ghost-level evil spirit leader, were also severely wounded with one knife, and they were smashed by two swords, just like this dragon head human evil spirit."

"Is this true? No, isn't it an exaggerated legend?"

Other ghost masters still don't quite believe what this vice president-level master master said.

After all, such a legend is too terrifying.

An ordinary person can kill all the evil spirits in a defensive point with a knife. If you don't see it with your own eyes, how can you believe it!

However, thinking about so many ghosts of their ghost defenders, and the dragon head human evil spirits who have been besieging together, they are really smashed by Leng Chengyu's golden sword with two stabs.

They have to believe the facts in front of them.

As for Leng Chengyu in front of him, it was doubtful whether they were the same as the squadron leader in Xicheng District.

At this moment, another group of ghost guards suddenly flew over with the assistance of ghosts.

When this group of ghost defenders flew over, all the talking ghost masters immediately stopped talking, turned their heads to look at the group of ghost defenders who had just flown over, and then wore a black robe to one of them. The middle-aged ghost defender of screamed respectfully: "Seven elders, you are here."

Surrounded by the middle-aged ghost guard in black robes, he is the Seventh Elder, one of the ten elders of the Presbyterian Church of the Headquarters of the Union of Guardians.

This seventh elder, his level of Ghost Defender is the seventh level of Red Ghost Defender, but it is in the mid-term, almost equivalent to the strength of the dragon head human evil spirit.

It's just because when he first confronted this dragon-head human evil spirit, an accident caused his ghost to be injured.

Therefore, the final role played on the battlefield is not very large.

That's why I had to invite so many ghost guards from other areas to help.

And beside the Seven Elders, Zhong Dakui, the president of the Fuyang Ghost Guards League Branch, also followed.

Zhong Dakui is here to deal with the evil spirit of the dragon head together with the Seventh Elder.

Zhong Dakui's current ghost level has also reached the fifth level of the red-clothed ghost guard, and can become one of the ghosts that besieged the dragon's head.

However, Zhong Dakui's ghost had retreated long ago because of his injuries.

When Leng Chengyu used a knife to kill the evil spirit of the dragon head, he did not see it with his own eyes. He just heard that there was a ghost defender who slashed the evil spirit of the dragon head with two swords with a golden sword. .

He can guess that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ this should be Leng Chengyu.

However, he didn't tell the Seventh Elder on the spot that this person was Leng Chengyu from Xicheng District of Fuyang City.

After all, if you haven't seen it with your own eyes, the ghosts from other base cities or from the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts may also have such capable ghosts masters.

Therefore, President Zhong didn't talk nonsense before seeing it in person.

Instead, he came here with the Seventh Elders, and wanted to see with his own eyes, who was the master of ghost defenders who hacked the dragon's head to death with two swords?

As soon as he arrived here, President Zhong glanced over and saw Leng Chengyu who was collecting soul crystals.

"Sure enough it is him!"

President Zhong felt very comforted in his heart.

Also very proud.

After all, Leng Chengyu was the captain of his subordinates, and he was promoted exceptionally.

After the Seventh Elder came here, he did not see Leng Chengyu.

Because Leng Chengyu had already put away the golden sword, and collected the soul crystals, Leng Chengyu, like everyone else, had become inconspicuous at this moment.

The first thing the Seventh Elder saw was the dragon head that fell to the ground.

As soon as the Seventh Elder saw the dragon head, he immediately let his ghost fly over with him.

He looked at the dragon head on the ground, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "It turned out to be a complete dragon head. Great. Take him back to study. Maybe he can study a red cannon that is level 7 or higher against the red ghost."

After marveling, he immediately praised: "The ghost guard who killed the dragon's head with two swords has done too much. I don't know who he is? Which base city is he from?" Mi He Mi

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