Chairman Zhong immediately stood up and said: "It is the captain of the cold squadron at the defense line station in Xicheng District, Fuyang City."

Then he raised his finger to Leng Chengyu and said, "He is there."

The Seventh Elder raised his head and condensed his eyebrows to look over.

Beside a teenager was a ghost girl flying in the air.

He could see the strength of the girl ghost Liu Fang at a glance, only the first level of the red ghost ghost.

The seventh elder said in disbelief: "He, he is the master of ghost guard who hacked to death the dragon's head with two swords?"

"Yes." Chairman Zhong said affirmatively.

If Leng Chengyu hadn't killed the dragon head human evil spirit, it would be impossible for Leng Chengyu to collect the dragon head human evil spirit soul crystals.

Therefore, President Zhong is very sure.

The seventh elder looked at President Zhong with some doubts.

He knew that President Zhong had never seen the ghost defender who killed the dragon's body and evil spirits.

President Zhong, just like him, has been far behind, waiting for the ghost to repair his injuries, and he hasn't fought in the front at all.

The seventh elder didn't understand why President Zhong was so sure that he was the dragon head human evil spirit killed by Leng Chengyu.

The seventh elder turned his head to look at the other ghost guards.

Other ghost guards who saw Leng Chengyu slash the dragon's head with two swords and nodded and said, "Yes, it's him, we saw it with our own eyes."

The seventh elder asked puzzledly: "However, his ghost level is not high, only the red ghost is at the first level. How can he have the strength to kill the red ghost ghost of the seventh-level high-level dragon head life evil spirit?"

Those ghost guards who saw Leng Chengyu slay the dragon's head and the evil spirit immediately explained: "He doesn't rely on his ghost at all, he depends on his golden sword.

I heard that the golden sword was handed down by the older generation of ghost masters in his family, and it was very powerful. "

"Golden Broadsword?" The Seventh Elder raised his eyes to Leng Chengyu again, and did not see the golden sword in Leng Chengyu's hand. "Is he with a gold sword?"

"Yes, after he killed the dragon head human evil spirit, he put it away." The other ghost defenders responded immediately.

The Seventh Elder flew towards Leng Chengyu curiously, and President Zhong and the other ghost guards also flew past.

As soon as he arrived in front of Leng Chengyu, the seventh elder blurted out and asked: "Are you the master of the ghost guard who killed the dragon head human evil spirit?"

Leng Chengyu raised his eyes to look at the Seventh Elder, and President Zhong next to the Seventh Elder.

At first glance, Leng Chengyu knew that this Seventh Elder should be a big figure sent by the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts.

After Leng Chengyu nodded to President Zhong, he turned to look at the seventh elder, and said calmly, "It's really me."

The seventh elder asked again: "I heard that you hacked the dragon's head to death by hacking twice with a golden knife, didn't you?"

Leng Chengyu nodded again and said, "That's right."

The Seventh Elder hesitated for a while, but he still asked the sentence that shouldn't be asked.

After all, let others take out weapons to watch, and he is still a lower-level ghost defender, he is a bit unable to ask.

However, he still asked: "Can you show me your golden sword?"

Leng Chengyu took out his golden sword and handed it to the Seventh Elder.

As soon as the Seventh Elder took the golden sword, he felt the surging energy contained in the golden sword.

However, when he danced lightly and wanted to control the surging energy in the Golden Mile, he couldn't do it at all.

The surging energy in the golden sword is like a kite with a broken wire, and it has no contact with him at all.

The Seventh Elder had to pass the golden sword back to Leng Chengyu.

After the dragon head human evil spirit was killed, the battle on the battlefield in the west ten li area here became much easier.

The battle here quickly ended, and the battles in other areas also quickly ended.

It can be said that this time in the fight against the East Ghost King’s invasion of Fuyang City, the Ghost Guardian Alliance won a huge victory.

After the victory, most of the ghost guard teams were repaired in place. Diminish

However, Leng Chengyu and the others above the squadron leader level returned to the Xicheng District Defense Line for a meeting to study the next battle plan.

There were no more high-levels in the high-level conference hall of the Xicheng District Defense Line resident, and all the high-levels came to the ordinary conference hall with a larger area for meetings.

On the rostrum are very high-level elders from the headquarters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance.

Of course it also includes the Seven Elders.

There are also the master-level ghost masters drawn from other base cities, and of course, President Zhong is also on the chair.

Moreover, it also included Fang Zhirou, Song Fei, the special envoy of the Great Elder, and Leng Chengquan, the commissioners sent from the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts.

Sitting under the rostrum are the vice president level and squadron leader level ghost master masters transferred from each base city.

Of course, it also includes the local ghost masters in Fuyang City.

And Leng Chengyu is among them.

Chairman Zhong gave the opening remarks happily and excitedly.

"On behalf of the Fuyang Ghost Guardian League Branch, I would like to thank the elders and master masters of the Ghost Guardian Alliance headquarters, and thank the president and vice presidents sent by other base cities, as well as every master master of Ghost Guardians.

I also want to thank the researchers who developed the evil spirit cannon and the red cannon, and thank all the ghost guards and researchers who worked to encircle and suppress the East Ghost King.

Next, I invite the Seven Elders sent from the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts to speak with you. U U Reading"

The Seventh Elder stood up and said into the microphone: "This meeting is mainly for research. The next thing is to encircle and suppress the East Ghost King, or wait until the further support of our Ghosts Alliance headquarters arrives, and then encircle and suppress the territory of the East Ghost King.

Let us first weigh the various pros and cons, think about it in our minds, and wait for everyone to predict freely.

The other theme of this meeting was to commend those who had outstanding performances in the battle against the Eastern Ghost King’s invasion of Fuyang City. Sacrifice like sacrifice like

After a while, someone will say the names of outstanding ghost guardians and their deeds.

If you have any objections, you can raise them after the meeting.

And the main thing I want to praise now is a squadron leader of the defense line station in Xicheng District, Fuyang City. His name is Leng Chengyu.

I believe everyone knows that one of the ten strongest leaders of the East Ghost King is the leader of the human body and evil spirits.

In order to kill him, we can say that many red ghost ghosts of level 5 and level 6 and above were drawn from the battlefield in various regions, but for a while, we were not able to kill this dragon head human evil spirit. Mi He Mi

In the end, it turned out that our squadron leader named Leng Chengyu used a golden sword handed down from his family's elders to kill the dragon head and the evil spirit with two knives.

This is very shocking, and at the same time his contribution is also very great. "

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