Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 306: The decision of the meeting

The seventh elder raised his voice and continued: "With his credit, he is already qualified to be sent to the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts for further training."

Hearing what the Seventh Elder said, the various high-levels below couldn't help but talk.

"Is he able to get a place for training in the headquarters of the Ghost Guards Alliance only with the merits of World War I? He is just a squadron leader of a division in a small base city."

"I have been struggling for almost my entire life, and I haven't been able to get a place for advanced studies at the Headquarters of the Guardian Alliance.

It’s no wonder that these high-level executives are lamenting, because if they can go to the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts for further training, it means that there is a 99% chance that they will be able to join the presbytery of the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts. Ren elder.

This is simply the elder's reserve!

But after sighing, everyone thought that Leng Chengyu's contribution was indeed very great, and they had to admit that Leng Chengyu did have this qualification.

After praising Leng Chengyu, the Seventh Elder asked everyone to discuss whether to encircle and suppress the territory of the Eastern Ghost King immediately, or wait for the support of the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts to encircle and suppress. Minus

Everyone disagrees.

Some people think that we should strike while the iron is hot, and take advantage of the current morale, and advance towards the territory of the East Ghost King in one fell swoop.

Otherwise, maybe the East Ghost King will run away. After the East Ghost King escapes, it will be even more troublesome if he makes a comeback.

However, some people think that the territory of the East Ghost King is too broad, and the strength of the East Ghost King is too strong. Once attacked, it will be difficult to quickly win.

If you can't win quickly, you may fall into the quagmire of war.

After listening to everyone’s opinions, the Seventh Elder saw that Leng Chengyu hadn’t spoken, so he asked Leng Chengyu: “Captain Leng, what’s your opinion? Do you attack now or wait until support comes?”

Leng Chengyu stood up and said, "I prefer to attack now, and to advance directly into the East Ghost King's palace, it is best to kill the East Ghost King."

"Kill the Eastern Ghost King?"

When the Seventh Elder heard Leng Chengyu's words, he was very surprised.

"The strength of the East Ghost King is too strong. It can't be killed in a short while. In terms of artillery shells, it can't kill the East Ghost King's shells. Among the ghost defenders, my level is the highest, and I am not sure to kill it. Northeast King."

When the Seventh Elder said so, Leng Chengyu didn't speak any more.

He can't say that my Guan Gong knife can kill the East Ghost King.

If you say this, it will not only steal the limelight from the Seventh Elder and other high-level people, but it will also make others think that he is a very lofty person.

People would not believe that his Guan Gong sword was able to kill the East Ghost King, but felt that after he had achieved great credit in this war against the East Ghost King invasion, after killing the dragon head human evil spirit, he would forget about it and feel that he can be invincible. Up.

After all, the name of the East Ghost King is too loud, and the strength is too strong.

Moreover, the East Ghost King has so many red-clothed ghost-level subordinates, how can he kill as he pleases? Xiru Xiru

Chairman Zhong also stared at Leng Chengyu for a while, but he didn't say something in the end.

President Zhong doesn't think that Leng Chengyu is a big talker, and President Zhong thinks that Leng Chengyu should be certain.

However, the matter is very important, and Chairman Zhong cannot blatantly support Leng Chengyu.

Because, if the East Ghost King can't be killed by that time, then no one can bear the responsibility.

After the Seventh Elder asked Leng Chengyu's opinion, he turned his head to look at Fang Zhirou and asked, "Zhirou, what's your opinion? Should you attack now, or wait until the rescue team from the Great Elder sect arrives before attacking?" "

Fang Zhirou said: "I think we can attack right now, because the morale on our side of the ghost guard is booming, and we can continue to advance into the territory of the East Ghost King, and then form a certain line of defense.

At the same time, you can also wait for the support team sent by the Grand Elder during this time.

The two will not conflict with each other at all.

Because the East Ghost King's team has almost been exhausted in this battle, the strength of the East Ghost King has been greatly reduced.

In the territory of the East Ghost King, there should be no resistance from the large forces. "

After listening to Fang Zhirou's opinion, the seventh elder looked at Leng Chengquan again and asked, "Master Leng, do you think it is better to attack now, or is it safer to attack after the rescue team comes?

Leng Chengquan said vigorously: "We ghost defenders will not fear death. We must have the courage to move forward. Now is the time to embody our spirit defenders, so I advocate attacking now."

The seventh elder looked at the special envoy of the great elder again and asked, "What do you think?"

The special envoy of the elder said: "I support my lady."

The Seventh Elder looked at Chairman Zhong again and asked: "This is your Fuyang City. You are the chairman of the Fuyang City Ghost Defenders League branch. You can also say your opinion."

Chairman Zhong finally found the opportunity at this time. He repeated Leng Chengyu's words and said: "I prefer to attack now, and I will go directly to the palace of the East Ghost King. It is best to be able to rescue us and be imprisoned. The vice president in the East Ghost King’s Palace."

After the Seventh Elder asked the opinions of some presidents of other base cities, he concluded: "Since everyone's opinions are not too unified, then please show your hands and vote."

When everyone showed their hands to vote, the Seventh Elders found that the majority supported the immediate attack.

The Seventh Elder immediately said: "If this is the case, it should not be too late. Now we will study the specific plan surrounding the Eastern Ghost King.

Is it to send a strong vanguard first? Or should all the troops be mobilized at once to encircle and suppress the Northeast King like a raid? "

Regarding whether the vanguard should be sent first or all the troops should be sent out, most senior executives believe that the vanguard should be sent first.

It is safer to let the powerful vanguard open the way first.

Because now after this battle, the East Ghost King should not have many men.

The most difficult thing for the East Ghost King's current men to deal with should be the remaining part of the scarlet ghost-level evil spirit leader.

As for the ghost tide that has been very difficult to deal with, the East Ghost King should not have enough hands to launch it.

Therefore, the vanguard should first be sent to deal with these scarlet ghost-level evil spirit leaders.

Then use other ghost guards who are not too strong to form a large force to wipe out those evil spirits who have no strong strength.

After the plan is finalized, the next step is to select the members of the vanguard. Mi He Mi

As the strongest ghost defender in this team, the Seventh Elder was of course also a member of the vanguard team and also the captain of the vanguard team.

Moreover, the Seven Elders suggested.

In addition to leaving a part with the large forces to prevent the weaker forces from encountering the red-clothed ghost-level evil spirit leader, most of the red-clothed ghosts of the fifth and sixth level or above should be joined. The vanguard team directly encircled and suppressed the East Ghost King’s palace.

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