The surging energy in Guan Gong's broad sword turned into a sword like a horse, surging out of the sword, and bombarded the roots of the vines.


An extremely loud sound rang, and the roots of the vines suddenly rose up for a while.

The roots of the entire vine had been chopped by Leng Chengyu with a single knife.

And in the roots of the land, a pit like a house was cut out.

This is only the sword power that has turned into a horse training, and it has not yet turned into the power produced by the violent wind and huge waves.

If it turns into a violent wind and huge waves, it is even more likely that even the ghosts of nearby ghost guards will be implicated.

汜豜汜. After the root of the vine evil spirit shattered, other parts of the vine evil spirit's body were also impacted by this sword force, and soon, like a chain reaction, began to become fragmented like glass.

Then, it fell from the sky to the ground.

Captain Narita Squadron also fell from the air, and fell to the ground.

Captain Narita's eyes were very shocked.

He also couldn't think that Leng Chengyu's knife was so powerful.

His ghost has also reached the third level of the red ghost ghost and almost the fourth level, but there is no way to take this vine evil spirit, and the vine evil spirit is thrown to the ground with a whip.

However, Leng Chengyu cut the entire long vine into pieces with a knife that seemed to be an understatement, and a big pit fell on the ground.

However, perhaps because of his jealousy, Leng Chengyu got the opportunity to study at the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League, he was still very unconvinced.

He still blamed Leng Chengyu for the weird yin and yang.

"What's the matter with you? Why didn't you give me a warning before the knife, which made me fall to the ground."

After hearing this Narita squadron leader's words, the others looked at him with surprise.

No one thought that when Leng Chengyu saved his life, he even said such things.

Elder Du Feng looked back and found that Leng Chengyu had killed the vine evil spirit, and Leng Chengyu had taken out the golden box casually to collect the soul crystals.

Although Elder Du Feng said that to Captain Narita Squadron, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.

However, he is responsible to the team as the captain.

Therefore, he still resisted not saying anything to blame Narita Squadron, but instead said to everyone based on the responsibility of the captain.

"Since it's okay, everyone keep moving forward, but we must be careful. Although our periphery has been cleaned, it may not be able to be cleaned. Some vine evil spirits will hide. Therefore, if you are in the middle, don't be too careless. ."

Everyone nodded their heads, and then proceeded according to the original formation, and continued to clean up.

The leader of Narita Squadron also stood up, greeted his ghost, and followed everyone forward.

Leng Chengyu also returned to his position and continued to clean up behind the girl ghost Liu Fang.

It didn't take long.

Suddenly, the black vines in front of them poured over the sky, and Leng Chengyu and their team encountered an unprecedented crisis.

Seeing this, Elder Du Feng couldn't help stopping.

"Ah! It's the vine evil spirit!"

"Many vine evil spirits!"

"Everyone pay attention!"

At the periphery, the five-level and sixth-level ghost guards in red, including Elder Du Feng, their faces became serious.

They immediately summoned their ghosts and attacked the creeping evil spirits with all their strength.

However, the vine evil spirits came over too fast. The ghost spirits of these ghosts had not been displayed yet, and one of the ghost spirits had been rolled up and strangled by the vine evil spirits.

However, this ghost is also at the fifth level of the red ghost ghost, and it is not so easy to be controlled by this vine evil spirit.

He immediately burst into black air, and then his whole body swelled up, actually curling the vine evil spirit that he wanted to roll up and throw him into the depths of the vine in front of him, and it broke several times. Section.

As for Elder Du Feng's ghost, because the level had reached the sixth level of the red ghost ghost, it was even more attacked by several vine evil spirits.

Some of these vine evil spirits stretched over to wrap around the legs of Elder Du Feng's ghost, some wrapped around the waist, and even more, they wanted to stretch to the neck to wrap around the neck.

However, this elder Du Feng’s ghost is worthy of being such a powerful ghost at the sixth level of the red-robed ghost. After encountering so many attacks, he is still in a mess, still using his ghost skills, and quickly breaks. Several vine evil spirits were lost.

However, there is a vine evil spirit that is very tough. Elder Du Feng's ghost cannot get rid of this vine evil spirit at all, let alone kill this vine evil spirit.

Seeing that this tough vine evil spirit was able to compete with his ghost, Elder Du Feng immediately asked in surprise: "Did I meet the leader of the vine evil spirit here?"

Elder Du Feng is still not sure.

However, he still sent a message to the Seventh Elder.

And the Seventh Elder also led a small team to sweep the vines blocking the way.

They were in the middle of the fan formation, very far away from Leng Chengyu's side.

Therefore, the Seventh Elders did not dare to act rashly to support before they were the leader of the evil spirits of the vines. He said to Elder Du Feng: "You think of a way to deal with it for a while. After I solve my side, I will go over to understand the situation immediately."

Now, Leng Chengyu is here.

Elder Du Feng's ghost is fighting against a tough vine evil spirit, and other red ghost ghosts of level 5 and 6 are also entangled by other vine evil spirits.

Moreover, because these vine evil spirits are mixed together, it is impossible to judge which of the vine evil spirits is strong.

Because all the evil auras were mixed together, it was impossible to tell if it was one of them.

Therefore, it is difficult to accurately judge their level.

In short, the strength of all their so many vines assembled, I am afraid it can be comparable to the strength of the sixth level of the red ghost.

Moreover, when such a large range of vine evil spirits come around, since they can contain the ghosts of those high-level ghost guards on the outside, of course, they can also rush to these low-level ghosts inside.

Leng Chengyu's ghost Liu Fang was also entangled by several vine evil spirits.

The vine evil spirits that attacked them this time seemed to be very good at combining attacks. When they attacked together, they were all very orderly and it was difficult to find flaws.

Therefore, many ghosts are entangled even if they are as high as level five or six.

Mi He Mi. When Leng Chengyu saw that his ghost Liu Fang was entangled, he raised Guan Gong's broadsword to accumulate the power of the sword, and cut off the vine evil spirit that entangled Liu Fang.

These vine evil spirits were chopped to pieces once they were chopped by Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife.

Then, the whole vines shattered from the tails that came over to the roots far away from Leng Chengyu and the others.

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