Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 310: Leng Chengyu's prestige

Leng Chengyu slashed at those vine evil spirits who wanted to entangle the girl ghost Liu Fang.

Every vine evil spirit cut by Leng Chengyu was broken from the cut part to the root of the entire vine.

In other words, these vine evil spirits were slashed by Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife, and their bodies shattered and their souls were scattered.

After Leng Chengyu helped Liu Fang cut down the vine evil spirits that were about to entangle Liu Fang, he asked Liu Fang to collect the soul crystals with the golden box.

Then, Leng Chengyu went to help the other team members who were trapped.

With the help of Leng Chengyu, the evil spirits of the vines that trapped other players were hacked to death one by one.

The pressure on the other players was suddenly reduced.

The situation has also begun to improve in the direction of Leng Chengyu and the others.

Of course, after the Manteng evil spirit was hacked, Liu Fang would go to collect soul crystals.

It didn't take long for Leng Chengyu to help the less powerful ghosts in the inner circle to get rid of the entanglement of the vine evil spirits.

At this moment, Captain Narita Squadron suddenly shouted to Leng Chengyu: "Captain Leng Squadron, come and save me!"

Captain Narita was very jealous of Leng Chengyu before, and very disdainful.

Before, because Leng Chengyu rescued him once, he still verbalized each other like that, and he didn't have the face to approach Leng Chengyu any more, he simply stayed away from Leng Chengyu.

And because of this, Leng Chengyu almost finished helping the other players in the inner circle, but Captain Narita was still entangled by many vine evil spirits slowly.

One of the vine evil spirits broke through the obstruction of the ghost spirit of Captain Narita Squadron, once again wrapped around Captain Narita Squadron's waist, and even wanted to follow the waist and wrap it around the neck.

Captain Narita Squadron was terribly frightened. He was no longer able to ask for help from the peripheral ghost guards above rank five or six.

Because the ghosts of those ghost guards are now also entangled by the vine evil spirits.

This time, there were too many evil spirits on the vines suddenly surging, and everyone couldn't take care of them, and could only take care of their own.

Only Leng Chengyu, relying on a golden knife, hacked all the way and helped many other weaker players.

Captain Narita also noticed it, and now only Leng Chengyu can spare his energy to save him.

Therefore, when his life was threatened, Captain Narita still had to directly ask Leng Chengyu for help.

Leng Chengyu looked over and found that Captain Narita Squadron was indeed very dangerous.

The ghost of Captain Narita Squadron had been entangled by several evil spirits of Manteng, and there was no power to protect Captain Narita Squadron.

And the evil spirit of the vine that entangled Captain Narita Squadron had already entangled Captain Narita Squadron's chest, almost reaching the neck.

As soon as it gets wrapped around the neck, I'm afraid it will be able to cut the neck of Captain Narita Squadron.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu didn’t care too much, so he let the girl ghost Liu Fang fly over with him, raised Guan Gong’s knife, and quickly slashed towards the root of the vine evil spirit that entangled Narita Squadron Captain. Past.

Cut it down with a knife, and like other vine evil spirits, this vine evil spirit also shattered and dissipated at once.

He was hacked to death with one knife.

Captain Narita squatted down on the ground without the entanglement of the vines.

Because he was strangled to death by that vine evil spirit just now.

At this moment, his body is already weak.

However, he still stubbornly didn't say thank Leng Chengyu, but after sitting there, he rested on his own, and ignored that his ghost was still being entangled by other vines and evil spirits.

And Leng Chengyu asked Liu Fang to collect the soul crystals, and then he continued to help the ghosts of Captain Narita slash and slay the vine evil spirits that entangled him.

Soon, the ghost of Narita Squadron Captain also got rid of the entanglement of all the vine evil spirits.

And Liu Fang is constantly collecting soul crystals, collecting them happily.

At this time, Captain Narita Squadron had a rest for a while. After regaining some strength, he saw Leng Chengyu's ghost Liu Fang continuously collecting soul crystals there, and he immediately sniffed again.

"Huh! He didn't save me because of those soul crystals!" Yan Jian bxWx.C*oBang

Because Leng Chengyu helped him many times, he was still resentful, and his conscience was a little uneasy. He thought this way, just to balance his conscience.

However, Leng Chengyu didn't know what Narita Squadron Captain was thinking, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't bother it.

Leng Chengyu only helped because Captain Narita was a member of the same team.

After the entanglement of the inner vines and evil spirits had been cleaned up, Leng Chengyu went to help the red-robed ghosts of the fifth and sixth level ghosts on the periphery.

With Leng Chengyu's help, the high-level ghosts on the periphery quickly got rid of the entanglement of these vine evil spirits.

Among these ghost guard masters in the periphery, it can be said that Elder Du Feng is the most stressed.

Elder Du Feng felt that there was someone secretly commanding these vine evil spirits.

And when these vine evil spirits came to attack them, most of their power was greeted by his ghosts.

Elder Du Feng was very suspicious that that person was the leader of the vine evil spirit in this black mist forest. Sacrifice like sacrifice

After the other ghost masters got rid of the entanglement of the vines and evil spirits, UU reading also joined Leng Chengyu to help Elder Du Feng.

On Elder Du Feng’s side, his ghost wrestles with the vine evil spirits while protecting Elder Du Feng. He even maintains a protective film on Elder Du Feng’s body to prevent the vine evil spirits from being able to It hurts Elder Du Feng.

This is also because Elder Du Feng's ghost has reached the sixth level of the scarlet ghost, so he can achieve this level of distraction.

While keeping the protective film on Elder Du Feng's body undamaged, on the other, he went to deal with the entangled vine evil spirits.

When Leng Chengyu and the others came over, those red-clothed ghost defenders above level 5 and 6 immediately let their ghosts deal with the vine evil spirits that entangled the ghosts of Elder Du Feng.

And Leng Chengyu was the root of those vine evil spirits that used Guan Gong's knife to reach out.

After the roots of those vine evil spirits were slashed by Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife, they were suddenly broken and dissipated.

And after Leng Chengyu cut a few times, the vine evil spirits here suddenly decreased a lot.

Suddenly, in the dark mist forest not far away, deep in the line of sight, there was an angry roar.

This angry roar seemed to be directed at Leng Chengyu.

It seemed that he was blaming Leng Chengyu for hacking to death those vine evil spirits.

Elder Du Feng immediately said loudly: "It is very likely that the leader of the vine evil spirit is roaring over there. We have been attacked on such a large scale this time, and he should be in charge." Mi He Mi

At this time, the Seventh Elder was also able to free his hands, letting his ghost fly over here with him.

Even Fang Zhirou and Song Fei let their ghosts fly over with them.

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