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Everyone's attention was originally on the vine's arm. After hearing this scream, they turned their attention to the vine's big net.

It was found that the top part of the entire vine net began to shatter, and the fragments continued to fall to the sleeper, turning into black smoke and dust, and quickly dissipating in the air.

Just like a chain reaction, and like waves swept by waves, the big net of vines broke apart inch by inch from the parts close to the body of the evil spirit head of the vines to the distant parts.

Soon it shattered to the edge of the big net of vines they wanted to attack before.

"We didn't attack the vines? How come the vines big net is also broken?"

These ghost guards and ghosts were very surprised.

This is incredible to the extreme.

If the vine's arm was shattered, it still makes sense.

Because the vine arms were shattered by their bombardment, it is possible that their strength just reached the critical point that the vine arms can withstand.

Therefore, it just broke apart every inch.

However, Manteng Dawang did not attack at all?

How could this also be broken?

"It should be the knife on Captain Leng Chengyu's side that worked."

At this time, President Zhong Dakui couldn't help but say.

Although President Zhong did not have the ability to control his ghosts to attack the same part of the edge of the vine net like the ghosts above the fifth-level peak of the red-clothed ghosts.

However, President Zhong, as a ghost defender who has reached the fifth level of the red ghost defender, he and his ghosts are still here, not far from these high-level ghost defenders and ghosts, helping to prevent that A vine arm swept across.

In order to be able to make it easier for these ghost defenders and ghosts to attack the edge of the vine's big net more easily to avoid the energy swept by the vine's arms.

For these ghosts and ghost defenders above the five-level peak, gain more time to attack, and minimize injuries or deaths.

"The ghost guard who said he was going to use a knife to chop the body of the evil spirit leader of the vines, used his knife to chop the body of the evil spirit leader of the vines to pieces? How is this possible?"

Many ghost guardians don't believe that Leng Chengyu's knife is so powerful.

However, everyone turned their heads and looked over.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it.

They saw that Leng Chengyu was still holding up the golden sword at this moment, and the surging energy in the golden sword was stirring.

And not far in front of Leng Chengyu, the vine evil spirit leader who was originally very huge, his body was broken and collapsed at this moment.

And everyone can see that the vine evil spirit leader is still working hard or instinctively, and a lot of black evil spirits emerge from his body, trying to repair his constantly broken and collapsed body.

However, the leader of the vine evil spirit could not be repaired.

After the body was shattered, the body of the vine evil spirit leader shattered and collapsed to a very deep part, almost shattering to the roots.

At this time, Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong sword's momentum had accumulated to completion.

Seeing Leng Chengyu's eyes were cold, like a killing god, with a sudden movement of his arm, Guan Gong's sword slashed towards the body of the vine evil spirit leader.

With the swing of Guan Gong's broad sword, a yellow light flashed, and a group of pikes came out of Guan Gong's broad sword, and soon turned into a violent wind and huge wave, like a tiger leaping on a wounded wolf, toward the vines. The spiritual leader's broken body bombarded away.


Another huge sound resounded through the sky last time.

The violent wind and waves of the sword hit the broken body of the leader of the vine evil spirit.

The body of the head of the vine evil spirit cannot move and cannot avoid it. After being bombarded, it will continue to shatter at a speed that cannot cover its ears, turning into black smoke and dust, and dissipating in the air.

Soon, in less than a minute, the body of the leader of the vine evil spirit had completely disappeared in the air.

And the huge vine arm that protruded from the body of the vine evil spirit head also quickly shattered and dissipated in the air.

Even the big net of vines was completely shattered and dissipated in the air.

At this time, the leader of the vine evil spirit had completely died, and his soul had disappeared.

A white smoke glowing with intense energy light suddenly emerged from the shattered body of the vine evil spirit leader.

Leng Chengyu knew that this was the soul crystal of the leader of the vine evil spirit.

And this soul crystal is much more dazzling than the other scarlet ghost-level soul crystals that Leng Chengyu had seen before. Although it was white light, it was very dazzling.

Leng Chengyu guessed that this might have reached the quality of a soul crystal with the strength of the Eastern Ghost King.

Leng Chengyu hurried forward.

Because he was only more than five meters away from the body of the vine evil spirit leader.

Therefore, he didn't need Liu Fang's assistance at all to fly over. He could pass quickly by himself and picked up the golden box to collect this soul crystal.

Soon, this very huge bombardment was like a rare baby, shining with light, lying in Leng Chengyu's golden box.

But when Leng Chengyu finished collecting the soul crystals and turned around, he found that his body was surrounded by many ghost guards and ghosts in the inner and outer layers.

Seeing that everyone was like a wooden person, staring at him intently, Leng Chengyu couldn't help scratching his head and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The seventh elder stepped forward and asked, "You killed the leader of the vine evil spirit, right?"

The Seventh Elder knew that it was unnecessary to ask such a question.

Because everyone had seen it just now, when Leng Chengyu's second sword slashed past, the body of the vine evil spirit leader quickly shattered and dissipated, and the soul flew away and turned into soul crystals.

This is already very obvious, the leader of the vine evil spirit must have been killed by Leng Chengyu.

However, because the Seventh Elder was too shocked in his heart.

At the same time, this is also a question that has been lingering in the hearts of the Seven Elders, and even in the hearts of most ghost guards and ghosts.

It's just that although other ghost guards and ghosts are shocked, they are not as heavy as the seventh elders.

That's why the Seven Elders stepped forward and asked more questions. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"Yes, it was indeed I who slashed this vine evil spirit leader with two knives."

Leng Chengyu didn't twitch, he admitted directly.

"You really hacked it to death!"

"Your knife is too powerful!"

"When we saw the vine arm shattered just now, we thought it was we who broke it by the bombardment, but we didn't expect it to be you!"

These ghost guards also noticed that the Manteng arm was bombarded in the palm of the hand, but when it shattered, it shattered from the root of the vine arm to the palm of the hand.

Although they didn't see Leng Chengyu slashing the first knife, they were able to know when they saw the second knife. This must be caused by Leng Chengyu's knife.

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