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Everyone confirmed that Leng Chengyu killed the leader of the vine evil spirit with two swords.

Someone even sighed: "If it weren't for Captain Leng's knife, I'm afraid we might all be trapped in this vine net."

Although this person's words were a bit exaggerated, even if not everyone was trapped in the big net of vines, even if the Seven Elders succeeded in breaking through the edge of the big net of vines.

However, only some ghost guards and ghosts can escape, not all ghost guards and ghosts.

Because the arm of the vine evil spirit leader is constantly swept back and forth, some ghost guards and ghosts will always be swept to death, and many ghost guards and ghosts may also be injured as a result.

The seventh elder couldn't help but stepped forward and patted Leng Chengyu on the shoulder, and said, "You have done a lot this time."

This time, the Seventh Elder saw the power of Leng Chengyu's knife with his own eyes. Unlike before, when he killed the leader of the dragon's body and evil spirit in an area forty miles away, he just listened to others.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes, he felt very shocked.

At the same time, he also felt the uniqueness of Leng Chengyu's knife.

Because, he also took that knife to play tricks, but he couldn't use the power in the knife at all, only Leng Chengyu was able to use it.

From this aspect, Leng Chengyu is a unique talent.

And he had a meeting before and said that Leng Chengyu had the opportunity to study at the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League. By this time, the dust had settled even more.

As long as Leng Chengyu is willing, then, there is no need to evaluate anything, and he can go directly.

When Leng Chengquan saw that Leng Chengyu had done a great job this time, he didn't want to miss Leng Chengyu, such a unique, powerful and miraculous subordinate.

He really wanted to entrust Leng Chengyu as his future subordinate.

But before Lan Shu is a subordinate, he must have a good relationship with Leng Chengyu.

Therefore, he and Leng Chengyu bowed to brothers.

Because, Leng Chengyu is a talent who can be his right-hand man in the future, and he must be very close in order to be able to fully use it for him.

Leng Chengquan stepped forward and patted Leng Chengyu on the shoulder like the Seventh Elder, and said, "You are very good. You are the one who shines the most among all the people I have ever seen. I admire it very much. You, I still said that, I want to worship a brother with you. Please consider it again."

Leng Chengyu did not expect that Leng Chengquan would want to worship his brother at this time.

Leng Chengyu still doesn't have the intention to worship Leng Chengquan.

However, he couldn't directly refuse other people's requests. He said: "After the siege of the East Ghost King is over, I will definitely give you a result."

Seeing that Leng Chengyu still had the same attitude, Leng Chengquan did not continue to demand it. He knew that he could not demand a talent like Leng Chengyu.

Moreover, now he is still here as a commissioner as the vice president of the Haidu Ghost Guards League branch, his mysterious identity has not yet been revealed.

When the time comes, as long as the identity behind him is revealed, and then talk about the brotherhood with Leng Chengyu, he believes that Leng Chengyu must be desperate, and he is very happy to befriend him.

After all, the benefits that his status can bring to Leng Chengyu are beyond Leng Chengyu's imagination.

After the evil spirit leader of the vines is killed, the entire black mist forest has become a normal forest, there is no black fog, and the vines have become ordinary vines, and the trees have also become Ordinary trees.

And the vine evil spirits that were connected to the body of the vine evil spirit chief were all shattered, turned into flying smoke and dissipated, and there were no more vine evil spirits here.

Leng Chengyu and the others continued to move forward, sweeping towards the palace of the East Ghost King.

They also encountered several obstacles that were designed by the East Ghost King like the Black Mist Forest, but they all rushed past them with very small losses.

And Leng Chengyu also played a very big role in it.

Because of Heiwulin's amazing performance, Leng Chengyu was taken seriously. Anything that can't be solved must be solved by Leng Chengyu.

Therefore, these obstacles can soon be overcome.

Soon, these high-level ghost guard vanguards came to a place less than a kilometer away from the palace of the East Ghost King, and there was a canyon in front of them.

The wind was whistling in the canyon.

Fang Zhirou explained: “This is the last obstacle to the East Ghost King’s Palace. Many of the gusts in it are formed by evil spirits. Even the rocks may be formed by evil spirits. Even every bunch of flowers and every grass. , Every tree may be transformed into evil spirits.

Therefore, everyone must be very careful when passing. "

After listening to Fang Zhirou's words, the Seventh Elder immediately asked everyone to stop, and then asked everyone.

"Let’s express your opinion on how to pass through this Grand Canyon so that we can minimize our losses."

"This Grand Canyon is too high, and the violent winds inside have never stopped. If those violent winds may be the evil spirits themselves, it is even more difficult to guard against."

Someone suggested: "It is better for us to form multiple teams, and when the rotation is moving forward, we will attack the wind in the air, the flowers and trees on the ground, and the rocks on both sides without dead angles in all directions.

As long as it is attacked, as long as it is an evil spirit, even if it is not dead, it will be damaged. "

The seventh elder frowned.

This kind of large-scale attack consumes too much. In case the most powerful evil spirit stays behind, then we will not have enough energy to deal with this powerful evil spirit, and this may cause even greater losses. "

Everyone discussed and discussed, but none of them came up with a good solution.

Because these evil spirits are mixed in the violent wind rocks and flowers and trees, it is impossible to identify them, even more difficult to identify than the vine evil spirits in the black mist forest before.

When they walk past, they may be attacked.

Moreover, such an attack is likely to be fatal in one blow.

Because, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the ghost who came out to attack will definitely choose weaker ghosts or ghost defenders to attack, so it will be impossible to resist.

And if he hides after the attack, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Seeing that everyone did not discuss a good solution, Captain Narita actually stood up and said disdainfully: "I think this canyon is very high and steep, but our ghosts are all red-robed ghosts, and they should be able to fly. Go up, isn’t it okay to fly through the air?"

Fang Zhirou condensed her eyebrows: "If it could fly over, this place would not be the last barrier of the East Ghost King's Palace."

Captain Narita still said unconvincedly: "Why can't you fly over?"

"Yes, if you fly high, there will be no strong wind, no rocks, no flowers, plants, or trees. We just need to pay attention to the downside when flying high."

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