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Many people also agreed with Captain Narita.

Because when everyone looked at the top of the cliff above the canyon, there was no violent wind at all and it was calm.

Those gusts were only blowing hard in the gorge, but the sky over the gorge was completely clear.

And over the canyon, there are no rocks, no flowers, trees, or strong winds. Then, in other words, there will be no evil spirits blocking the road.

That being the case, why can't you fly over the canyon?

This is actually the mind of many people.

"Yeah, I think flying over it would be a way."

"Flying over it is much lower risk than passing directly through the canyon."

Many people began to vocally agree with Narita Squadron's opinion.

Upon seeing this, Captain Narita Squadron looked at Fang Zhirou disdainfully, and said, "Although you have investigated the East Ghost King before, I am afraid that a lot of your information is estimated by guessing. If not, you think we flew over the valley. What are the risks?"

Fang Zhirou didn't know what to say. He did only know from the mouths of some of the East Ghost King's subordinates that this canyon was very terrifying, and he couldn't get through without the East Ghost King's permission.

And those who want to pass through this gorge should be those evil spirits that can fly.

Couldn't they fly over from above?

Do you have to agree to the Toki King?

Fang Zhirou could guess, or even conclude, that there must be some unclear danger in it.

It's just that Fang Zhirou can't tell.

Seeing Fang Zhirou not speaking, Captain Narita went to the seventh elder and said: "Seven elder, you are the captain of the vanguard. Here you have the most power. Do you think you can rush over the valley? Or is it wrong? Want to venture through this gorge?"

The Seventh Elder looked up at the cliffs above the incredibly high canyon. The cliffs and cliffs were indeed calm, and there was nothing strange.

However, for the sake of caution, the Seventh Elder still let his ghost assist him to fly over the canyon to explore.

After exploring, the ghosts of the Seventh Elders couldn't see anything unusual.

However, the Seventh Elders were still very cautious.

Because he knew that Fang Zhirou was not the kind of person who exaggerated, since Fang Zhirou said so, there might be a certain degree of danger, even if the sky above seemed calm and calm, there was nothing strange.

The seventh elders took a neutral approach.

He said: "You can try to fly over in the sky, but a small team must pass in advance to check if there is any danger, and if there is no danger, everyone will pass together."

Then, the Seventh Elder looked at the ghost guards who supported flying from high in the sky, and said, "Are you willing to be this pathfinder team?"

Everyone hesitated when they heard the Seventh Elder say this.

Although they don't see any risks, they still feel inexplicably uneasy if they let them explore the way.

When the Seventh Elder saw that these ghost defenders did not make a sound, he said to several red ghost defenders at the sixth level: "You guys are the forward guards of this team, lead the way in front, and lead this team. Flying from high in the sky, if you find danger, immediately withdraw decisively."


These red-robed ghost guards at the sixth level responded.

The seventh elder said to those ghost guards who suggested to go from high in the sky: "Now that they are walking with them, the risk has been reduced to a minimum. Since you feel that there is no danger in the sky, you are now willing to follow these red ghost guards. Are the sixth-level ghost guards in front to find the way for everyone together?"

Then, the Seventh Elder immediately turned his head to look at the Narita Squadron Captain, and said: "You put forward the opinion. Would you like to be a member of the first team's Pathfinder Team?"

Captain Narita Squadron never thought that he, a red-clothed ghost guardian at level 4, would be a pathfinder team to find the way for everyone.

However, he put forward the opinion first, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet, and said very surely: "Of course I am willing, and there is no risk above. When we have passed, you will go there again. Then you will know. Flying over it is definitely the best way."

Then, Captain Narita squadron said to those who agreed with him: "Many of you are higher than me. You should also be willing to join me as this pathfinder team?"

Just now I vocally agreed that the Narita squadron captain had a hundred or so people.

Among these people are low-level red-clothed ghost guards and high-level red-clothed ghost guards.

They weren't everyone willing, but now the leader of Narita Squadron has stepped up and said yes, and the seventh elder sent several red-clothed ghost guards, level 6 guards, to guard in front, and the risk is even lower. It's terrible.

If they don't want to, then they will have no face for this ghost guard. As a member of the vanguard, they were meant to be ahead.

In other words, the Seventh Elders spoke better, and did not give orders to die.

If they were ordered to die, they would have to be a member of this pathfinder team.

Moreover, if they retreat now, the war of encirclement and suppression of the ghost king is over in the future, and their rewards will be lowered because of this retreat.

Therefore, everyone immediately responded in unison: "We are willing."

As a result, the ghosts of the six-level red ghost guards took their respective ghost guards and flew over the canyon.

Those ghost guards who were the pathfinder team also let their respective ghosts fly up with them.

More than a hundred people flew across the gorge in such a mighty sky.

Everyone was very vigilant when flying over the canyon and going through the area above the canyon.

The first few red-robed ghost guards of the sixth level also prepared their ghosts to perform ghost skills to deal with unexpected accidents that may occur.

However, when they flew past, nothing happened.

When they were almost one-third of the distance away ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ still nothing happened.

Everyone's vigilance was also let go.

At this time, Captain Narita turned his head and looked at Fang Zhirou, and the seventh elder, shouting loudly: "Have you seen it? My opinion is correct, flying through the sky, there is no danger at all. ."

Fang Zhirou also kept watching the pathfinder team. Seeing that everyone had reached one-third of the distance and was still safe, Fang Zhirou doubted her previous judgment.

And the Seventh Elder also stood up and said to the ghost guards behind him: "You are also ready, once they pass the canyon safely, we will fly over from high in the sky together."

In fact, as soon as the words of the Seventh Elder fell, the pathfinder team above the valley suddenly changed. It was originally calm and the waves were suddenly roaring.

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