Start the Game with a System of Helping Ghosts For Fun

Chapter 320: Consequences of falling into the canyon

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"This wind is weird!"

Fang Zhirou immediately exclaimed.

"Look, these screaming winds are blowing up from under the canyon. I very much doubt that these winds are the result of evil spirits."

Other people felt very nervous when they saw the sudden gust of wind.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the sudden gust of wind.

And when those violent winds swept into the small group of pathfinders above the canyon, suddenly, the ghost defenders watching below saw that there were ghosts and ghost defenders in the group falling into the valley.

When it fell into the valley, the flowers and plants on the valley moved before it fell to the ground.

The flowers and plants suddenly stretched out, and then stretched over, engulfing the bodies of these ghosts and ghost guards.

Wrap these ghost guards and ghosts into a zongzi.

And everyone can see that these wrapped ghost guards and ghosts are constantly struggling in these flowers and trees, but they can't break free.

Because a ghost or a ghost defender is wrapped in many flowers and trees.

These flowers, plants and trees must be evil spirits. After they were wrapped up together, bursts of black aura radiated from the place where they were wrapped.

After struggling with the ghosts and ghosts strangled inside, their bodies became smaller and smaller, and then they couldn't move, and they couldn't struggle anymore.

In the end, it seemed so small that there were no ghost guards and ghosts in it.

At this time, the branches and leaves of these flowers and trees stretched and entwined, or other wrappings such as vines, spread out.

After dispersing, there was nothing inside, and those ghost guards and ghosts had disappeared.

"How is this going?"

Even if the evil spirits of flowers and trees strangled the ghost guards and ghosts to death, they should still have their bodies left.

Even if it is broken, there will still be pieces of meat and bones in it, why is there nothing?

Fang Zhirou's face also changed in shock at this time.

She said: "I remember, I found out that Eastern Ghost King's men also said that these evil spirits of flowers, plants and trees specially absorb the bodies of humans and ghosts as nutrients."

The seventh elder also stared in surprise.

"You mean that these evil spirits of flowers and trees have absorbed the bodies of ghost guards and ghosts into their bodies as nutrients?"

Fang Zhirou nodded and said: "It should be like this, otherwise, the wrapped ghost guard and ghost body will not disappear for no reason."

Among the fallen ghost defenders and ghosts, the higher-level ghosts will form a protective barrier to protect themselves and his ghost defenders.

This made the evil spirits of flowers, trees and trees, the branches and leaves that stretched out could not wrap them.

When the evil spirits of flowers and trees stretched out, these high-level ghost spirits used ghost techniques and bombarded the flowers and trees, causing them to retreat like a tide.

After these ghost guards and ghosts fell to the bottom of the canyon, suddenly, a few gusts of wind swept over.

The wind whizzed past, and the heads of those high-level ghosts and ghost defenders fell to the ground.

Obviously, these gusts of wind should also be very high-level evil spirits. When they swept over, they immediately cut off the heads of these high-level ghosts and ghost guards.

I don't know what method was used. The ghosts and ghost guardians whose heads were chopped off were so high-level that they didn't have any resistance, and their heads fell off.

The decapitation of the decapitated ghost spurts out black air like a column of water, and the decapitation of the ghost guard spouts bright red blood, which is very bloody.

It made the ghost guards who were watching from the outside of the canyon feel very sad and distressed.

The level is not very high, but when they fall, those ghosts that have not suffered any damage can protect their ghost guards while also being able to cope with the entanglement of flowers and trees, and soon fall to the bottom of the canyon. .

They also guard against those winds.

However, who knows that the squally wind has not swept them.

However, the stones in the valley suddenly jumped up and hit them.

Countless rocks, at least hundreds of them, just jumped up and hit them, burying their bodies in the rocks.

More and more stones fell and piled into piles of stones as big as a hill.

After pressing the bodies of the ghost guards and ghosts into the pile of rocks, the rocks were still moving desperately, and strands of black air emerged from the rocks.

After a while, these stones automatically flew back into the stone walls on both sides of the canyon, and changed back to one of the previous stone walls.

And when all the stones fly away, the bodies of the ghost guards and ghosts buried in the stones have turned into meatloaf.

At this time, the evil spirits of flowers and trees stretched out and entangled these meatloaf.

Soon, these patties were absorbed by the evil spirits of flowers, plants and trees, and disappeared.

In less than two minutes, dozens of ghost guards and ghosts in the pathfinder team in the sky lost their flying ability and fell into the canyon. In the end, they all suffered a tragic fate and none of them survived.

The seventh elder who was watching in front of the gorge yelled into the air anxiously: "You guys go back!"

When the Seven Elders shouted, some ghosts and ghost guards actually retreated.

However, less than half of them were withdrawn in the end.

In other words, the pathfinder team has lost more than half.

Among the half of the withdrawal, many ghost guards and ghosts were injured.

Moreover, those ghost defenders and ghosts who reached the sixth level were not spared. Two sixth-level ghost defenders and ghosts were also dropped under the canyon by the violent wind, and then they also suffered a tragic fate. .

Looking at the part of the ghost guards and ghosts who had withdrawn, the seventh elder felt very heavy.

At this moment, he turned his hope to Leng Chengyu again. He walked up to Leng Chengyu and solemnly asked: "Are you sure you can use your knife to pass through this gorge and kill all the evil spirits in the gorge? Up?"

At this moment, Leng Chengyu did not dare to pack the ticket. He said: "If I want to go by myself, my knife should allow me to pass safely.

But, UU reading, can I kill the hidden evil spirits in the canyon, then I don't know, because I can't see them at all.

If they hide when I rush past, I can't help them. "


At this time, the seventh elder's brows wrinkled tightly, and he really didn't know what to do now.

Everyone sighed. The reason why the evil spirits in these canyons are difficult to deal with is because they can't see them at all.

If you can see it, other high-level ghost guardians can also deal with it.

"Why don't I cooperate with Captain Cold Squadron?"

Suddenly, a loud voice rang when everyone was desperate.

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