"What's the matter?" The Seventh Elder exclaimed.

However, before the Seventh Elders sent someone to check it out, at this moment, they suddenly discovered that there were many shadows around.

These shadows moved slowly toward the Seven Elders and their soul guardians in rows, like zombies.

"What is this? Are they all evil spirits?" The Seventh Elder was surprised again.

Leng Chengyu stepped forward and said, "It's better to let me cut again. They gather together, and my knife can work better on them."

"Okay! Cut them with your knife."

Looking at the dense rows of black shadows that were moving closer and closer, the Seventh Elder immediately agreed to Leng Chengyu's request.

Leng Chengyu walked to the front and raised Guan Gong's broad knife to accumulate his sword power.

The surging energy was continuously accumulated in Guan Gong's Broadsword, and it quickly accumulated to completion.

With a slash, a group of pikes came out of Guan Gong's broad sword, and then quickly turned into a violent wind and waves, and swept away crazy toward the dark shadows that were slowly moving.


A blade like a violent wind and huge waves whizzed past the black shadow.

However, everyone found that Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong knife seemed to be inoperative.

When the sword force hit the bodies of these black shadows, it was not able to knock many black shadows into flight, not to mention that the hit body was shattered and scattered.

It was just that a small part of Sombra's body could be shattered and souls scattered.

And most of the dark shadows continued to move, continuing to slowly move towards the direction of Leng Chengyu and the others.

"how can that be?"

Leng Chengyu felt very incredible.

This knife of his can chop even the hidden evil spirits of wind, rocks, and evil spirits of flowers and trees to pieces, but how can it not be effective if it is cut on these evil spirits?

When the chop passed, only a small part of the black shadow's body was fragmented, and most of the black shadows turned out to be as if they had not been chopped, still continuing their original movements.

The other ghost guards, including the Seventh Elder, also felt that Leng Chengyu's sword seemed to be inoperative this time.

The Seventh Elder also said: "Your sword is so powerful. According to reason, it is impossible to have no effect at all. It is like a gust of wind blowing over a tree. Even if it can't blow the tree down, it can Blow the leaves away?

And the power of your sword is comparable to the strength of the 7th level of the scarlet ghost, how could it have no effect on these shadow evil spirits? "

Other ghost guards also expressed difficulty in understanding.

Before, after sweeping all the way, they all saw and witnessed the power of this knife.

It can be said that because of Leng Chengyu's knife, they were able to pass through the barriers so smoothly, and soon came to the palace of the East Ghost King.

However, now I don't know what's going on. The power of the knife cut by Leng Chengyu hasn't diminished. However, these shadows have only a small part of their body fragmented, and most of them have no effect at all.

"what happened?"

Many ghost guards couldn't help but ask questions.

At this time, Fang Zhirou stood up and said: "The reason why Captain Leng's knife is useless to these shadows is because these shadows are not evil spirits at all, but the real ones are shadows.

When I was inquiring about the news, I heard that there is a Thousand Change Phantom Array in the palace of the East Ghost King, and I am afraid it is here. "

The seventh elder looked at Fang Zhirou in surprise, and asked, "You mean, we are now in the Eastern Ghost King's Thousand Changed Phantom Array?"

Fang Zhirou said: "Yes, this formation is very weird. Some of these shadows are evil spirits, some are not at all. Those evil spirits are hidden in the shadow team. When we pass, they will take the opportunity to attack us."

"Ah! Look, there are shadows on both sides of us!"

Just after Fang Zhirou had finished speaking, someone cried out again.

The people behind also shouted: "We have it behind us too!"

"Ah! There are also high in the sky!"

"There are also underground!"

Fang Zhirou said with a solemn expression: "Unexpectedly, shadows are everywhere in this formation. It must be broken as soon as possible. Sacrifice is like sacrifice.

Otherwise, there are evil spirits hidden in these shadows. They are the best at sneak attacks. Once they attack, they are hidden in the shadows, and we can't find them at all.

When the time comes, we will be attacked one by one, and then slowly attrition. "

Seeing Fang Zhirou's words, the seventh elder immediately turned around and asked all the ghost guards loudly: "Which one of you is good at the formation, who can break this formation?"

Leng Chengquan smiled and said: "If you can break the formation, I am afraid that you will ask Elder Du Feng."

The seventh elder nodded and said: "Yes, I almost forgot that Elder Du Feng's achievements in the formation of the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts are obvious to all."

The Seventh Elder turned to look at Elder Du Feng and asked, "What do you think of this formation? Can it be broken?"

Elder Du Feng stepped forward and took out a compass. After measuring for a while, he let his ghost inject the power of the ghost into the compass, and use the power of the ghost to measure again.

After the measurement, Elder Du Feng said: "This formation has five formations, which are distributed in five positions in the south, east, north, and middle. To break this formation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ you must destroy these five formations. Ji is good."

Seeing that Elder Du Feng immediately said how to break the formation, the Seventh Elder immediately said confidently: "Then you break it."

Elder Du Feng frowned, and said: "It should be easier to break the formation in the middle position, because the formation in the middle position is among our ghost defenders, but the formations in the other positions, But it had to pass through the shadows to get there.

These shadows are too weird. Although my ghost level has reached the sixth level, I am also very worried. After all, the most terrifying things are the things that cannot see the truth. "

The seventh elder said: "Then break the formation in the middle position first, and then slowly see the situation for the others."

So, Elder Du Feng walked to the place where the formation base in the middle position was, and asked his ghost to attack that place.

There was a lot of black air in that place.

Then, everyone found that the shadows that had moved were reduced.

Everyone said excitedly: "It works, and the shadow is reduced."

However, it is only a part of the reduction.

After destroying this formation, Elder Du Feng raised his head and cast a glance at the Seventh Elder for help.

The seventh elder looked at the other ghost defenders and asked, "Who is willing to be the warrior who protects Elder Du Feng to break the formation?" Mi He Mi

The level of the ghost defender who protects Elder Du Feng must be above the sixth level of the red ghost defender, and there are many of them above the sixth level.

Therefore, the Seventh Elder turned his attention to them.

A ghost defender over 60 said: "It is incumbent to protect Elder Du Feng, but it is difficult to be foolproof."

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