After hearing the words of these high-level ghost guards, the seventh elder wrung his brows.

Elder Du Feng also sighed and said: "If I get injured or fall when I pass those shadows, I can only let others break the formation. As for the specific position of the formation, I will also wait for the place. It can be measured with a compass, so I can’t tell you now.”

Leng Chengquan also sighed: "You mean that you must be able to reach the base of the formation without fail to break the formation?"

Elder Du Feng said: "This is indeed the case."

The Seventh Elder also had to sigh: "But you must make sure that you are foolproof, even if I protect you, I can't do it! Who knows what will happen? Those evil spirits are hidden."

The Seventh Elder looked at Leng Chengquan again and asked: "If you also let your ghost use the third eye to judge where there are high-level evil spirits, can you do it without fail?"

Leng Chengquan said: "It's hard for me to say that I can do it without fail. What if those dark shadow evil spirits know the special nature of my ghost and they attack my ghost? Then there will be no my ghost. Spirit, then we will be trapped in the dark shadows, and also unable to destroy the formation."

"It's better to let me go together."

Leng Chengyu took the initiative to stand up and said at this time.

"With the **** of a high-level ghost defender above level 6, plus the third eye of the ghost of Vice President Leng Chengquan, I can see where there is a high-level shadow evil spirit, plus me The sword can hack to death those high-level shadow evil spirits, even the low-level ones can't escape.

So, as long as we pass faster, as long as we pass the place where the power of my sword is affected, I dare not say that it is 100% foolproof, and I should be able to do it. "

After listening to Leng Chengyu's words, the seventh elder nodded: "This method is really good. With the triple guarantee, it should be able to protect Elder Du Feng from reaching the base of the formation safely."

Elder Du Feng also nodded and said: "If this is the case, then we should not be too late, let's set off now."

As a result, Leng Chengyu and Leng Chengquan opened the way ahead, while those high-level ghost guards and their ghosts protected Elder Du Feng in the middle, followed Leng Chengyu and Leng Chengquan, and moved forward. Go in the direction of Ji.

Leng Chengyu took out Guan Gong's broad knife, and let the girl ghost Liu Fang guard him, leading him to slowly fly forward to the dense dark shadows that moved in front of him.

While Piaofei flew over, Leng Chengyu accumulated knives in Guan Gong's knife.

After getting closer, Leng Chengquan asked his ghost to open his third eye.

The third eye emitted a red light shining on the dark shadows, and there was some light in those shadows.

From the light, it can be seen that the dark shadows that emit light are all dark shadow evil spirits, and they are the dark shadow evil spirits that are as high as the fifth level of the scarlet ghost.

Leng Chengyu looked back at Elder Du Feng and asked Elder Du Fang to choose the direction to move forward, so that he could cut the knife more efficiently.

Elder Du Feng only went in one direction, and Leng Chengyu said: "After my knife is cut out, the high-level evil spirits may not die, but they must be seriously injured. At this time, I and Leng Chengquan The vice president began to fly forward, and you followed us and flew forward."

Elder Du Feng nodded, and other high-level ghost guards also nodded.

Leng Chengyu sighed inwardly.

Because it needs to pass quickly, it is not suitable to cut a second knife to kill those high-level evil spirits, and it is impossible to collect soul crystals.

However, in order to break the formation, in order to be able to enter the East Ghost King's palace and kill the East Ghost King, this soul crystal was lost, and there was no alternative.

After all, if you cut a second knife, you will have to accumulate the sword's momentum, and the time will be delayed. High-level dark shadow evil spirits in other directions may take the opportunity to move and sneak attack.

In this way, it is impossible to be foolproof.

Therefore, after a slash, you must pass quickly.

After Leng Chengyu finished speaking, the sword momentum had also accumulated to completion, and he slashed forward.

The violent winds and waves of the sword swept away towards the shadows, and those high-level shadow evil spirits mixed in the shadows were also seriously injured by the attack.

Looking at the past, the black shadow swept by the violent wind and huge waves of the knife, there are some scattered black shadows, they have been unable to move, and have fallen to the ground, unable to keep up with the other black shadows.

Leng Chengyu and the others knew that those were the dark shadow evil spirits.

Leng Chengyu's sword slashed over, and the dark shadow evil spirits must have been seriously injured, while the illusory dark shadows were fine, and continued to advance at the speed controlled by the original mechanism.

Leng Chengyu and the others did not care about the dark shadow evil spirits that fell on the ground, but quickly flew forward.

At the same time, Leng Chengyu was also accumulating his sword momentum, and after flying to a hundred meters away, he immediately cut a second sword.

After cutting this second knife, after slashing those dark shadow evil spirits, they continued to fly forward.

With the cooperation of the third eye of Leng Chengquan's ghost, Leng Chengyu smoothly opened the way in front of him. UU reading www. sacrificing like sacrificing

Elder Du Feng and the others were able to fly quickly and smoothly towards the base of the formation.

Soon he came to the base of the east position.

There is a lot of shadow accumulation here, obviously to protect this formation.

When Leng Chengquan used his ghost's third eye to emit a red light, he found that most of these dark shadows were shining brightly.汜 minus bⅹшⅹ●С〇汜

In other words, there are many high-level dark shadow evil spirits here.

However, Leng Chengyu no matter how high their ranks are, he accumulates sword power and slashes toward these dark shadows.

With a slash, those high-level black shadow evil spirits or low-level black shadow evil spirits will be killed or severely injured by Leng Chengyu's knife.

Because this was already the position of the formation base, Leng Chengyu continued to chop a second knife and simply killed all the evil spirits here.

And those illusory things that are purely dark shadows do not pose any threat to Leng Chengyu and the others.

Elder Du Feng went to destroy the formation under the protection of high-level ghosts. Mi He Mi

Elder Du Feng quickly destroyed this formation.

Once this formation was destroyed, a large part of the shadows in the entire formation was missing.

After this formation was destroyed, Leng Chengyu and the others proceeded to the formation base in other directions according to the original method before destroying the formation base in other directions.

In this way, under the opening of Leng Chengyu’s sword, with the assistance of the third eye of Leng Chengquan’s ghost, and under the protection of the ghosts of other high-level ghost guards, Elder Du Feng could finally destroy all the formations without fail.

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