As soon as all the formations were destroyed, the ones that were originally dark and winter brightened up.

Those illusory shadows all disappeared, and those shadow evil spirits were exposed there alone.

When they saw that they were exposed, they immediately fled to the direction of the East Ghost King's palace.

Because of the unclear situation, the Seventh Elder did not chase these escaping shadow evil spirits for the sake of caution.

Now that the lights are brighter, everyone finds that this place was originally a hall.

This hall is very wide and magnificent. Everyone couldn't help but be amazed.

However, it is not the time to appreciate the scenery. Seeing that the formation here has been broken, and the dark shadow evil spirits have also escaped, they said loudly to everyone: "Everyone, line up and move on."

Everyone followed the formation and continued to walk deep into the hall.

Going to the deep end of the hall, there is a very narrow passage in front of him.

This passage is less than three meters wide, but it is twenty to thirty meters high.

Looking inside the passage, you can't see the end of the passage at all.

This kind of passage is simply one man, and one man cannot open it.

The Seventh Elder looked at this passage, and his brows wrinkled again.

The Seventh Elder turned his head and said to everyone: "This passage is too narrow, and it is no longer possible to follow the queue of the team to go inside. It is best to have a team of high-level ghost guards to form a team to open the way in front.

However, opening a road ahead may be very dangerous. I feel that the more I go inside, the higher the level of the evil spirit inside, and there may be an evil spirit leader of the same level as the Eastern Ghost King. "

After hearing the words of the Seventh Elder, many ghost defenders said one after another: "Seventh elder, we are eating this bowl of rice. As ghost defenders, we are not afraid of death. Here you are the captain of the vanguard, what do you want? Arrange, we all obey your orders." BXwXBan

The seventh elder said solemnly, "Well, since everyone is willing to go forward and not be afraid of sacrifice, then I will make arrangements."

Then, the Seventh Elder arranged a team of more than a dozen red-clothed ghost guards with level 6 or higher.

Because although this channel is narrow, it is very high.

Therefore, when the Seven Elders arranged to form a team, they divided the team into several groups, which were located at the high and low points of the tunnel.

Anyway, the space of the entire tunnel is almost filled, and then move forward side by side.

That is, the entire tunnel is divided into three directions, upper, middle and lower, with a group in each direction.

Insert two more teams between the top, middle and bottom.

In order to prevent those high-level evil spirits from passing through this high tunnel, sneak into the low-level ghost guard team behind, and kill the lower-level ghost guards and ghosts.

In other words, the high-level ghosts and ghost defenders who walked in front or were flying in the air would bear all the attacks if they encountered an enemy.

However, these high-level ghost guards and ghosts did not complain, and all obeyed the arrangements of the seventh elders.

In this way, the Seventh Elder asked more than a dozen ghosts and ghosts of level 6 or above to form the first team together and open the way in front.

Then, arrange the ghosts and ghost defenders above level five to form the second, third, fourth, and fifth teams.

At the same time, a small number of ghosts and ghost guards above the sixth level will be placed in the squad of these ghosts and ghost guards with only fifth level as the team leader.

In order to prevent high-level evil spirits that slip through the net from coming behind and sneak attacking these low-level ghosts and ghost defenders.

In this way, the teams are divided according to the level of the ranks, the higher rank is in the front, and the lower rank is in the back.

At the end of the team, the seventh elders also arranged several sixth-level ghost guards to prevent high-level evil spirits from appearing in the back.

Seeing the seventh elders arranged in such an orderly manner, Leng Chengyu didn't worry about it. According to his rank, he actually stayed behind.

However, because of the particularity between him and Leng Chengquan, the seventh elders were arranged in the second team, and they were in the same team with the seventh elders, so that they could be used in case of emergencies. .

After a certain distance, a fire suddenly struck in front of him, and the fire was very violent.

"No, it's a high-level evil spirit. This fire light has at least the magic of ghosts performed by evil spirits above level 6, everyone pay attention to dodge!" Xiru Xiru

The high-level ghosts and ghost guards who opened the way in the front have used ghost skills to block the fierce fire, and at the same time remind the ghost guards and ghosts of the team behind.

Although the high-level ghosts and ghost guards in the front had stopped these fires with all their strength, but some of the aftermath of these fires rushed to the back, spreading to the next few teams.

Leng Chengyu's team was the second team, so they were also affected.

However, Leng Chengyu evaded with the assistance of the girl ghost Liu Fang.

However, there are still some ghost guards and ghosts who were not able to evade in time and were injured.

Leng Chengyu suggested to the Seventh Elder: "Why don't you let me go to the front and use my knife to stop the flames?"

The Seventh Elder hesitated, UU Reading did not agree with Leng Chengyu's words.

Because only the flames were seen in the front and no evil spirits were seen, the Seventh Elder was also very worried about Leng Chengyu's safety.

Now, the Seventh Elder had already regarded Leng Chengyu as the elder of the future Ghost Guards Alliance headquarters.

Because according to Leng Chengyu's current merits, without any audit at all, he can get the opportunity to study at the headquarters of the Yuguizhe League in the name of the high-level local base city.

Once you can go to the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts for further training, 99% will become the elders of the elders of the headquarters of the Alliance of Ghosts.

Moreover, Leng Chengquan also valued Leng Chengquan very much. The Seventh Elder knew about Leng Chengquan's background.

Therefore, while hesitating, he also looked at Leng Chengquan, who was arranged with him in the second team.

Leng Chengquan shook his head slightly, indicating that he was reluctant to let Leng Chengyu rush out to take risks.

And just as the Seventh Elder hesitated, at this time, the flames in front turned into a flood like a flood.

The flood filled the entire passage, surging surgingly towards the ghost guards and ghosts.

The high-level ghost defenders and ghosts of the first team in the front immediately displayed the magic of ghosts and bombarded the floods.

However, it only defeated part of the flood. Mi He Mi

Part of the flood rushed to the back, affecting many ghost guards and ghosts in other teams behind.

Therefore, some ghost guards and ghosts were injured.

The seventh elder was anxious, so he said to the ghost defenders in the back team: "Don't get too close between each of your teams, so that when an attack that slips through the net comes, you can use ghost techniques to stop it, not just Just avoid it."

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