"Seven elders, should you let me use my knife in front to clear the way? Otherwise, if this goes on, the loss may become greater and greater, and then the strength to crush the East Ghost King will be lost."

At this time, Leng Chengyu stood up again and said.

The seventh elder hesitated for a few seconds, then said helplessly: "Well, you go ahead, but you must pay attention to safety."

Then, the Seventh Elders sent two red-clothed ghost masters above the sixth level to release ghosts to protect Leng Chengyu and **** Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu and the two red ghost guards above level 6 and their ghosts came to the front of the first team.

Leng Chengyu held Guan Gong's broad knife in his hand, and accumulated his sword power as he walked forward.

The sword momentum quickly accumulated to completion.


At this time, the front of the passage suddenly sounded like a rolling thunder.

Everyone became vigilant, and Leng Chengyu also raised Guan Gong's knife. Sacrifice like sacrifice

Soon, everyone saw that countless wooden piles and iron pillars and other debris were rushing towards Leng Chengyu and the others under the impetus of the billowing flood-like current.

When everyone saw this, their expressions changed.

At the same time, let their respective ghosts condense the ghost art and prepare to use the ghost art to withstand the attacks of these mixed floods and debris.

And Leng Chengyu swung Guan Gong's knife forward.

The surging energy, like a train, came out of the sword, and then quickly turned into a violent wind and huge wave, rushing toward the flood debris.


The two quickly collided

I saw that the flood debris that had been hit by Leng Chengyu's sword quickly turned into fragments, flying smoke, and dissipated, without any external force. BxWx.*co汜

It evaporates like water vapor and smoke, and disappears quickly.

After Leng Chengyu's sword smashed these flood debris, it did not weaken much, and it still continued to sweep forward.

Soon, I heard a scream from the front, and then the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

There was a turn in this passage, and a blind spot appeared.

Therefore, everyone did not see what happened before.

However, it should be possible to guess that the evil spirits in front should have been slashed or hacked to death by Leng Chengyu's sword.

No one thought that Leng Chengyu would destroy all his attacks with just one stab.

Originally, everyone had prepared their own ghost skills and prepared to bombard these flood debris, and these lower-level ghost defenders were also prepared to dodge. They all let their ghosts The spirit forms a protective barrier to protect themselves.

However, everyone found that all these preparations were completely unnecessary under Leng Chengyu's knife.

Everyone was amazed, if it hadn't been for Leng Chengyu's knife, this time I am afraid that many ghost guards and ghosts would have been injured.

After all, the firelight and flood in the front have been able to injure these ghost defenders and ghosts. Now the flood is mixed with wood piles and iron pillars and other debris, which will even make some ghost defenders and ghosts. May lose your life,

Because these floods are mixed with wooden stakes or iron pillars, they are not just simple flood wooden pillars and iron pillars, they also contain evil spirits with very powerful attack power, they are not those low-level ghosts and ghosts at all. Those who can resist.

Even if the ghosts and ghost defenders above level 6 meet, if they don’t form a protective barrier, if they don’t use ghost attacks to weaken the offensive of these flood debris, even ghosts and ghost defenders above level 6 Both may be injured.

And now the situation is very good, no ghosts or ghost guards are injured, just because Leng Chengyu slashed.

Everyone was very grateful to Leng Chengyu in their hearts, and at the same time marveled at the power of Leng Chengyu's knife.

Leng Chengquan said softly to the seventh elder: “Although Captain Leng’s sword has worked, if you encounter a higher-level evil spirit before, I’m afraid it may not be able to work. At that time, Leng Zhong The captain may be in danger."

The seventh elder solemnly said: "If a high-level evil spirit appears, I will be the first to rush forward to protect Captain Leng Squadron, please rest assured, Vice President Leng."

Leng Chengquan raised his hand and patted the seventh elder's shoulder, and said: "I am relieved with your words. When I have achievements in the future, I will definitely remember your achievements today."

A smile appeared on the Seventh Elder's face, what he wanted was Leng Chengquan's words.

Then, the Seventh Elder said loudly to the other ghosts and ghost defenders: "Everyone keep going, but don't give up your vigilance just because Captain Cold Squadron defeated the flood and debris attack. Everyone should step by step and be careful Go ahead."

Everyone continued to move forward.

After walking for a long time, I didn't encounter any attacks this time. It may be because of Leng Chengyu's knife just now that the evil spirits were injured and then escaped.

However, peace and tranquility did not last long, and soon, the abnormality reappeared.

Suddenly, there were screams in front of him.

With the screaming sound, everyone felt very harsh,

And this screaming sound is getting louder and louder.

At the same time, the air in the tunnel in front of ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ began to fluctuate, with waves of ripples, like waves, rolling in waves toward Leng Chengyu and the others.

"Ah! Not good! It's a sonic attack!"

The seventh elder immediately screamed in shock.

"Everyone quickly use the ghost technique to form a protective barrier, especially to protect your ears."

Leng Chengyu, who was in front, also felt that the eardrums of his ears were about to be shattered, but he had already accumulated his sword momentum.

When encountering this abnormality, regardless of the three seven twenty one, he raised his knife and slashed forward.

The blade like a violent wind and huge waves swept away toward the sound waves that were higher than the waves.


The two collided together, like two huge ocean waves colliding together, rolling up waves of waves.

The power of Leng Chengyu's sword force, which resembled a violent wind and huge waves, was quickly reduced by half.

"So strong?"

Leng Chengyu had never encountered such a situation before, and his sword attack was always crushing when it hit the enemy.

The power of the violent wind and waves of the sword weakened, and the sound wave also stagnated, unable to advance any further.

The violent winds and waves of the blade constantly impacted the sound waves, and the sound waves constantly wanted to break through the violent winds and waves.

Seeing the two forces that were in a stalemate, Leng Chengyu's expression also became solemn, and he hurriedly accumulated a second sword gesture.

After completing the accumulation of sword power, he immediately hacked forward.

There was another violent wave-like sword force, sweeping toward the two stalemate in front of the giant force. Mi He Mi

Finally, when the second sword force was added, the sound wave finally retreated slowly like a heavy truck being pushed by a huge force.

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