"A third cut."

Leng Chengyu was not satisfied that the sound wave was just moving backwards. What he wanted was that the sound wave collapsed and dissipated. It would be better if even the evil spirit behind the sound wave was seriously injured.

Leng Chengyu quickly gathered up his sword and made a third cut.

The third blade's blade like a violent wind and huge wave is superimposed on the first two, it appears more surging, vast, and its attack power is more fierce.

It was so energetic that the entire passage shook.

And the sound wave finally began to collapse under the attack of the three sword forces superimposed, then shattered, and dissipated all the way.

Then came bursts of screams like ghosts crying and howling from behind.

Obviously, the evil spirit that made this sonic attack should have been injured, even other evil spirits around this evil spirit were also affected.

Hearing the screams of so many wounded evil spirits coming from the front, the Seventh Elder greeted everyone: "Quick! Go ahead and kill all the wounded evil spirits."

The ghost guards and their ghosts quickly floated to the front, and quickly reached the end of the passage.

At the end of the passage is a large front hall.

On the broad floor of the front hall, there were many evil spirits vomiting black blood.

Seeing this, the Seventh Elder immediately waved to the ghost guards, letting the guards drive their ghosts to attack the evil spirits that had fallen to the ground and wounded.

However, at this time, Leng Chengquan stopped and said: "Don't be so anxious, let me see how their strength is. My ghost feels that their strength is very strong, most of them surpassed the sixth level of the red ghost. A reckless past may cost a lot."

"What? How come?"

"So many evil spirits of the sixth level of the red ghost have been slashed by the cold squadron leader's knife? How is this possible?"

Subtract BxW*x.C*o汜. Everyone looked suspicious.

Even Leng Chengyu himself didn't quite believe it.

After all, there are too many red-robed ghosts. He chopped down with a single knife, and still chopped in the passage. How could the evil spirits in the wide hall outside be affected so much?

Are they all blocked in the passage? Don't you let Leng Chengyu's sword attack without dodge?

Sacrifice is like sacrifice. This is impossible!

Moreover, after Leng Chengyu's sword smashed the sonic attack, it should have weakened a lot.

Amidst everyone's suspicion, the ghosts of Leng Chengquan's eyes widened, emitting a red light, shining on the evil spirits who fell on the ground.

Everyone found that every evil spirit was emitting light.

In other words, the level of each evil spirit is as high as level five or more of the scarlet ghost.

"Really such a high level? There are hundreds of red ghosts lying on the ground, right? Captain Leng's knife can be so powerful?"

At this moment, a leader of the evil spirit who fell to the ground and was slightly injured stood up and looked at the ghost guards and ghosts who had broken in angrily.

Sweeping his stern gaze towards the ghost guards and ghosts, then he asked coldly: "Whose ghost technique you were just now is so powerful, it defeated all the sonic attacks formed by the combined forces of all our evil spirits. Are you also all the ghosts working together to deal with this sonic attack?"

The reason why he asked this was because he was unwilling!

Because these soul guards and ghosts who broke in, when they passed through this long and narrow passage, they were originally turtles in the urn.

When I used fire to attack before, I felt that I could injure a large part of these ghost guards and ghosts.

Then, when the flood attack was used again, there was not much left.

Moreover, coupled with the flood and the combined attacks of those wooden stakes and iron pillars, all the ghost guards and ghosts were killed.

Who knows, as soon as the spies entered the passage to investigate, they found that the losses of the ghost guards and ghosts were very small.

Therefore, later they had to let all the high-level evil spirits work together to launch the strongest sonic attack.

Originally, they thought that even their Eastern Ghost King would not be able to withstand the combined force of so many high-level evil spirits.

But who knows, it was not only broken later.

Moreover, it also swallowed so many evil spirits, making all the evil spirits that joined forces to launch this sonic attack were injured and fell to the ground.

This shocked them too much.

They all speculated that the level of the ghost guards and ghosts who came to attack the East Ghost King's Palace this time must be very high, perhaps even higher than the East Ghost King.

However, when these ghost guards and ghosts walked in, their breath-sensitive evil spirits did not detect the existence of ghosts with the strength of the Eastern Ghost King.

This makes them very confused.

In the end, they speculated that it was the ghosts of all the ghost guards who worked together to perform ghost skills to block and break their sonic attacks.

However, there is another problem.

That is, the passage is very narrow, and there are so many ghosts and ghost defenders. How can all the attacks of the ghosts be gathered together, and then bombarded on their sonic attacks?

This is incredible!

Therefore, this leading evil spirit would initiate this question. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The seventh elders and all the ghost guards heard this evil spirit's words, only to realize that it turned out that it was a sound wave attack made by these hundreds of evil spirits above level 5 or even above level 6, no wonder it was so powerful.

Had it not been for Leng Chengyu's knife, and Leng Chengyu had also chopped three knives, the sonic attack had been chopped to pieces.

However, this also shocked all the ghost guards.

After all, this sonic attack, listening to the evil spirit leader's words, seemed to be difficult for even the Eastern Ghost King to contend.

And Leng Chengyu chopped it to pieces with three knives, and also shocked all the evil spirits that made this sonic attack.

In order to frighten these evil spirits and destroy their morale, the Seventh Elder stood up and said: "Tell you, we are not all the ghosts of the ghost guards who have joined forces to break your sonic attack.

Rather, only one of us was a ghost defender, holding a knife, a golden sword, and slashing with only three knives, which smashed your sonic attack to pieces, and also injured so many evil spirits of you. . "

"What? There is only one ghost defender? With a golden knife, only three knives were cut, and our sonic attack was chopped to pieces?"

Mi He Mi. All the evil spirits who fell to the ground and wounded had shocked expressions on their faces.

At the same time, they were very frightened. They kept searching in the direction of the ghost guard, and saw that there was a ghost guard in it, holding a golden sword in his hand, standing there majesticly like a **** of war.

Seeing Leng Chengyu, as well as the golden sword in Leng Chengyu's hand that contained the impenetrable surging energy, these evil spirits were terribly scared, and their bodies involuntarily moved back.

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