
Seeing that these evil spirits all retreated one after another, and most of them were very seriously injured and could not stand up at all, at this moment the Seventh Elder finally gave the order.

Hearing the orders of the Seventh Elders, all the ghost guards, starting from the high-level, to the low-level, followed the queue of the squad, and went forward to cover up and kill.

And these wounded evil spirits that have fallen to the ground, although their level is very high, many of them are red ghosts of level five or above, and even have levels of six and seven.

However, under the cover of the ghosts of the ghost guards, they could not stop them at all.

The one who was slightly injured flew up with all his strength and fled back to the palace of the East Ghost King.

Those who were seriously injured could not escape at all, and the power of the ghost art they used was extremely weak, and the price they paid for using the ghost art was that their injuries were even worse.

The ghosts of the ghost guards did not pay much, and they easily crushed and killed these badly injured evil spirits.

Even Liu Fang, the ghost of Leng Chengyu, stepped forward to kill a few.

You know, Liu Fang's current level is only the first level of the scarlet ghost. When dealing with these evil spirits that are mostly red ghosts and above, they can still be caught.

This is simply unimaginable!

This is all because of Leng Chengyu's previous three swords.

Those three knives not only shattered the sonic attack, but also shook all the evil spirits that worked together to perform the sonic attack.

This led to the concealment of the past, which was simply incredibly easy.

After all the evil spirits here were eliminated, the Seven Elders led all the ghost guards and ghosts into the palace of the East Ghost King.

The Frozen Ghost King’s palace is very long and very wide.

There are kilometers in length and hundreds of meters in width.

At the end of the palace, on a dazzling seat, sat an indifferent figure, exuding a powerful aura.


When he saw this figure, the Seventh Elder's expression became solemn, and the team stopped.

Because, from this figure, the seventh elder felt an extremely dangerous aura, and his ghost body was trembling.

The Seventh Elder knew that it was the East Ghost King.

When the other ghost guards and ghosts felt the pressure from the Eastern Ghost King, they all shivered.

Even Leng Chengyu couldn't help but trembled.

However, Leng Chengyu holds Guan Gong's sword in his hand, and the surging energy in Guan Gong's sword will also protect Leng Chengyu.

Leng Chengyu, backed by the surging energy of Guan Gong's sword, was not trembling yet, but he was still a little frightened.

Before, Leng Chengyu had seen this Eastern Ghost King once, and he was closer than this time.

However, the East Ghost King did not exude a horrible atmosphere at the time, so it didn't feel much.

However, this East Ghost King was obviously angry this time, obviously trying to frighten the intruders and ghosts first, and then kill them all.

As for the East Ghost King's palace, there are still hundreds of evil spirit leaders at this moment, all of which are scarlet ghosts above level five.

One of the evil spirit leaders with a red-robed ghost of level 7 or above stood up and shouted at the intruders and ghosts: "You are so bold! How dare you break into the ghost king's palace privately, you just wait Bear the anger of Lord Ghost King!"

"Kill them!"

At this time, the Eastern Ghost King on the throne at the end of the palace did not speak any nonsense, just said a word coldly.

As soon as these words came out, these red ghost ghost leaders of level 5 and above displayed their ghost skills, like a rainstorm, like countless sharp blades, like a storm, like a landslide, and a tsunami. The ghost guards and ghosts swept over.

And here is the Seventh Elder.

The ghost guards have also lined up, and their ghosts have also formed a protective barrier on the body. At the same time, they have displayed their ghost skills to counter this fierce attack.


The attacks of the two parties quickly collided together, making a deafening noise, and countless vigor shot and shook all around at the impact site, causing the entire hall to vibrate.

After the collision, the teams on both sides were shaken back more than ten meters.


Everyone discovered that when everyone was retreating due to the shock, there was a ghost guard who had not been retreated, but stood in front of everyone, just like a green pine standing proud in the cold wind, so outstanding.

"He didn't even get shaken back!"

Not only were the ghost defenders shocked when they saw that the ghost defender hadn't been shaken back, even the evil spirit leaders on the side of the evil spirits were shocked.

Sacrifice is like sacrifice. "How is it possible? How could there be such a powerful ghost defender?"

Even the Eastern Ghost King on the throne at the end of the hall a kilometer away couldn't help but squinted and looked over.

The East Ghost King saw that this man was holding a golden sword in his hand, standing there like a solid statue.

No matter how strong the energies of the two parties' attacks, they will be split apart by the knife in his hand in front of this ghost defender, and there is no way to invade this ghost defender.

"Is he the master of ghost guard?"

The East Ghost King couldn't help standing up.

This ghost guard who has not been retreated is surprisingly Leng Chengyu.

汜 minus bxw 汜. Leng Chengyu has accumulated the sword of Guan Gong, even without slashing, UU-reading www.uukanshu.com can forcefully repel the vigor that is surging against him.

But the leaders of the evil spirits saw Leng Chengyu still standing there, and there was panic in their eyes.

The big head of the seventh level of the red ghost ghost showed fierce light and said fiercely: "Quick! Condense the second attack, mainly to attack the previous ghost defender who has not been repelled. You must kill him with all your strength. !"

These evil spirits began to perform ghost skills in their heads one after another.

"Can't let them kill Captain Cold!"

And the ghosts of the ghost guards on the seventh elder's side also began to use ghost skills.

However, at this moment, he heard Leng Chengyu roar.

"You want to kill me! I'm afraid you don't have this ability, so take me first!"

Leng Chengyu swung Guan Gong’s broadsword forward, and the yellow light shone. The surging energy in Guan Gong’s broadsword came out like a horse, and quickly turned into a violent wind and huge wave of sword force, towards those who were performing ghost skills The chiefs of evil spirits rushed away.


Soon, the violent wind and waves of the sword slammed into the bodies of these evil spirit leaders.

Before these evil spirit chiefs had time to perform a complete ghost technique, they were all hit by Leng Chengyu's sword force.

Each body flew upside down.

Some have vomited black blood in their mouths while flying upside down.

Some even flew upside down while their bodies were already rupturing.

Most of the evil spirit leaders were injured because of Leng Chengyu's knife.

There are even a small number of evil spirit leaders because of their lower level and the frontal attack from Leng Chengyu's sword force.

Mi He Mi. Therefore, the body was shattered, the breath dissipated, and the soul of death was gone.

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