"What? My guard team actually appeared?"

The East Ghost King widened his eyes in surprise, he was very unbelievable.

You must know that his guards had never appeared in front of others before. Once they appeared, it represented that these guards had lost the ability to fight.

This has never happened before.

In the past, the Guards were so mysterious and prestigious!

Punishment of internal rebellious leaders, no matter how strong the leader is, it will destroy the whole family!

I have also performed many difficult tasks when I went out, and each time was successfully completed.

Until I met the master of the ghost guard in Xicheng District, Fuyang City.

And now, the one who showed his guards was the master of ghost guards in front of him.

Is his knife really that powerful?

With wide-open eyes, the East Ghost King carefully looked at the Guan Gong knife in Leng Chengyu's hand that contained incomparably surging energy.

But even if his sword is powerful and my guard is hidden, how did he see it?

Did he have eyes on the knife?

The East Ghost King was very puzzled.

At this time, after Leng Chengyu cut the guards to the ground and fell to the ground, the Seventh Elder immediately ordered the high-level ghost guards behind to summon ghosts out and killed these guards.

Then, the team moved forward, and Leng Chengyu and Leng Chengquan also cooperated to move forward.

After tens of meters, the red light of Leng Chengquan's ghost eyes shined brightly again.

When these bright spots appeared, even the East Ghost King saw it.

汜豜汜. The East Ghost King originally didn't bother to pay attention to these fights. He felt that his guards could completely cut off the heads of the attacking ghost guards and ghosts one by one.

After all, his guards were often sent out to kill people.

Although the number of these ghost defenders and ghosts coming in is very large, they have no effect at all in front of the mysterious and unpredictable traces of the powerful and powerful guards.

If the number is large, the head can be cut in batches.

However, now there are variables. Leng Chengyu's golden sword was able to hack his guards to reveal himself, and finally died in the hands of those ghosts.

Therefore, the East Ghost King had to pay attention to Leng Chengyu.

Before, the East Ghost King wanted to let his subordinates catch Leng Chengyu, a master of ghosts, to see what is special about Leng Chengyu.

Now, Leng Chengyu finally appeared in front of him, but it made him jealous.

However, he didn't believe that Leng Chengyu's knife could wipe out all his guards.

It should be just a coincidence that a few of the guards were able to be cut into shape just now.

Who knows, when he saw Leng Chengquan's ghost's eyes glowing red, bright spots appeared.

And Leng Chengyu's direction of his sword is toward those bright spots.

The East Ghost King knew immediately that the ghosts of Leng Chengquan's eyes could spot his guards.

The East Ghost King stared coldly at Leng Chengquan and the ghost of Leng Chengquan, and then fiercely said in his heart that the ghost guard and his ghost must be killed.

At this time, Leng Chengyu's knife had already been chopped out.

When the violent winds and waves swept towards those bright spots, the injuries of many members of the Guards were also revealed.

Then, the Seventh Elder asked the ghosts of high-level ghost guards to come forward and kill the guards.

Then, the Seventh Elders let the team move forward, gradually approaching the East Ghost King.

In this way, the ghost guard's team moved forward several tens of meters.

At this time, just as the ghosts of Leng Chengquan's eyes were about to glow red to illuminate whether there were any guards hiding in front of them, suddenly, the East Ghost King shouted: "You all retreat! Let me take the action personally. Kill them!"

The East Ghost King flew up from the seat and floated into the air, and the aura on his body grew stronger.

A huge ribbon like a rainbow appeared in his hand.

Then, the ribbon gradually became longer.

At the same time, it has become a little bit, very sharp like diamond, but very soft like spider silk.

In this way, towards the front Leng Chengyu, the ghosts of the Seventh Elder, and the ghosts of Leng Chengquan and Leng Chengquan stab them fiercely.

These needle-like ribbons were centered on Leng Chengyu and others when they were pierced.

Sacrifice is like sacrifice. However, it was too much, and it pierced many ghost guards and ghosts nearby.

Everyone is performing ghost and spirit techniques to form a protective barrier, and at the same time, bombarding these pierced ribbons.

The ghosts of the Seventh Elders also formed a protective screen, and used ghost techniques to attack these ribbons.

And because Leng Chengyu is currently accumulating the power of the sword for Guan Gong, the ribbons softened when they touched him. They couldn't pierce him, but separated to the two sides.

Leng Chengyu was very safe when the East Ghost King's ribbon pierced quickly.

However, the power of these ribbons of the East Ghost King is unimaginable, and Leng Chengyu is safe.

When the ghost spirit of the Seven Elders bombarded this ribbon, it was only barely able to break a part.

However, UU reading www.uukanshu.com partially pierced the top of his protective screen, and then bypassed him and pierced Leng Chengquan's ghost and Leng Chengquan's body.

In fact, the purpose of the East Ghost King was to capture Leng Chengyu alive and kill Leng Chengquan, as well as the ghosts of Leng Chengquan.

Stabbing at other ghosts and ghost defenders is just incidental.

The Eastern Ghost King knew that as long as he caught Leng Chengquan, he would kill Leng Chengquan and the ghost of Leng Chengquan.

Then, his guards will be able to continue to be invincible.

The seventh elder hiding in the protective barrier of his ghost is still safe, because the level of the seventh elder's ghost is almost equal to that of the East Ghost King.

Although it is one or two small steps away, it can also smash part of the ribbon so that it cannot pierce the body barrier.

Even if it stabbed on the protective barrier, it just made the protective barrier tremble, and did not break the protective barrier.

Therefore, the Seven Elders are also safe.

However, Leng Chengquan couldn't do it anymore. The level of Leng Chengquan's ghost was only the first level of the scarlet ghost. He formed a protective barrier to protect Leng Chengquan's time.

At the same time, when the ghost technique was used to bombard the pierced ribbons, the ribbons were not affected at all, as if they were blown by the wind. After swaying, they continued to pierce fiercely.

When stabbed on the protective barrier of Leng Chengquan ghost, the protective barrier suddenly shattered.

After being broken, those ribbons continued to eat Xiang Leng Chengquan's ghost body, mainly the eyes.

At the same time, he also pierced the vital parts of Leng Chengquan's neck and heart.

"Ah! Not good!

Mi He Mi. The Seventh Elder shouted and immediately summoned his ghost, wanting to rescue Leng Chengquan.

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