However, the ghosts of the Seventh Elders were also resisting these ribbons, and he was also entangled by these ribbons. He had no spare energy to save Leng Chengquan.

The ribbon was about to pierce Leng Chengquan's body, and the ghost of Leng Chengquan wanted to continue to condense a protective barrier after the protective barrier was broken.

But those ribbons have pierced his eyes and other vital parts of his body like spikes.

Just listen to the sound of "chichi".

Hearing the sound of the spike-like ribbon piercing into the body, the Seventh Elder couldn't help closing his eyes.

He could imagine that the current Leng Chengquan, as well as the ghosts of Leng Chengquan, could no longer escape those ribbons, and had already suffered misfortune.

"The heart is so tough!"

The seventh elder heard the sound of the sharp ribbon piercing the body, but did not hear the screams of Leng Chengquan and the ghosts of Leng Chengquan.

"It is indeed a manufacturable material!"

The Seventh Elder couldn't help but admired Leng Chengquan.

The seventh elder opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Leng Chengquan.

However, what he saw was that there was an extra figure in front of Leng Chengquan.

"It's a paper man."

The Seventh Elder understood that as a person with such a background, Leng Chengquan couldn't have no life-saving means, and these paper men were one of Leng Chengquan's life-saving means.

"It's okay."

Seeing that Leng Chengquan was out of danger, the Seventh Elder finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the Donggui Wang felt very angry when he saw that his colorful ribbons weren't effective.

You know, these ribbons of his are all made of evil spirits, very powerful, as long as they are stabbed, even ghosts must die, let alone humans.

However, who knew that a paper figure suddenly appeared in front of Leng Chengquan, blocking these ribbons.

The East Ghost King was very angry at the moment. He didn't expect that he would fail against a ghost guardian who was only a ghost guardian of the first level in a scarlet suit.

He originally thought that such an ant would be killed in a single blow.

However, now he discovered that this human ghost guard had some means, and he even took a paper man with him.

However, it is not that simple, he will not let Leng Chengquan escape this life like this.

He is the East Ghost King at the seventh-level peak of the red ghost. How could it be impossible to kill a ghost guardian who is guarded by a ghost of the red one. Even if there are paper men blocking them, the strength of those paper men is not Strong, it's just below the fifth level of the scarlet ghost.

After being stabbed by his evil spirit ribbon, it was ruined.

As long as his evil spirit ribbon attacks the past again, this human ghost defender will definitely die.

His evil spirits were recondensing, and then he threw away the rotten paper man, and stab at Leng Chengquan and the ghosts of Leng Chengquan again.

However, at this time, another paper figure came out in front of Leng Chengquan, blocking these evil spirit ribbons.

In this way, if the East Ghost King wanted to kill Leng Chengquan, he could only condense the evil spirit ribbon again.

However, the East Ghost King didn't want to be so troublesome, he directly stretched out his sharp claws.

His sharp claws grew long in an instant, extending from the flying high in the sky to the front of Leng Chengquan, grabbing at the paper man of Leng Chengquan.

As soon as the paper man was caught by the claws of the East Ghost King, he immediately collapsed.

When the East Ghost King's claws stretched out in front of him, Leng Chengquan also felt very scared, and he took out a few paper figures from the storage space to resist the East Ghost King.

However, these paper men collapsed and shattered as soon as they were caught by the sharp claws of the East Ghost King, and they took out a few of them.

Until Leng Chengquan's storage space, the paper figures were gone.

At this time, the sharp claws of the East Ghost King quickly grabbed Leng Chengquan's neck.

As long as Leng Chengquan is caught by the East Ghost King, then Leng Chengquan's life will be explained here.

At this moment, a powerful breath suddenly rushed towards Leng Chengquan, blocked Leng Chengquan's front, and grabbed the sharp claw of the East Ghost King.

汜 minus bxwx.*co汜. It turned out to be a ghost that was powerful enough to be comparable to the Eastern Ghost King.

"What's the matter, there are such powerful ghosts?"

The East Ghost King felt very puzzled.

The strength of this ghost is too great, and for a while, his sharp claw can't move forward much, and this ghost can actually stand in a stalemate with him.

Looking up, he found two ghost guards, one old and one young, walking behind this ghost.

It was the old ghost guard who controlled this ghost to block the East Ghost King's attack.

As soon as the old and the young came over, the old man asked Leng Chengquan with concern: "Master, are you okay, forgive the old slave for being late."

"It's okay, you just came here, killed this ghost king for me, and made a great contribution to me." Leng Chengquan said angrily.

And Leng Chengyu also looked over at this time, and he found that the old man turned out to be his steward Hong Baichuan, and this young man turned out to be Hong Baichuan's son Hong Qingsheng, who was the former squadron leader of the defense line station in Xicheng District, Fuyang City. .

Leng Chengyu wondered how the two of them came to save Leng Chengquan.

Leng Chengyu had gathered his sword momentum now, and was about to slash to the Eastern Ghost King.

Even if Hong Baichuan didn't show up, and he slashed it over, Leng Chengquan would not have any worries about life.

But now that Hong Baichuan and Hong Qingsheng appeared, Leng Chengyu hesitated. U U Reading

However, it is now on the battlefield, not the time to investigate the cause. Therefore, after Leng Chengyu was puzzled, he raised the Guan Gong knife and slashed forward.

A pair of pike trainers sprang out of Guan Gong's sword, turning into a surging wind and huge waves, and slashed towards the East Ghost King who was still sitting on the throne.

This sword is very vast and fierce. Before it hit the East Ghost King, the East Ghost King already felt a dangerous aura, and he quickly took his claws back.

He also moved his hands, and then formed a huge red sphere in front of his hands, blasting towards Leng Chengyu's crazy sweeping sword power.


The two forces collided together, and the burst of air dissipated towards the entire hall.

The ghost guards and ghosts couldn't help but back up a few steps.

Leng Chengyu, who was holding Guan Gong's knife, stood out in front again.

After the two forces collided, both forces dissipated.

"How can it be?"

Sacrifice is like sacrifice. Leng Chengyu felt very incredible.

His third level of Guan Gong Broadsword was obtained after helping the East Ghost King.

In other words, it is simply the nemesis of the East Ghost King, how can it be evenly matched in the confrontation with the East Ghost King, shouldn't it be crushed?

Leng Chengyu felt incredible, and Donggui Wang felt even more incredible.

Mi He Mi. He didn't expect this knife to be so powerful, it could be as powerful as him, and even he could feel the force of a counter-shock hitting his chest.

Fortunately, he formed a protective barrier in front of him, so he was not injured.

"This is the true strength of this ghost master who has been legendary for a long time!"

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