"It seems I have to use my best."

The East Ghost King glanced at Leng Chengyu fiercely.

"I have already witnessed the strength of this master of ghosts, and people have seen it, so now it is time for him to die, and the knife in his hand will either be destroyed or taken back for my use."

With that, the East Ghost King's momentum suddenly rose.

Accompanied by the surge in momentum, the whole body kept humming, and the terrifying aura overflowed to the Western Zhou Dynasty.

With his momentum soaring, the body of the East Ghost King has grown nearly ten times longer, his head almost reaching the top of the palace, and his entire body is huge.

At this moment, the East Ghost King looked very hideous.

And the evil spirit that rolled over his body turned out to be colorful, but the murderous aura inside made people frightened to see it.

Cold, chilling, and dying.

Just looking at it, there is a feeling of dying.

This is horrible!

Seeing this, the Seventh Elder immediately ordered all the ghost defenders and ghosts: "Everyone retreat."

Even if everyone didn't retreat, the East Ghost King's body grew strong and radiated, and the waves of air that swept over also shook everyone back continuously.

Many of the lower grades even fell directly to the ground.

And Hong Baichuan immediately summoned his ghost to protect Leng Chengquan's body.

Even if Leng Chengyu held Guan Gong's sword in his hand, there was a huge amount of energy in Guan Gong's sword that could maintain Leng Chengyu's coldness, but he still couldn't help taking two steps back.

Leng Chengyu looked at the Eastern Ghost King in surprise, and found that the evil spirit level of the Eastern Ghost King at the moment was already the eighth level of the Scarlet Ghost!

"This... the level of the Eastern Ghost King has increased. No wonder he was able to compete with my Guan Gong Dadao just now. It turns out that his level has increased during this time."

Regarding the promotion of the East Ghost King, it was because Leng Chengyu told the East Ghost King about the shortcomings of the East Ghost King in order to get rid of the situation of being besieged by the East Ghost King’s subordinates, so that the East Ghost King realized that he was unable to realm. The reason for the promotion.

Now after this period of practice, the Eastern Ghost King has finally upgraded from the 7th level of the red-robed Li ghost to the 8th level of the red-robed Li ghost.

It has to be said that there are reasons why Leng Chengyu called.

This is also what Leng Chengyu did not expect.

Leng Chengyu used this to help the East Ghost King and obtain the third level of Guan Gong Sword Art.

However, at that time, the third level of the Guan Gong sword technique was obtained when the Eastern Ghost King level was only at the peak of the seventh level of the Scarlet Ghost.

In other words, the third level of this Guan Gong sword technique can kill the East Ghost King at the seventh level of the Red Ghost, but I am afraid that it is a bit difficult to kill the East Ghost King at the eighth level of the Red Ghost.

Leng Chengyu also understood this, and he immediately turned around and said to the Seventh Elder: "Now the level of the Eastern Ghost King has increased, I am afraid that my sword can no longer kill the Eastern Ghost King. So, can you find some high-level ghost defenders? The ghost, come and work with me to kill this Eastern Ghost King."

The Seventh Elder said: "I want to say that the highest level here is my ghost, I will let my ghost go with you to deal with the East Ghost King."

At this time, the butler Bang Baichuan also said, "Little Master, count me as one, and I will join you to kill the Eastern Ghost King." Sacrifice is like a sacrifice.

In order to be cautious, the Seventh Elder arranged a number of ghosts from the sixth-level peak of the red-robed ghost defenders to come out to fight the East Ghost King with Leng Chengyu.

As a result, the ghosts of many high-level ghost guards lined up with Leng Chengyu, appearing very magnificent.

The huge eyes on the huge face of the huge body on the side of the East Ghost King looked over.

He also saw Leng Chengyu's intentions, that is, they wanted to use Leng Chengyu's knife and the power of other ghosts to deal with him.

The East Ghost King sneered and said: "Hmph! Do you think there are too many of you? I also have the Guards, all of them show up, and work with me to kill all the ghost guards and ghosts here. "

As a result, over a hundred members of the Guards showed their bodies and stood next to the East Ghost King.

The East Ghost King's side, at this moment, also looked very vast and magnificent.

When the Seventh Elder saw this, he was also very unconvinced and said: "Is there more than people? Our number is not less than yours. In terms of number, we are crushing."

Therefore, the Seventh Elder said to all the ghost defenders and ghosts: "Now is the time to fight the East Ghost King. All of our ghosts will work together and issue the strongest blow to fight the East Ghost King and his relatives. The guard confronts."

As soon as the words of the Seventh Elder fell, all the ghost guards and ghosts had three floors inside and three floors outside, three floors above and three floors below, forming a very orderly lineup.

They will form the most powerful combined attack to fight the East Ghost King.

When the East Ghost King saw this, he was also very frightened. He immediately said to his guards: "Quick! Quickly display the ghost technique and attack with me. Now is the time to compare the speed. As long as we compare They are fast, and it’s useless for them to have a lot of people. We kill one after another, messing up their formation."

As a result, the East Ghost King and his guards immediately performed the ghost technique, and the speed was very fast, and they were bombarded out at once.

However, Leng Chengyu's speed is not slow, he was also bombarded by the East Ghost King and their ghost skills, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com accumulated a full sword force, raised his knife and slashed out.

The speed of the ghost of the butler Hong Baichuan was also very fast, and he also bombarded the ghost art at the same time.

There were also the ghosts of the Seven Elders, as well as the ghosts of those ghosts at the sixth-level peak. They also performed very fast, and they were also bombarded when the East Ghost King and his guards blasted out.

As for the ghosts of the other lower-level ghost guards, although they are not so fast, they can't control so much. They have trained long ago and have predicted what will happen.汜 minus bⅹшⅹ●С〇汜

It has been prepared, even when the ghost technique has not yet reached the point of full potential, they bombarded the past when the enemy bombarded it.

In this way, the powerful forces of the two sides swept the entire hall, and the two forces violently collided in the middle of the teams on both sides.

The air wave rolled, and countless Qi Jin splashed everywhere, shaking the entire hall with a tremor and roar.

The place where the air wave rolls, and even the black air, rainbow air, and so on. The energy exuded by various colors of ghost techniques, mixed together, is very strong, making it impossible to pass the line of sight, what damage is there on the two sides or who is stronger? Weak, invisible.

When the smoke had not dissipated, the Seven Elders and the others had already caused many low-level ghost guards to fall to the ground.

And even those high-level ghosts were shaken and many fell to the ground and injured.

Even Leng Chengyu was shaken back many steps.

The Seventh Elder said unconvincedly: "Could it be that we have come here all the way to surround the East Ghost King, so we are going to lose like this?" Mi He Mi

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