However, the East Ghost King on the side of the smoke was also very quiet, with no sound at all.

"This... Since they have the upper hand, why don't they chase after the victory?"

The Seventh Elder felt very puzzled. If he could defeat the East Ghost King, then he must immediately prepare a second wave of attacks and bombardment.

However, the East Ghost King is very quiet now, and there is no energy fluctuation coming from it.

If the East Ghost King is preparing for the second wave of attacks, there must be a ripple of energy overflowing, which can definitely be sensed here.

But it didn't.

At this moment, the smoke did not completely dissipate.

Because the energy of the two sides is too strong, the quality of the splash is too vast, and the dust of turning seven is too numerous.

Up to now, those air waves and smoke have not completely calmed down, have not dissipated, have not all sunk to the ground, and many are still flying in the air.

Without seeing the opposite, the Seventh Elder was very anxious. He was very worried that the guards of the Eastern Ghost King were hiding in the smoke and took the opportunity to sneak over them.

If that's the case, it will be troublesome.

No matter what, you have to be prepared.

In view of this, the Seventh Elder immediately said to all the ghost defenders and ghosts: "You immediately get up without serious injuries, condense the second attack, and prevent the East Ghost King and their second strongest blow from continuing to bombard."

Everyone knows that the Seventh Elder is right to do this. Therefore, those ghosts who suffered only a slight injury, endure the pain and perform the second ghost technique, preparing everyone to resist the powerful attack of the East Ghost King. .

And Leng Chengyu was also very surprised after stepping back a few steps. He couldn't think of the East Ghost King and his guards, the combined attack was so powerful, his Guan Gong knife could kill the red ghost ghost at the seventh-level peak of the East Ghost King. NS.

However, now, high-level ghosts such as the Seven Elders and the butler Hong Baichuan, as well as other low-level ghosts are added together, so that they will be combined with the East Ghost King and the East Ghost King’s guards. Boom together.

He was even forced to retreat.

It seems that the strength of the Eastern Ghost King after upgrading to the eighth level of the Scarlet Ghost is really not to be underestimated.

If it was just him with a big sword from Guan Gong to fight the East Ghost King, then he must have been seriously injured by the bomb.

Because, if the strength of his Guan Gong sword can not deal with the red ghost of the East Ghost King's eighth level of strength, it will definitely not protect his body.

At that time, even if it is affected by a little aftermath, his body will be unbearable.

You have to be seriously injured if you don't die.

I was shocked to think about it.

Fortunately, he has made a wise move now. After seeing that the East Ghost King has been upgraded to the eighth level of the Red Ghost, he did not try to be strong, but joined other high-level ghosts to fight the East Ghost King.

Only after being repelled a few steps now, he was not injured.

Leng Chengyu also felt very grateful.

Fortunately, when he heard the seventh elder let all the uninjured and only slightly injured ghost defenders and ghosts condense the second wave of attacks, he also stepped forward and began to accumulate sword power.

Waiting for everyone to come together to meet the powerful attack of the Toki King and his guards.

And when everyone's ghost art condensed in half, the smoke finally dissipated slowly.

At this time, the scene in front of us surprised everyone.

Everyone saw that many members of the guards were wearing uniforms and fell to the ground, groaning and severely injured.

"We were injured. It turns out that many of the East Ghost King and his guards were also injured. It seems that everyone is evenly matched."

Seeing this situation, everyone understands the situation.

This is not to say that the strength of the East Ghost King is not strong, but that there are too many human ghost defenders. If everyone's strength adds up, of course, even if the East Ghost King is the eighth level of the red ghost, I am afraid there are many ants. You can also kill the elephant.

Over a thousand ghost guards and ghosts plus Leng Chengyu's Guan Gong sword, a guard against over a hundred guards plus a powerful ghost king.

Although this kind of strength confrontation is not crushing, it can be evenly matched.

At the same time, everyone also saw that behind the Eastern Ghost King's throne, there was a large mirror with waves of energy ripples.

At this time, the East Ghost King and the guards who could get up and walk in front of the mirror were going into the mirror.

The East Ghost King got in first, and disappeared after getting in, and then the other guards.

"What are they doing? Going into the mirror, are there other forces that resist us?"

The Seventh Elder was very surprised.


Fang Zhirou suddenly yelled in surprise.

"East Ghost King wants to escape!"

"Escape, is there a secret path behind the mirror? Even if there is a secret path, we can chase it. How did he escape?" The Seventh Elder found it very difficult to understand.

Fang Zhirou took a deep breath and explained, "Seventh elder, you are wrong. That mirror is not simple. It was given by the middle ghost king in order to win over the other four major ghost kings in the southeast, northwest and northwest, and unite with him to form a force.

It is an escape mirror of the ghost king.

This treasure mirror is very miraculous, and it can be teleported across domains. As long as it can get into this mirror, it can be teleported to the territory of the King of Ghosts.

And we can't trace the past at all, this treasure mirror is controlled by the mind of the ghost king, without the permission of the ghost king, we can't enter the treasure mirror. "

"The King of Ghosts!" Xiru Xiru

After listening to Fang Zhirou's words, the seventh elder was stunned.

"If it is the king of ghosts, then we can't kill the king of east ghosts today, we can only let him escape.

The King of Ghosts is the King of Ghosts who dare not easily offend even the leader of our Ghost King Alliance headquarters. This King of Ghosts is the most powerful ghost king in the world, and the strength is almost the same as the leader of our Ghost King Alliance headquarters. Uncertainly stronger than our leader. "

Fang Zhirou also sighed: "At present, our Ghost Defender Alliance headquarters does not have the strength to fight against the Ghost King. Even if the leader of our alliance is dispatched, there is no chance of winning."

After Leng Chengyu listened to Fang Zhi and the seventh elder's words, he saw the other ghost guards who knew, and all his expressions became serious.

Leng Chengyu refused to accept: "Did you let the Eastern Ghost King escape like this? We surrounded and suppressed all the way, and all the hard work was wasted?"

The Seventh Elder said: "There is no way, who would have thought that the East Ghost King would choose to escape when we were still evenly matched?"

The East Ghost King and the slightly injured guards fled, and the mirror disappeared. Mi He Mi

As for those guards who were seriously injured and fell on the ground and couldn't walk, high-level ghosts went over and killed them.

The encirclement and suppression of the East Ghost King this time, although it cannot be said to have won a full victory because of escaping the East Ghost King, it can be regarded as a major victory.

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