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As soon as Leng Chengyu came to the territory of the Scarlet Fire evil spirit, he was discovered by the Scarlet Fire evil spirit.

These evil spirits have a very strong sense of territory, and others are not allowed to invade his territory.

Leng Chengyu a stranger came in with a ghost, how could the Scarlet Fire evil spirit allow it?

The scarlet fire evil spirit immediately emerged from the rock pile in the wasteland.

The rock was roasted hot, like charcoal in an oven, burning red and hot, with fiery heat.

And the red fire evil spirit's body was surrounded by red flames.

Even the head and mouth are surrounded by fires.

This scarlet fire evil spirit looked like a human, but there were billowing flames all over his body, and these flames seemed to grow out of the body.

It looks very shocking.

When Leng Chengyu and the girl ghost Liu Fang approached, they felt a chill in the heat.

Leng Chengyu knew that these flames contained cold aura. It should be because the evil spirits on the red fire ghost were so heavy that they were intertwined with those flames to make them hot and cold.

Leng Chengyu dared not approach when he was ten meters away.

Leng Chengyu knew that this scarlet fire evil spirit was at the fifth level of the scarlet ghost, so he wanted to take out the Guan Gong knife and smash him with a single blow.

However, because it was a competition with Song Yi, foreign objects could not be used.

Therefore, Leng Chengyu asked the girl ghost Liu Fang: "Can you beat him?"

Liu Fang looked at the scarlet fire evil spirit in front of her, and felt very stressed. Although her level had risen, she didn't know if she could adapt to the growing power so quickly.

She didn't dare to pack the ticket, she said with a very solemn expression: "I know it only after the fight."

Let Liu Fang fight, anyway, if Liu Fang really couldn't beat him, Leng Chengyu tried his best to defeat Song Yi, and he would also take out Guan Gong's knife to slash the scarlet fire evil spirit.

After all, although it is important to compete with Song Yi, life is even more important.

Liu Fang flew over with a solemn expression and raised her slap.

Now, Liu Fang's level has also been upgraded to the sixth level of the Scarlet Ghost.

Therefore, her slap can also be expanded to almost the size of a house.

In this way, he slapped the Red Fire evil spirit fiercely.

When the scarlet fire evil spirit first emerged from the fiery red rock, it was very arrogant, and it was even more terrifying to see Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang scared.

When he first saw Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang, he smiled and said, "It turns out to be the ghost defenders and ghosts of human beings. Since you are here, don't even think about leaving, stay and be my servants. , I happen to be short of slaves."

He wanted to capture Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang alive.

But now, seeing Liu Fang's aura, which turned out to be at the sixth level of the scarlet ghost, his expression became serious.

And when he saw that Liu Fang's slap was the size of a house, and slapped at him fiercely, he hurriedly expanded the flames on his body.

The flames on his body burned heavily, and it was as big as a house, the fire spread, and he rushed towards Liu Fang's slap.

Soon, Liu Fang's slap and the heavy flames finally collided together.


There was a loud noise.

Rolled up countless air waves, spreading in all directions.

After Liu Fang's huge slap collided, it was slowly melted by the raging fire.

However, those flames were mostly annihilated after being slapped by the slap.

Then, under the influence of the opposite force, both Liu Fang and the evil spirit were shaken back ten meters.

Seeing Liu Fang being shaken back, Leng Chengyu immediately asked with concern: "How about it, are you okay, do you want me to take out Guan Gong's knife?"

"Need not."

Liu Fang looked angrily at the Scarlet Fire evil spirit opposite.

The Scarlet Fire evil spirit opposite also looked at Liu Fang in horror.

Then, the Scarlet Fire evil spirit quickly filled the previous pile of flaming stones.

"Want to escape?"

Liu Fang immediately flew over and slapped the pile of stones with his slap.

The Scarlet Fire Evil Spirit, which had already gotten into the stone, screamed in it, and then had to come out again.

However, as soon as he appeared, Liu Fang slapped it again.

The pile of rocks was crushed by Liu Fang's fan.

A hole appeared inside.

There is a passage at the entrance of the cave, and inside the passage is burning magma.

It seems that this scarlet fire evil spirit wants to hide in the magma.

Because the magma contains the inexhaustible power of the flames, he wants to rely on the power of these flames to defeat Liu Fang.

Fortunately, Liu Fang quickly came over to subdue the scarlet fire evil spirit, and did not let him escape into the depths of the magma in the cave.

Otherwise, this scarlet fire evil spirit would not be able to kill.

However, now that he has been subdued, Liu Fang will not let this scarlet evil spirit go so easily.

Liu Fang took turns to slap his left and right hands, and constantly slapped at the scarlet evil spirit.

All the flames on this scarlet fire evil spirit were extinguished, leaving only the body.

Then even if only the body was left, the body was smashed into pieces, and even the soul was smashed into pieces, and white smoke-like soul crystals emerged.

Leng Chengyu came over at this time and took out the golden box to collect the soul crystals.

The battle ended in this way.

The reason why it can end so quickly is because Liu Fang grasped the opportunity and didn't let this scarlet fire evil spirit get into the depths of the magma in the cave.

Otherwise, Liu Fang and Leng Chengyu may die.

After collecting the soul crystals, in order to be able to win this competition, Leng Chengyu asked Liu Fang to take him back to the defense line station in Nancheng District, Torrent City.

However, not long after leaving this wasteland, he was attacked by an evil spirit.

This evil spirit was at the fifth level of the scarlet ghost, and somehow appeared in the middle of the road, and then somehow attacked Liu Fang.

However, he was shot flying by Liu Fang all at once.

Without staying, in order to be able to win the competition, Leng Chengyu told Liu Fang to stop paying attention to the evil spirit that had been shot and dropped to the ground, but continued to take him back to the defense line station in Nancheng District, Hongliu City. . UU reading www.uukanshu. com

But soon, Leng Chengyu and the others were attacked by a second evil spirit.

This time, the evil spirit did not attack Liu Fang, but specifically attacked Leng Chengyu.

Of course, this evil spirit was only the fifth level of the scarlet ghost, and it was shot flying by Liu Fang all at once.

It has to be said that Liu Fang is born with copper skin and iron bones, and he is indeed very powerful in combat. When his level is at an advantage, he can easily defeat him every time.

After throwing the evil spirit blocking the road on the ground, Liu Fang continued to fly back with Leng Chengyu.

At this moment, Leng Chengyu's cell phone rang, and it turned out to be Fang Zhirou's call.

"We have encountered a lot of attacks from high-level evil spirits, come and rescue us!"

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