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Since it was Fang Zhirou asking for help, even if Leng Chengyu couldn't return to the defense line station in Nancheng District of Hongliu City before Song Yi, he would also go to the rescue.

Leng Chengyu immediately asked Liu Fang to take him to the place where Fang Zhirou's mission was.

Soon, Leng Chengyu arrived at the place where Fang Zhirou's accident occurred.

Here is a high mountain with black air billowing above the mountain.

Fang Zhirou is now struggling to fight with dozens of evil spirits.

Fang Zhirou released her paper figures to deal with these dozens of evil spirits.

However, these dozens of evil spirits are so powerful that they have forced Fang Zhirou's paper men to retreat steadily.

And Fang Zhirou kept backing away under the cover of her ghost and skeleton ghost.

And Song Fei also followed Fang Zhirou, her hind legs were covered by the ghost of her hair.

Above dozens of evil spirits, there was an evil spirit with a bull's head floating, and this evil spirit was staring at Fang Zhi and Song Fei closely.

The bull head human evil spirit said fiercely: "I have been staring at you for a long time. You are constantly wandering around the territory of the Southern Ghost King, searching for the news. I must capture you back and let the Southern Ghost King personally interrogate you for what purpose? "

Fang Zhirou and Song Fei did not speak, because Fang Zhirou had already asked Leng Chengyu for help, and they could only wait at this moment.

While they backed away, they were alert to the sudden attack of the bull's head human evil spirit in the air, while waiting for rescue.

At this time, Leng Chengyu finally appeared.

The bull-headed human evil spirit in the sky quickly saw Leng Chengyu and Leng Chengyu's ghost Liu Fang.

When the bull head human evil spirit saw that Liu Fang's level turned out to be only the sixth level of the scarlet ghost, he coldly snorted: "Huh! Another one to die."

Leng Chengyu came here and saw Fang Zhi and Song Fei being forced to retreat, while the paper men desperately resisted, and then saw a bull-headed evil spirit lurking in the air, commanding those evil spirits.

Leng Chengyu immediately realized that if he wanted to rescue Fang Zhi and Song Fei, and to defeat those evil spirits, he had to destroy this bull-headed human evil spirit first.

Leng Chengyu immediately asked Lin Fang: "Can you kill him?"

Liu Fang shook his head and said: "His level is too high. I guess he has at least reached the seventh level of the red ghost. I have just been promoted to the sixth level of the red ghost, and I cannot fully master the power level. If I am right with him Come on, not only can I not kill him, but he might even kill him."

After Leng Chengyu listened to Liu Fang's words, he cast his eyebrows and looked at the bull-headed human evil spirit.

It can be seen that this bull head human evil spirit has a high level, and he has no fear.

No wonder that after seeing Leng Chengyu's arrival, he let out cruel words and said that one more person would come to die.

Leng Chengyu no longer hesitated, and immediately took out Guan Gong's knife and began to accumulate his sword momentum.

But the bull's body evil spirit stopped there after seeing Leng Chengyu and Liu Fang coming, and didn't dare to approach him at all, and the human ghost guard also took out a golden sword and held it high on his head.

He squinted at the golden sword in Leng Chengyu's hand, and found that this golden avenue contained enormous energy.

But even so, he still didn't take it seriously.

No matter how powerful the foreign objects are, they can only be brought into play by the power of ghosts, and can be used to kill their evil spirits.

This is the use of most of the human ghost guard weapons.

The bull head human evil spirit also guessed the golden sword in Leng Chengyu's hand in the same way.

However, he did not see the girl ghost Liu Fang beside Leng Chengyu injecting ghost energy into the golden knife, but just formed a protective barrier in front of him.

He felt very strange.

And the energy of Guan Gong's knife in Leng Chengyu's hand is accumulating more and more, and the energy ripples continue to radiate outward, and the hot light radiates to the body of the evil spirit of the bull head.

The bull's body evil spirit originally wanted to let Leng Chengyu use this knife to slash him, and then forcefully kill Leng Chengyu and the girl ghost Liu Fang, in order to shock Fang Zhi and soft Song Fei.

However, now it is discovered that the energy of the knife in Leng Chengyu's hand seems very vast.

He is also an experienced and cautious evil spirit. In order to be able to win the battle, he takes preemptive actions.

He no longer waited for Leng Chengyu's golden sword to slash at him, but immediately used the ghost technique to bombard Leng Chengyu to prevent the energy of Leng Chengyu's golden sword from continuing to accumulate.

However, Leng Chengyu's sword power had accumulated to completion. When the ghost technique of the bull's head human body and evil spirit bombarded him, his sword also swung forward.

Seeing the yellow light gleaming, a group of pike trainers sprang out of Guan Gong's broad sword, and then turned into a violent wind and huge wave, sweeping towards the evil spirits of the bull's head.

Wherever he went, endless dust and fallen leaves were rolled up.

Along the way, the air waves rolled like wind and remnant clouds, and continued to spread to the surroundings.

Ngau Tau's personal evil inspiration was cut by Leng Chengyu's attack power of this sword force is very powerful, he did not forcefully take this sword force.

Before his first ghost and spirit technique collided with Leng Chengyu's sword, he began to perform the second ghost and spirit technique.

At the same time, a protective barrier is formed in front of you.

Soon, Leng Chengyu's sword force collided with the first ghost technique of the bull's body evil spirit.

Just listen to a "bang" sound.

The first ghost technique of the bull's body evil spirits suddenly annihilated.

And Leng Chengyu's blade power like a violent wind and huge waves did not weaken much, and continued to swept towards the bull's head human evil spirit.

Upon seeing the evil spirit of the bull head human body, his face was solemn.

He began to continuously inject evil spirits into his second ghost art, continuously increasing the power of the second ghost art, and then quickly bombarded Leng Chengyu, who was about to reach his eyes, like a huge wind and waves. Like a sword.

However, what disappointed the evil spirits of the bull's body was that when the violent wind and waves of the sword hit his second ghost technique, it still only made a "bang", and the sword hit the bull's head. The second ghost technique of the evil spirits of the human body was knocked into annihilation and dissipated.

Then, this sword force still contained surging energy and had a powerful attack power, violently hitting the body of the bull head human evil spirit.

Just listen to a loud bang.

The protective barrier of the minotaur body evil spirit shattered at once, and the blade directly hit the body of the minotaur body evil spirit. UU reading www. uukanshu.com


The tauren human body evil spirit only felt the tearing pain in his body, and couldn't help screaming.

At this time, he finally thought of running away, he immediately wanted to run the spirit of the spirit, and quickly flew away.

Who knows, he found that the spirit of the spirit in his body was not working smoothly.

"How is this going?"

Not only that, but he also found that his body was crackling and making strange noises.

His body is constantly shattering.

Moreover, even his soul is suffering tremendously.

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