If it had been planned, Lancer would have only been able to attack Archer with berserker.

The premise is that the Archer does not have the ability to fly.

The Archer, who has air supremacy, can easily defeat them by looking down at the enemy and throwing the Noble Phantasm downward.

"Plan B, conditions met."

Lancer spoke, but no one heard.

"Master has her important things to do now, and I can't drag her down."

In the past, Sur made the plan, and Lancer only had to follow the method, but now the situation is exceptional, sudden, but also under consideration.

To deal with different enemies, Sur deliberately made different plans for Lancer.

For the Assassin, the kind of target that can be easily killed is to kill directly.

In the case of the caster, the protection of the hostages is given priority.

Similarly, Sur made a plan for Lancer for enemies that could fly in the air.

"The opponent is a haughty and arrogant king."

Lancer is hit by the Phantasm and stumbles.

"Vimana, who flies in the sky on its own, is not good for me in air combat."

"So the best way to deal with it is—"

In my mind, it was the conversation between Sur and himself.

"Say everything you want, don't just say half of it."

"If you want to say something, don't say it to death."

Truth be told, Lancer doesn't even understand how he can handle this right now, but he can do the rest.

"When you meet an arrogant person, you show weakness first."

Therefore, deliberately being hit by the treasure made him think that he had an absolute advantage.

"Then create the timing."

Under normal circumstances, the woods that break into at night are excellent cover, not only to reduce the chance of being discovered, but also to hide the shadows in the shadows.

He is like the sun in the night, shining brightly.

This is one of Lancer's manifestations of the blood of the sun god that flows through it.

It has the advantage of automatic mana recovery in the sun, and the Japanese Wheel Armor has better resistance.

Unfortunately, the Holy Grail War is usually fought at night, and the advantage that Lancer has during the day can be largely unused.

In order not to make too much noise, Sur will not deliberately choose to fight during the day.

Ate a few rounds of treasures, faked that it was Archer's good fight, and even lowered the defense ability of the Japanese wheel armor.

Flowing blood kept dripping on the dirt.

Run, keep struggling.

Archer had a happy smile on his face all the time.

It wasn't that he couldn't see Lancer's clumsy disguise, but he still had to step inside.

When everything he does is useless, what kind of expression will he show?

Vimona's horsepower was turned to its maximum, and the treasures in the hands of various mythical heroes were thrown out one by one.

Die, bugs.

As you wish—

the Noble Phantasm was erupted in fierce flames, or burned, or bounced away by a wave of air.

Forest, blazing.

The sun-like figure struck at the king's throne like a moth to a fire.

But just like, Lancer is not lost with the hero of archer.

The Flame Spear broke through the attack of the Noble Phantasm.

The surging magic had caused Lancer to fly.

The arrogant king finally drank the bitter wine.

"Brahmastra Kundala, O Brahmastra Kundala,"

Lancer chanted the true name of the Phantasm,

throwing the Wheel Spear in his hand for a decisive blow.

"Is that what you're going to do?"

Archer did not change his face at this, and when he raised his hand, the ripples that appeared in front of him appeared in the shape of a shield-shaped treasure.

"Yes, that's what I'm going to do."

Lancer replied, watching his carefully planned Phantasm being guarded by Archer.

"But it's all in the master's hands, Archer."

"Haven't found it yet? You're a little closer to the ground now. Endless

rage, curses, hatred roared from Berserker's mouth.

The Berserker, who had been hidden in the forest, finally revealed, and his hands touched the king's chariot, dyed black.

"You wild dog!"

Archer's angry scolding didn't stop at all, only a kick from the berserker was ushered in, and he was kicked out.

The king's royal ride was tainted by the berserkers and succeeded in taking it.

Just as Archer was making a move, the endless flame spear fell.

The impotent and furious king could only see his car snatched away and the enemy marching away, and could do nothing.

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