What is done cannot be undone.

The rest is just waiting for the flowers to bloom and the seedlings to sprout.

In the makeshift secret base, Sur and Karna are resting.

"Well done, Karna."

Give those who do a good job their jobs a well-deserved reward.

It's a pity that Sur has nothing to give to Karna.

For material things, Karna had no need at all.

Spiritually, there is no need either.

People who have no desires and no desires are the most difficult to satisfy.

So, only praise, praise, praise.

Maybe there is psychological pleasure to satisfy the needs of the other person.

"Looks like rider is back too."

As soon as Suer's words fell, the rider team returned.

"Is this a reward for us?"

Rider opened the door and caught his eye on the wine on the table.

"Of course, today's plan was a success, and these are for everyone."

Deliberately took out the wine that was prepared for private storage, in addition to the cohesion alliance, there is also... Prepare for the next step and hope that the rider group can successfully complete tomorrow's task.

"This wine..."Rider

touched his chin, and after drinking it all, he left an aftertaste.

"If only at the banquet that day, it would be nice to ask the little girl directly for you to get the wine."

"It's just a little bit of a private collection, and I'm lucky."

Sur didn't mind if Rider was a little rude.

The two didn't have any friendship before, if they really listened to Rider's words and gave him the wine directly, they would be looked down upon.

"Now that you're done drinking, tell me about the fight with Saber."

"No matter how persecuted this king is, Saber doesn't look like she has released the holy sword in her hand."

Rider looked a little embarrassed and scratched his head, after all, it had been discussed, Lancer went to try to draw Archer's hole cards, and Rider went to draw Saber's hole cards.

"No harm, rider." Sur thought about it and came up with it.

"It seems that Emiya Kiritsugu is not a stupid character, and when he saw Lancer attacking the Tosaka family, he should have thought of the reason why Rider attacked Saber."

"So, what do we do next?" Silence has been voiced by Webb to express his confusion.

"Take the initiative to tell the information about our alliance, it's been exposed." This is where Webb does not understand.

He understands the importance of knowing the other side's information first, but he can't understand the necessity of revealing his own information.

Sur looked at the young Webb, he didn't know how to think, but he wasn't very mature, if he hadn't met the rider, he would probably die ugly.

Even if he thought so, Sur would not have said such hurtful words.

"Look at the map."

Sur took out his own detailed map of the spirit veins of Fuyuki City.

It marks the direction and convergence location of the large and small spiritual veins in Fuyuki City.

On the first day, Lancer connected to a spiritual vein and was responsible for supplying him with mana.

The red line on the map shows the direction of the spirit veins, but there are four red circles that are particularly conspicuous.

Sur was pointing to these four places.

"This is—" Weber, who was also a magician, saw what the four places had in common.

"These four places are the highest leylines in Fuyuki City."

"That's right, again, these are the four places where the Holy Grail will come."

"In addition to the seven servants fighting, the Holy Grail Advent also needs a great deal of magic replenishment, and only these four places can meet this."

"The residence of the Tosaka family, the Yanagi Temple in Enzang Mountain..."Weber said the place names one by one.

"The next two places are the church on Minamigaoka in Fuyuki City and a new housing complex south of the metropolitan area."

"In other words, whoever can control these four spiritual veins will be able to grasp the initiative in the Holy Grail War."

After all, it is a war for the Holy Grail, as long as the appearance of the Holy Grail can be controlled, it will naturally be able to settle in advance and grasp the advantage.

"But what does that have to do with exposing the alliance?"

"Think about it a little deeper, Webb."

Sur watched with interest as Webb looked at his thoughtful appearance, just as he had once been in trouble.

"Come to think of it, why can't we control one of the four births of the Holy Grail?"

Sur continued.

"I'm trying to make Saber and Archer realize that one of them alone can't win the Holy Grail War, so naturally they'll seek allies as well."

"Saber's master, Emiya Kiritsugu, is a cautious enemy, and he can't go in person, but continue to let Alice Phil disguise herself as a master to negotiate."

"The location will be the church in Fuyuki City, in the neutral zone, he will use a bug to listen to the contents."

"It doesn't matter what they talk about."

Because Sur already knew that with his own careful layout, this alliance would not succeed.

"The important thing is that Alice Phil will come out of the castle, the rider has already attacked the castle in Einzbelen, and in Emiya Kiritsugu's perception that the castle is no longer safe, so the location will be moved."

"And tomorrow our mission is to track Alice Phil, then kidnap her and take out the little chalice."

With the help of the information exchanged with Yan Feng Qili, a detailed plan was formulated.

"However, it must be kidnapped first, before Yan Fengqili, otherwise the contract just made will be invalid."

We have to fight against time and people.

Time is of the essence.

After discussing the precautions for tomorrow.

"Little girl, are you really not interested in coming to us?"

The King of Conquest spoke suddenly.

"Beyond the wisdom of the wise, you can manage great wealth in your hands."

"To tell the truth, after this king got the flesh, he was full of confidence in conquering the world, but he still couldn't hold the world as before, didn't he fall twice on the same pit."

"Do you want me to be your prime minister, no kidding. I don't like the feeling of being under a fence. Sur

still rejected the rider.

"The little girl is not a candidate to be the king, but as a talent to assist the king, there is no better than you."

"Are you provoking me to be a good leader?"

Sur looked at the rider coldly, but immediately came back to his senses.

"If you win, it's not impossible."

Looking at the figure of Rider leaving, Sur said.

Show my talents first, so that I can be convinced.

Wait for the rider to go away.

"Master is too merciful."

Lancer finally spoke.

"It's normal for siblings to compete for the throne, but the master will never hurt his relatives and friends."

"The master has the strength and wisdom of a king, but he does not have the cruelty of a king."

Lancer's words didn't surprise Sur.

"People are always forced out."

Sur didn't have much to say.

"They can only hope that I will not be the leader."

Yourself, unfit to be a leader?

Just kidding, because....

"Except for my own family, no one else has anything to do with me."

"So... Why, master, do you want to help the families of those who died because of the Holy Grail War?

Sur said as he stared at Karna with wide eyes, angry, and blushing.

"Hello, verbose! Hum! I'll have to think about tomorrow's countermeasures later, Lancer hasn't thought about how to fight those two kings? Like

an angry kitten, Karna didn't know what bad things he had said, anyway.

I made the master angry, that's for sure.

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