Start With a Fake University

Chapter 783: A gift from the whole country!

As it was approaching twelve o'clock, the social media platforms of Xia Guo, such as Weibo, Douyin, and Xiaopozhan, were already buzzing.

Two of the topics are the most popular.

The first is that Eagle Sauce and Europe have increased sanctions on Xia Guo's chip industry and technology companies.

This second one is undoubtedly a pass sold by President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. People can't help thinking, what does President Ding mean when this passive era is about to end?

Some people began to analyze it.

Does Wucheng University of Arts and Science have mastered the core technology of chips? Is it possible that the era of domestic self-developed chips really starts from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences?

Some people also said that this is nothing more than President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Science who is sensationalizing.


Unlike ordinary people, the big guys at Xia Guo Academy of Sciences have a completely different attitude towards this matter.

In the eyes of ordinary people, perhaps this time, President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is just "Kou He".

But in the eyes of the big guys at Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, this is completely different.

Because the big guys at Xia Guo Academy of Sciences still have a certain understanding of the lithography machine experimental project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

They had known before that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences had provided National Core Technology Group with technical support for lithography machines as early as last year, which enabled National Core Technology Group to have greater autonomy in the field of 7-nanometer chips. .

But this time, is it possible that Wucheng University of Arts and Science has broken through the difficulties and has achieved results in the field of chips?

"Lao Li, what do you think about the sanctions imposed on us by Eagle Sauce and Europe this time, and the remarks of President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences?"

An academician of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences said to the old man beside him.

Li Lao is a senior academician of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences and has been engaged in chip research for decades. The process of Xia Guo's independent research and development of chips over the years is closely related to Li Lao.

"Those young people are creative. We also see the scientific research capabilities of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. I think this time, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences must have achieved some results."

Old Li thought for a while, then analyzed it and said, "I will call President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to ask."

"Lao Li, I think so. It is said that in the national authoritative journals and national papers online, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has successively published many papers on chip research, lithography machine, and etching machine research in the past two years."

Another academician Wang from Xia Guo Academy of Sciences nodded and said.

Mr. Li looked for the phone number of President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and then dialed it.

President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Science still has some connections with Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, so Lao Li knows the phone number of President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Science.

at this time.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is here.

Ding Yue is chatting with Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei, Luo Peng, and Subeilin about the results of the lithography machine experimental project.

Although Ding Yue certainly didn't understand the specific content of the lithography machine experimental project, Tong Yihang and Luo Peng had to tell them to themselves. With Ding Yue's current ingenuity, they would naturally be able to quickly understand it.

"Wait a minute, there is a call."

Just as Ding Yue was chatting with everyone happily, there was a caller ID on the phone, only the phone number. Although Ding Yue didn’t know what the call was from, it’s definitely not easy to be able to make a call to his cell phone. people.

Ever since, Ding Yue answered the call.

"Hello, I'm Ding Yue, president of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

After Ding Yue answered the call, he introduced himself.

"Ah, it turned out to be Old Li!"

Ding Yue learned that the person who called him turned out to be Lao Li from Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, the scientist who had made great contributions to Xia Guo's semiconductor and lithography machine industries.

"Old Li, why did you think of calling me?" Ding Yue asked with a smile.

"President Ding, I heard that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has recently made a major breakthrough in the field of lithography machine research?" Mr. Li asked earnestly and expectantly on the phone.

Those things that Mr. Li has not done in his entire life of research, if he sees these young people have done it in his lifetime, he will naturally be very happy.

You know, the older generation of scientists have done a lifetime of scientific research in the field of scientific research. Although there are some scientific and technological achievements, seeing that Xia Guo has been sanctioned by overseas countries in the field of chip semiconductors, he can no longer contribute much. , My heart is naturally somewhat sad.

"Lao Li, it is true that there have been some breakthroughs. Our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will officially announce it at 12 noon today, and there will be corresponding papers that will be published on the National Papers Online. Now, Mr. Li, your generation has worked hard. Next, in the field of chip semiconductors, leave it to our generation."

When Ding Yue faced Lao Li's question, he told the truth.

After all, Ding Yueda still respects people like Mr. Li in his heart. This is a great person who has dedicated his life to Xia Guo's scientific research.


They are old and don't have the energy to do scientific research anymore, so they need a group of "successors" to take over this inheritance and carry this big banner.

And Ding Yue felt that the group of young people in his Wucheng University of Arts and Science's lithography machine experimental project were the inheritors of Mr. Li and the others.

"Really, this, this, this, I really didn't expect you juniors to finally do it."

Old Li was on the phone, sobbing with excitement.

"Lao Li, it is precisely because of your ancestors that we can move forward. You pioneers are actually the hardest. Our younger generations will definitely live up to expectations and continue to work hard."

Ding Yue said to Old Li excitedly.

"Okay, okay, our Xia Guo’s scientific research has inheritance and inheritance!" Old Li was even more excited. Older scientists like their generation, what they think in their hearts is nothing more than Xia Guo can be young. People can carry the banner and continue the long road of scientific research.

But now, batch after batch of talents cultivated by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences seem to be doing such a thing.

"Oh by the way, President Ding, you have made breakthroughs and results in your research on the lithography machine this time, I think...I think..."

Before Lao Li finished speaking, Ding Yue had already guessed what Lao Li meant, and immediately said, "Lao Li, do you want to come over and have a look?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes."

Old Li quickly responded.

"Of course, you old academicians of the Xia Guo Academy of Sciences have made great contributions to our Xia Guo's lithography machine research and chip semiconductor research. They are our respected seniors, and you are welcome to come at any time."

Ding Yue said without hesitation.

There is no reason to refuse. These old-timers dream of seeing Xia Guo’s chips make great progress, and now they finally have a chance, how can they not let them take a look at this brand-new autonomous Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences? What about machine equipment such as lithography machines and etching machines developed and manufactured?

"Okay, okay, it's so good, how about we just come over with a little preparation?"

Old Li said excitedly.

"No problem, of course there is no problem, Mr. Li, do you need someone from my side to pick you up in Yancheng?" Ding Yue asked again.

"Don't bother Principal Ding. Although we are old bones, we are still walking. Then we will come in a few days? I don't know when Principal Ding will have time?" Old Li asked.

"As long as Mr. Li comes, we naturally have time at any time." Ding Yue said modestly.

Senior academicians like Li Lao and other academicians of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences came, how could Ding Yue not spare time to receive a good reception? It is necessary to satisfy these seniors to take a look at the latest development of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. The lithography machine and etching machine came out of this desire.

"Okay, great, then I won't bother you, Principal Ding."

After Mr. Li confirmed that he could go to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, he would not delay President Ding's time much.

Because Lao Li knew that a person like Principal Ding must be very busy.

"Okay, goodbye, Mr. Li, I am waiting for you at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences." After Ding Yue finished speaking, he said goodbye to Mr. Li on the phone, and then hung up.

"Lao Li? Is it Academician Li Jingde of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences?" Luo Peng couldn't help but curiously asked after listening to President Ding answering the phone.

After all, the entire Xia Guo could be called Old Li's character, that is, there are so many that can be counted with his fingers.

"Yes, it's Mr. Li from Xia Guo Academy of Sciences."

Ding Yue nodded and said: "In a few days, Mr. Li and the others will come to our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to take a look at the research results of our lithography machine experimental project. When you are juniors, you must bring Li Always take a good look at your results."

"that's for sure."

"Lao Li is one of the scientists I admire most."

"Old Li is coming, that's great."

Whether it was Tong Yihang or Luo Peng, they were all excited to hear that Mr. Li from the Xia National Academy of Sciences was coming over.

"Principal Ding, it's twelve o'clock in half an hour."

At this time, secretary Wen Ruohan reminded the time.

"Okay, everyone get ready."

After Ding Yue heard the reminder from secretary Wen Ruohan, he ordered to go on.

Today, the official account of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will be compiled by Ding Yue himself, and a Weibo will be posted on time at twelve o’clock, and officially announced to the whole country, and even the world, that he is Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Has successfully mastered a series of technologies such as lithography machine, etching machine, chip research, and completed the technological autonomy of the chip!

Others like Tong Yihang, Luo Peng and others have prepared their papers and are ready to throw out their papers this time. This time the paper will be the essence of their experimental projects on lithography machines in the past few years.

With the increasing popularity of the Internet, the time is getting closer and closer to twelve o'clock.

But in this half an hour, netizens became more and more skeptical about the Weibo that President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences posted.

After all, Ding Yue just sold a pass without saying any key information.

Time always flies slowly in the waiting.

Ding Yue looked at the time, there were twenty-two minutes left.

After a while, I looked at the time again, and there were seventeen minutes left.

After another while, there are nine minutes left.

Ding Yue and others were already a little worried.

"Principal Ding, it's twelve o'clock."

Finally, when the time came, the secretary Wen Ruohan reminded himself the first time.

Ding Yue directly clicked on the content of the blog post that he had compiled a long time ago, and finally released it. At the same time, on Tong Yihang's side, the paper was also uploaded to the National Papers online for the first time.

[Wizard University of Arts and Science] v: Today, it was officially announced that after unremitting efforts, the lithography machine research project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has finally successfully mastered the 5nm chip process technology, as well as the autonomy of lithography machines, etching machines and other mechanical equipment The era of R&D and manufacturing, domestic chips, has arrived. This is our birthday gift for Xia Guo from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences!

This short blog post issued by the official blog of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was like a blockbuster in an instant, stirring up waves in Xia Guo.

5nm chip process technology!



The era of domestic chips is coming!

These key words one after another are all inspiring everyone in Xia Guo.

Below this blog post of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there are countless reposts, likes, and comments!

Forward (89.7w), comment (102.1w), like (349w)

After only about less than ten minutes, UU's Weibo at was directly paralyzed.

Soon, Douyin was also paralyzed, and Xiaopozhan was stuck because of too much traffic.

Today, netizens from almost all over the country are following the official announcement of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences on major platforms!

"Fucking, is it true?"

"5nm chip?"

"Does this master all the techniques?"

"Fuck, can you make your own lithography machine and etching machine?"

"In fact, researching chips is not particularly difficult. The difficulty lies in the lithography machine and etching machine. The required precision machining technology is too difficult."

"The era of domestic new films has come!"

"is this real?"

"Principal Ding, you can't brag about it!"

"Is Wucheng University of Arts and Science hanging like this now?"

"What does this mean? Doesn't it mean that from now on, Eagle Sauce and Europe's chip sanctions on us will no longer be effective."

"We used to lag far behind in the field of foreign chips, but after group after group of scientific talents, now we finally catch up. Have we caught up?"

"Is this Nima overtaking on a curve?"

"Is it sure that the lithography machine can also be independently developed and manufactured?"

"This Nima is so awesome, so excited, **** it!"

"666666, this National Day gift is simply awesome!"

Netizens were all shocked by the news of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. After all, before this, who would dare to imagine that the domestic chip technology could catch up with the advanced technology of overseas countries?

This is simply an incredible thing!

I like to start from a fake university, please collect it: () The fastest update rate is from a fake university.

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