Start With a Fake University

Chapter 784: Busy Principal Ding!

National Academy of Sciences.

A group of old academicians who were once responsible for research on chips gathered together. Today is an extremely important day for them.

"Lao Li, have you confirmed with President Ding of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences? The technology they announced has really been realized?" An academician of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences asked Li Lao incredulously.

Because 5-nanometer chips are the goal they pursue in this life, but they are already old, and their body and energy have almost been unable to keep up with the high-intensity scientific and technological research process, so they can only sigh before this.

As a result, I never expected that the younger generation of talents engaged in chip research would actually have mastered the technology of 5 nanometer chips?

And it is still the technology of the whole process, including the regressive lithography machine, etching machine, etc., which is almost impossible to achieve under the technical blockade of Eagle sauce and Europe.


Old Li nodded, and said with emotion: "I have already asked President Ding. It is true. This group of juniors at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is really rare."

"Lao Li, the paper is published, and the national paper is available online!"

At this time, a younger academician rushed over immediately and said to Old Li excitedly.

After hearing the words, all the academicians showed expectations and excitement in their eyes.

"Everyone, President Ding has agreed to let us go to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to have a look at the lithography machine they developed and manufactured. Will anyone of you want to go with me?"

Old Li looked at the academicians and asked.

"The lithography machine independently developed in China is naturally a quick glance!" An academician said excitedly.

"Yeah yeah."

"Old Li, I would like to go with you."

"I am going too."

"We must take a look at our domestic independent research and development lithography machine."

The academicians naturally have the same ideas as Lao Li. As scientists who have dedicated their lives to the research of chip technology, now the domestically developed lithography machine is in front of them, how can you not see the beauty?

"Well, after you go back, you should pack up and prepare, and follow me to Wucheng tomorrow."

Old Li nodded, then counted the number of people at Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, and was about to set off for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences in Wucheng.

After twelve o’clock on this day, in addition to the academicians of Xia Guo Academy of Sciences, all the netizens all over the country boiled up. When they heard Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences said that they had mastered the independent research and development of 5 nanometer chips. After technology, everyone's self-confidence has risen.

The era of domestic self-developed chips has really come!

"Finally, finally, there is no need to be caught by the gringos anymore."

"Uuuuu, what's going on when you want to cry."

"This day, we have been waiting for too long!"

"From then on, we Xia Guo finally stood up in the chip field!"

"Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is awesome!"

"This is really awesome!"

"I will pay homage to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Next year, I must apply for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"Our domestic private colleges and universities have finally come out with a college that dares to spend money on R&D investment."

"The Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is different."

"At the beginning I knew that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences must be a different existence, but now it seems that it is indeed awesome."

Netizens' "adoration" of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is simply too high!

Some netizens even directly praised Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences as a "theological school". After all, this private university is really too awesome. He has done things that Xia Guo’s countless private universities could not do. Needless to say, for example, the "welfare" for students, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is also unattainable for many key public universities in terms of teaching performance and scientific research results, not to mention those private universities like pheasants. Up.


Ding Yue believes that all kinds of fanfare from netizens must not be able to inflate.

The road of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences still needs to go forward step by step.

At this time, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is here.

Ding Yue's phone number has been blown up. After the official of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences announced that he had mastered the independent research and development of chip technology, there were countless calls from various departments and cities.

Faced with these calls, Ding Yue also had no choice. If he answers all the calls, it is estimated that he will receive them next year.


Ding Yue had to answer these calls, otherwise, would he appear very cold?

Ever since.

Ding Yue asked Dabai to help him screen the phone calls. Among them, the news media's calls were temporarily not answered. After all, the news media's calls were definitely meant to be interviews and news reports.

This Ding Yue is not in a hurry. After all, his official announcement of chip technology by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is not to make big news to win people's attention.

But for some important calls, Ding Yue is about to answer or call back.

For example, a call from Li Chengzhu in the Wucheng Mansion Building.

There are also the phone numbers of the National Academy of Sciences and the phone numbers of relevant departments. These are unavoidable and cannot be called back.

"Everyone, wait a moment. Once this news is announced, there will be more calls on my side."

After Ding Yue finished talking to Xu Bin, Huang Youjie, Tong Yihang, and Luo Peng beside him, he picked up the phone.

After everyone heard the words, they knew that Principal Ding was about to call, so they all calmed down, but the blood and passion in their hearts was still burning crazily.

Of course.

For Xu Bin, Huang Youjie, Luo Peng, and Liu Tiefei, the most was joy.

After all, the lithography machine, etching machine, chip technology, etc. are all produced by them. As a personal participant, no one is more excited and joyful than them.

Ding Yue asked Dabai to classify the information he had just called and the phone calls he was making.

The first is the official phone calls, and Ding Yue will naturally go over them one by one.

The reason why I didn’t answer the phone was because of these calls, where they could be answered. After all, one after another, Ding Yue had no choice but to not answer all the calls, and then one by one when the time came. The fight went back.

"Then give City Master Li a call back first."

Ding Yue thought for a while, he still called Li Chengzhu first. After all, Li Chengzhu had a lot of support and help for his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group. It was the matter of the North and South campuses that were set a few days ago. It was only after the strong support of City Lord Li that it could be quickly determined.

"Okay, I'm calling back the main office of Li Cheng in the Wucheng Mansion Building!"

Da Bai directly called back the phone number of Li Cheng's main office.

On the side of the Wucheng Mansion Building, after making a phone call to President Ding, Chengzhu Li learned that President Ding’s phone was busy, and he knew that it was definitely not the only one who called President Ding at this time.

Ever since, City Lord Li spared ten minutes of time, trying to wait to see if Principal Ding would have time to return the call for himself during these ten minutes.

If Principal Ding didn't call back ten minutes later, then City Lord Li would definitely not wait any longer. After all, City Lord Li still had a lot of things to do next.

Jingle Bell!

Suddenly, the phone at Li Chengzhu's desk rang.

"Town Lord, it should be President Ding who called back, right?" Secretary Zhang said quickly.

After hearing the words, Li Chengzhu was still very happy, and immediately answered the phone: "Hey."

"City Lord Li, this is Ding Yue."

"Hahahaha, Principal Ding, you are also very busy today, right?" Chengzhu Li asked with a laugh.

"What's the meaning of City Lord Li?"

Ding Yue replied humbly.

"President Ding, did your Wucheng University of Arts and Science really mastered independent chip technology this time?" Chengzhu Li asked very seriously.

"Yes, Chengzhu Li, how dare I say such things nonsense? Our lithography machine experimental project at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has been established for several years. Over the years, it can be regarded as some research results. Now it is about the whole process of 5nm chip. Technology, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can be considered to have mastered, related technology patents, papers, etc. have also been submitted for applications."

Ding Yue replied calmly.

"Okay! Okay! This is really great. We, Xia Guo, have always been stuck in the chip field by foreign countries. Over the years, how many people have come forward for the development of the chip business, but still haven't achieved much. Unexpectedly, in your Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, in the hands of a group of young people like you, this matter and this great cause have been accomplished!"

After hearing the words, Li Chengzhu said excitedly.

"City Lord Li, we have only inherited the tradition and mantle of the older generation." Ding Yue still said modestly.

"The scientific research results of Wucheng University of Arts and Science this time are no better than the last time you won the National Science and Technology Award. Then, after a few days of free time on your Wucheng University of Arts and Science, I will come over."

City Lord Li said very positively for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"Good city lord, welcome to our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences at any time." Ding Yue immediately responded.

"That's all right, Principal Ding, I know you must be very busy now, then I won't bother you, just because I still have a lot of things to do here, see you in a few days."

"Goodbye Li Chengzhu."

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yue remained calm.

It must be reasonable for Li Chengzhu to call himself. Ding Yue had already guessed it. After all, his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences belongs to their Wucheng Administration, and his own Feiyue Group is also a local technology company in Wucheng. Li Chengzhu naturally needs to care about it, not to mention the advent of such an important 5nm chip technology.

In addition to Li Chengzhu, director Xiao Wenxing and directors of other departments in Wucheng also called Ding Yue, but Ding Yue did not have so much time to go back one by one, just let Da Bai I returned a short message to Director Xiao Wenxing, saying that he was busy now and had a lot of phone calls. When I had free time later, I would return a call to Director Xiao Wenxing.

"Principal, there have been several calls from Yancheng, do you want to go back?"

Dabai asked.

"Go back, let's call back one by one, these are to be faced after all." Ding Yue nodded.

In Yancheng, there are official telephones, as well as those of the Academy of Sciences and Research Institutes. These telephones are still very important to Ding Yue.

Naturally, the official phone number is not much needed.

The calls to the Academy of Sciences and Research Institutes were made by big scientists. How could Ding Yue not answer them? There are also semiconductor research institutes.

It took more than an hour for Ding Yue to call all these calls back, and almost every call would ask Ding Yue, is it true that Wucheng University of Arts and Science has mastered 5nm chip technology?

Ding Yue naturally responded one by one, followed by congratulations from various departments and research institutes.

Among these phones, the most important one is naturally what Xia Guo's official said to Ding Yue on the phone. For Xia Guo, the importance of 5nm chip technology is self-evident. Xia Guo's official said, It is hoped that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group can use 5 nanometer chip technology to better promote the development of Xia Guo’s various industries. At the same time, Xia Guo official also stated that after Wucheng University of Arts and Science has mastered 5 nanometer chip technology , Xia Guo official will strongly support the development of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group!

For this, Ding Yue naturally knew.

At the beginning, I let my Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences study the experimental project of lithography machine, the purpose is to Xia Guo, UU reading www. After all, the bitter days of being sanctioned by Eagle Sauce and European chips in those years really made the people of Xia State deeply understand it, and Ding Yue also knew the bitterness.

Therefore, my own Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences opened a lithography machine experimental project, after the research and development mastered the 5nm chip technology, it is naturally to help my motherland!

Ding Yue also told the official Xia Guo on the phone that the 5nm chip technology of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences this time is a gift to the motherland’s birthday!

This call after call made Ding Yue very busy.

Even the secretary Wen Ruohan, it was the first time that President Ding made so many calls at once, and it was already noon, and President Ding hadn't eaten lunch yet.

As the secretary of Principal Ding, Wen Ruohan naturally understood at this time that even if Principal Ding was so busy, he would not be able to make Principal Ding hungry.

Ever since.

When Wen Ruohan called Principal Ding, he took the time to temporarily let Da Bai take over his other duties, and then hurriedly left the principal’s office. After walking out of the administration building, he quickly rushed towards the Five Canteen. .

"Xiaowen, where is your Principal Ding?"

In the five canteen, Zhang Cuiping quickly asked after seeing her son's secretary Wen Ruohan.

"Principal Ding is so busy that he even forgot to eat." Wen Ruohan spread his hands and said helplessly: "Auntie Zhang, quickly prepare some food for Principal Ding. I will send it to Principal Ding."

"Hole, this kid is so busy that he forgot to eat again, really, Xiaowen, you have to criticize and criticize him!" Zhang Cuiping muttered.

"Ah? I dare not do that!"

I like to start from a fake university, please collect it: () The fastest update rate is from a fake university.

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