Start With a Fake University

Chapter 785: The power of the country!

"Yes, 5 nanometer chip technology, we have mastered all the technologies independently."

Ding Yue said very seriously in a phone call.

This call was made by Xia Guo’s official staff to inquire about the research results of the lithography machine experimental project of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"In addition, we are also actively making breakthroughs in the research of 3 nanometer chips."

Ding Yue replied: "In terms of capital, we have Feiyue Group's industrial profits as support. There is no problem at all. Right, right, thank you for facing us at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for supporting our Feiyue Group. ."

"Don't worry, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group have this ability." Ding Yue replied decisively.

"Okay, bye."

After a while, Ding Yue hung up the phone.

In this call, Xia Guo’s official personnel told Ding Yue that the country will strongly support the research on chip technology of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and support Feiyue Group in the rapid application of 5nm chip technology to all walks of life.

After all, 5-nanometer chips used to be luxurious in China. Many electronic products can use 7-nanometer chips. It is already very good. After all, the country has been subject to chip sanctions from overseas countries over the years.

Regarding Xia Guo's official "request", Ding Yue naturally said that there was no problem.

What is the purpose of mastering 5nm chip technology?

Isn't it to revive Xia Guo's chip industry?

As the official Xiaguo official said on the phone, the 5-nanometer chip technology mastered by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is the power of the country!

But how to put 5nm chip technology into production and operation formally, this is also a question that Ding Yue needs to consider.

But Ding Yue was not in a hurry.

This kind of thing can be discussed with General Manager An Yu Jia'an, and then how to put it into production according to your own actual situation.

Ding Yue made countless calls in a row, until his stomach screamed, and then he came back to his senses.

"very hungry."

Ding Yue touched his stomach, put down the mobile phone in his hand, and then shouted: "Classmate Xiaowen."

"Hey, I'm coming~"

The sound came from outside the office door.

Ding Yue originally thought that secretary Wen Ruohan was always by his side, and was planning to call her to go to the Five Canteen to get some food for herself, but he didn't expect secretary Wen Ruohan to be outside the office.

"Come here, come, Principal Ding, I'm here."

Wen Ruohan rushed in towards the office with a large stack of lunch boxes in his hand.

After all, there is not only Principal Ding in the office, like Director Xu and Director Huang, as well as Teacher Luo Peng, Tong Yihang, and Sister An, who are all here, so Wen Ruohan prepared a lot of boxed lunches after he went to the Five Canteen.


Ding Yue glanced at the large amount of lunch in the hands of secretary Wen Ruohan, slightly surprised.

Unexpectedly, the secretary Wen Ruohan was really sensible. He had already understood what he wanted. Before he could tell him to go down, he had brought the box lunch.

"Everyone is hungry. Come here and have a meal. It is indeed very busy today. Thank you for your hard work."

Ding Yue quickly said to everyone in the office.

Wen Ruohan hurried over and cooperated with Principal Ding to deliver the lunch.

"Student Xiaowen, come here."

Ding Yue whispered to his secretary Wen Ruohan, he still had something to explain to her.

"Principal Ding, what's the matter? Here, your favorite braised pork, Aunt Zhang made it for you, hehehe." Wen Ruohan handed a braised pork lunch to Principal Ding.

After Ding Yue received the braised pork lunch, he smiled and said to Wen Ruohan: "Student Xiaowen, you did a good job. You have already thought of it before I have time to ask you to bring the meal. That's right. There is one more thing I have to tell you to do."

"Hehehe, Principal Ding, what's the matter?" Wen Ruohan asked expectantly.

"I should have told you just now. I won’t have to run again. Tonight, I’m going to have a celebration banquet in the Five Canteen. Go tell my mother and let her prepare. Use the highest standard dinner dishes. Treat the big guys well."

Ding Yue exhorted.

"Yeah, Hao Le." Wen Ruohan nodded immediately, taking down Principal Ding's instructions.

"Also, go to the finance department and ask the finance department to put out...10 billion funds!" Ding Yue thought for a moment. Since he wants to realize the idea of ​​favoring researchers, he must spend a lot of money.

10 billion!

You can still get it out of your own assets. After all, even if the overseas market is blocked, it will not affect your leap. Future new energy vehicles will make money in the country.

Among the hundreds of billions of assets, 10 billion was taken out. Ding Yue is going to give bonuses to all the people who participated in the lithography machine experimental project, such as Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei, and Luo Peng.

"Ding...Principal Ding, how much?"

Wen Ruohan felt stupid as soon as he heard it.

Last time, we had to invest 100 billion in Wucheng High-tech Zone, and this time we have to directly use another 10 billion. How much money does President Ding have?

In fact, the 100 billion yuan that we said last time to invest in the Wucheng High-tech Zone does not affect Ding Yue’s assets, because the last time I said it was very clear that the 100 billion yuan was within a year. It is not necessary for Ding Yue to put out 100 billion yuan at a time. Although it should be no problem for Ding Yue to put out 100 billion yuan at a time, there is no need for it.

Based on the popularity of new energy vehicles in Feiyue and the future, as well as the immediate solution to the problem of hindered overseas markets, coupled with the profits of Feiyue Group’s other industries, it has invested 100 billion yuan within a year, which is absolutely nothing. questionable.

"10 billion!"

Ding Yue shrugged calmly and said.

"What ten billion?"

At this time, Xu Bin and Huang Youjie who were not far away seemed to hear what Yue Ge was talking to his secretary Wen Ruohan.

Ding Yue looked at Lao Huang and A Bin, and said with a smile: "Of course it is for all of us who have participated in the lithography machine experimental project in the past few years to give bonuses, otherwise?"

"Brother Fuck! Ten billion bonus!"

"Is it so atmospheric?"

Both Xu Bin and Huang Youjie were stunned.

But soon, Xu Bin shook his head and said, "Brother Yue, you have treated me very well, so that I can live comfortably, and I can realize my computer dreams. I don’t need this bonus. Let Tong Yihang them. They do precision machining, which is very hard."

This is Xu Bin's true inner thoughts.

Because Xu Bin started working with Ding Yue to build Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Ding Yue has treated him very well, at least in terms of money, there is no need to worry at all.

So in this tens of billions, one's own share is actually necessary or not.

"That won't work."

Ding Yue shook his head and said, "You must have this bonus, you know what I mean?"

After thinking about it for a moment, Xu Bin seemed to understand what Brother Yue meant, and immediately nodded and said: "Well, let's go, I probably understand what Brother Yue means."

"It's Abin, Brother Yue is right. You really have to take this money. I want to take it, but I don't have the ability. You say yes, hahaha." Huang Youjie also echoed.

As a result, Wen Ruohan immediately followed the instructions of Principal Ding and first called Aunt Zhang Cuiping and told Aunt Zhang about the celebration dinner tonight.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Ruohan went directly to the finance department personally to convey President Ding's meaning.

"Ten billion? Such a large sum of money, I'm afraid..."

After hearing this, the director of the finance department was shocked.

Although such a large sum of money was taken out, even if President Ding’s secretary Wen Ruohan came to pass on a word, I am afraid that it would be difficult for the director of the finance department to execute it.


Wen Ruohan also reacted, and then made another call to Principal Ding.

In a short while, Principal Ding came to the office of the Finance Department while eating his lunch.

"Principal Ding."

When the director of the finance department saw President Ding personally came, he asked quickly: "President Ding, do you want 10 billion? From that account?"

"Let's go to the company account of Feiyue Group."

Ding Yue thought for a moment. Although his personal account is fine, the bank will definitely require various reviews for such a large amount of funds. However, it would be much more convenient if he took his own Feiyue Group's corporate account.

"Okay, President Ding, if it's the fastest, it should be done in one week to half a month," the director of the finance department replied.

After all, it is a cash flow of 10 billion, which is not like withdrawing hundreds or thousands of money from a bank.


Ding Yue nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

It was only announced tonight that a bonus of 10 billion was to be given, but this bonus of 10 billion is certainly impossible to cash out immediately. Such a large sum of money will naturally take time.

"Let's go, classmate Xiaowen."

Ding Yue called his secretary Wen Ruohan and went back to his principal's office together.

Just now Ding Yue was thinking that he would have to let his secretary Wen Ruohan come to the Finance Department. In the end, shouldn’t he have to come here for a trip? After all, it’s such a large sum of money, only relying on the secretary Wen Ruohan. Orally, it is really difficult for the Finance Department to handle it.

After returning to his principal's office, the big guy's lunch was almost eaten.

Upon seeing this, Ding Yue immediately said to everyone: "Everyone, we have successfully informed the world that now we have mastered the 5nm chip technology, the next thing to discuss is how to apply the 5nm chip technology we have. , Xia Guo’s official also called me just now, saying that the 5-nanometer chip technology we have mastered is the country’s most important weapon!"

"The power of the country!"

"Yes, it must be the country's heaviest weapon!"

"It's fortunate to participate in the project of the country's heavy equipment, and I will have no regrets in this life."

"Principal Ding, what do we need to do next?"

Everyone said very excitedly.

"Since it is the most important weapon of the country, then we must play the role of the most important weapon of the country." Ding Yue said passionately: "Then I will tell the big guy what we need to do next."

Everyone looked at Principal Ding quietly.

Among them, An Yujia is very serious. After all, if he wants to apply 5nm chip technology next, he must rely on Feiyue Group, and he is the person in charge of the corresponding affairs of Feiyue Group.

"Now that we have mastered a series of technologies such as the manufacturing of lithography machines and etching machines, and the development and manufacturing of chips, it is natural to apply them in key areas."

Ding Yue began to plan and said: "First of all, the country's key industries are definitely indispensable."

"This is natural."

"Yes, many key industries in countries, such as aerospace, military technology, etc., require excellent chip technology."

"Yeah, yes!"

Everyone thinks what Principal Ding said is very reasonable.

After all, 5-nanometer chips are not widely used in Xia Guo. After all, foreign countries have been imposing chip sanctions. Xia Guo does not say that 5 nanometer chips cannot be used. It is just because of the sanctions of overseas countries that they are also used. There is really no way to "pull search and search", which has caused many key industries in the country to use chips and stagnate.

But now with the domestic chip developed by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, this problem is naturally solved.

"Secondly, as we all know, overseas car companies, like Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi, have teamed up to target our leap forward and new energy vehicles." Ding Yue continued: "Then the second important thing is ourselves. New energy vehicles in the future. Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi have used overseas 5-nanometer chips to compete with us. UU reading and we only need to use 5-nanometer chips, so whether it is Mercedes-Benz or BMW , Or Audi, their new energy vehicles, in front of our leap forward and the future, there is no competitive advantage at all!"

Ding Yue's remarks clarified the breaking point of the current crisis facing Feiyue Group's overseas markets.

That's right!

The key is the chip!

Even if Feiyue·Future new energy vehicles adopt many advanced technologies, Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi can make similar technology products and install them on the car as long as they want, and use 5 nanometer chips. Before that, for Feiyue· The future development of new energy vehicles in overseas markets is indeed a great threat.

When everyone heard Principal Ding say this, they all nodded.

"Based on these two points, we need to speed up and apply the lithography manufacturing technology we have already mastered." After Ding Yue finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at Tong Yihang and Luo Peng.

Tong Yihang, Luo Peng and others are naturally smart people.

"President Ding, at present, our 5nm chip technology has no obstacles. As long as the materials are sufficient and the technology is in the manufacturing of lithography machines and etching machines, it is not difficult to manufacture. We can guarantee that it can be produced in one month. Produce one to three lithography machines that can be applied to 5nm chips."

Teacher Luo Peng said seriously.

"Very well, then this matter is left to you." Ding Yue nodded and said.

"Principal Nading, we..."

At this time, An Yujia seemed to want to say something.

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