Start With a Fake University

Chapter 796: Boost production

The Golden Week holidays are fleeting.

The campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences began to become lively again. At least more than half of the students during the holiday went out to play or went home.

Now that the holidays are over, the students have returned to the campus one after another and started their daily life in college.

There are nearly 200,000 students in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and its liveliness can be imagined.

During this holiday, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has also gained a lot.

First of all, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences officially announced during this holiday that it has mastered domestic 5-nanometer chip technology, including the technology of lithography machines, etching machines and other cutting-edge equipment, which has given Wucheng Arts and Sciences University a domestic and international reputation. Take a leap.

Since then, in the field of chips, the pattern of the entire world has undergone tremendous changes.

From now on, Xia Guo will no longer be constrained and suppressed by various overseas countries because of the lack of chip technology. In the future, no one will be able to bully us in the area of ​​chips.

October 8.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences Administration Building, President's Office.

"President Ding, there is news from the Academy of Science and Technology that the Science and Technology Administration has officially submitted this year's National Science and Technology Award for our domestic 5-nanometer chip technology."

In the office, secretary Wen Ruohan began to report work information to Principal Ding.

Wen Ruohan knew about the submission of the National Science and Technology Award nomination by the Science and Technology Agency. After going to work today, he reported to Principal Ding as soon as possible.

"Brother Yue, bull, bull, this time we can win the National Science and Technology Award again. If this happens, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will definitely be more valued."

In the office, Huang Youjie said excitedly and excitedly.

The reason why Huang Youjie was in Ding Yue's office was mainly because today was the first day after the holiday resumed. Huang Youjie came to Ding Yue to report on his logistical matters, as well as the last time he sued Pengbai News and Xinjin News. The progress of these two unscrupulous media.

In addition to Huang Youjie, Xu Bin is also here.

Xu Bin didn't come to report for work, but after meeting Huang Youjie, he was pulled over by Huang Youjie by the way.

"The National Science and Technology Award is expected."

Xu Bin said calmly: "If even the technology of the 5-nanometer process lithography machine cannot win the National Science and Technology Award, it will be nuclear fusion developed by scientific research institutions."

"Ha ha ha ha."

After Huang Youjie heard the words, he couldn't help laughing.

Nuclear fusion is a bottleneck that is difficult for humans to break through. After all, if humans break through nuclear fusion, then the future of the entire human civilization will achieve a qualitative leap, and it will not be a problem to begin to enter the interstellar era that is common in science fiction.

After all, at this stage of human energy power technology, it is difficult to achieve the speed of the spacecraft approaching sub-light speed, so it is difficult to explore the vast universe.

But when human beings achieve controllable nuclear fusion, then energy will be sufficient, not only will there be no energy crisis, but human beings will have more energy to explore the vast starry sky, and corresponding technologies such as power engines will also By leaps and bounds.

At that time, the entire solar system is no longer a problem for humans.

Even Proxima Centauri, 4.2 light-years away, is not impossible to explore and develop.

In Ding Yue's view, instead of waiting for the current environment of countries in the world to develop nuclear fusion, it is better to wait for his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to be more promising. The most important thing is that in his own university system, it is not There is no such black technology [controlled nuclear fusion].

It's just that his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has not yet reached that stage, but Ding Yue took a look and it seems that the distance is not far away.

Therefore, Ding Yue will sooner or later redeem the black technology of controllable nuclear fusion.

By then, it would be pretty good to realize the era of interstellar development of human beings in his lifetime. This is at least one of Ding Yue's wishes.

As soon as he heard Lao Huang and Xu Bin talking about nuclear fusion, Ding Yue thought of this.

Thinking a bit more for now.

Instead of thinking about this at the moment, it is better to think about the progress of the steel battle suit built on the basis of the cold fusion energy device.

"This time the National Science and Technology Award will definitely not be awarded to individuals, this is an award that a group should receive." Ding Yue said calmly: "To win another National Science and Technology Award is like what Lao Huang said just now. , our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will definitely attract more national attention, and it is not impossible to become a first-class university certified by the state.”

"Yes, yes, now our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is a national key university. If we go to the next floor, it will be a national first-class university."

Huang Youjie nodded quickly.

"It's not enough just to be a first-class university. What we want to build is at least a double first-class university." Ding Yue said with a smile.

"Brother Yue, we must have no problem with first-class disciplines, even if we just say that our computer department is enough to be a first-class discipline, not to mention that there are also strong departments such as the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the School of Architecture. If you go to first-class disciplines, then you will be the first-class colleges and universities certified by the state, so that you can easily get the double first-class.”

Xu Bin analyzed and said.

"That's natural, just wait for the good news."

Ding Yue believes that it will be a matter of time for his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to be certified as a double-first-class university, and it will depend on when the Education Bureau decides this matter.

If you want to know the news earlier, you can go back to Director Xiao Wenxing to inquire about the relevant news.

Even if due to various reasons, his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has not become a double first-class university in the past two years, after looking back and waiting for Director Xiao Wenxing to be promoted, I believe that Director Xiao Wenxing will definitely work hard for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to be promoted to a double first-class university.

"Student Xiaowen, did Mr. Li and the others arrive at Yancheng smoothly?"

Ding Yue then raised his head and asked the secretary Wen Ruohan.

Mr. Li and the others came to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences during the holiday to visit the lithography machine developed and manufactured by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences with a 5-nanometer process technology. Then they lived in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences for a few days. They just returned by plane yesterday. The Xia Academy of Sciences in Yancheng.

"Well, Mr. Li and the others have all arrived in Yancheng successfully."

Secretary Wen Ruohan replied.

"That's good."

Only then did Ding Yue feel relieved.

I'll wait for Mr. Anyu Jia'an to come over and report on the final negotiation with Guoxin Technology Group.

During the holiday, Ding Yue handed over the specific negotiation matters to An Yujia to connect with President Wang Liwu. In the next few days, he had a good rest. Now that the holiday is over, he should also Well come to "work".

Doing a good job in this principal is Ding Yue's biggest job at present.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Sure enough, just when Ding Yue was thinking about the discussion between An Yujia and Wang Liwu, there was a knock at the door of the office, accompanied by the voice of President An Yujia: "Principal Ding."


Ding Yue heard the voice of President An Yu Jia An and let her in directly.

"Principal Ding, President Wang of Guoxin Technology Group has left."

After An Yujia walked in, he said.

An Yujia belongs to the kind of strong women who work and speak very neatly.

"Well, how did you guys talk in the end? When will the contract be signed?"

Ding Yue nodded slightly, then looked at An Yujia and asked.

Ding Yue estimated that this matter should be similar to the result of his negotiation with Mr. Wang Liwu at that time. Even if Mr. Wang wanted to strive for more benefits for NationalChip Technology Group, it is estimated that it would be difficult.

"Principal Ding, it has been signed. This is the contract for you to take a look at."

After An Yujia came over, he stood in front of Principal Ding's desk, and handed a contract directly to Principal Ding.

good guy!

So efficient!

This made Ding Yue feel a little surprised.

Because in Ding Yue's estimation, this contract must be considered for a long time by National Chip Technology Group, and in addition to the process, Ding Yue thought that it could not be won without two or three months.

"so fast?"

Ding Yue said in surprise, then took the contract handed over by An Yujia, and read it to read it.

However, after An Yujia handed the contract to President Ding, he continued to report: "Later, President Wang discussed with the board of directors of Nationalchip Technology Group for two or three days, and then asked me to continue discussing this matter."

"What was the final result?"

Ding Yue raised his head and asked.

"In the end, we insisted on selling 50 lithography machines a year to National Core Technology Group, which accepted and signed a contract. From next year, we will provide 50 5-nanometer process lithography machines every year to NationalCore Technology Group.”

An Yujia replied.

"Well, next year, can we start the production of lithography machines?" Ding Yue asked again.

Of course, An Yujia was in charge of this matter.

The production of lithography machines requires a lot of cutting-edge equipment and a lot of technical personnel. Tong Yihang and Luo Peng are technical R&D personnel. If they are invested in the production and manufacture of lithography machines, they will appear to be overkill. .

It's definitely not worth it!

Therefore, as before, let Tong Yihang and Luo Peng train a group of manufacturing technicians for lithography machines, and then they can continue to participate in the further research and development of lithography machines.

"Well, there is definitely no problem with putting funds on the facade. The key point is that, in terms of technology, the pre-production and manufacturing of lithography machines must be inseparable from Tong Yihang and Luo Peng, but President Ding, you are planning to let them continue to develop lithography machines. Experimental project?"

An Yujia thought for a while, and then asked.

"Yes, we will definitely pursue a 3-nanometer process lithography machine in the future, but before that, we have to start production at full capacity, and we must first build a 5-nanometer process lithography machine."

Ding Yue thought about it and nodded.

"Then, let Tong Yihang and Luo Peng first do some training at the company for a period of time, and then do research after training the technicians who produce lithography machines?"

An Yujia suggested.

Because An Yujia knows that this is the best choice. Otherwise, the production of lithography machines will be very slow. In that case, let alone 100 production units a year, even with The 50 units signed by Guoxin Technology Group may not be available.

"Hahaha, that's what I thought."

Ding Yue nodded, then turned his head and said to the secretary Wen Ruohan, "Student Xiaowen, please let Teacher Luo Peng and Tong Yihang come over."

"Okay Principal Ding."

After Wen Ruohan got the instructions from Principal Ding, he immediately took out his mobile phone and contacted Tong Yihang and Luo Peng.

"Brother Yue, the production of lithography machines is very complicated, and the technical requirements are very high, but you can rest assured that our computer team, in terms of computer technology, can definitely provide technical support, whether it is The training is still on the front line.”

At this time, Xu Bin on the side said confidently.

"Hahaha, it has to be our Director Xu."

After Ding Yue heard the words, he said with a big smile.

Soon, after Wen Ruohan notified Teacher Luo Peng and Tong Yihang, a few of them came over.

There are about seven or eight people, all of whom are top elites in precision machining.

"Principal Ding."

After seeing Principal Ding, everyone shouted

They knew that when Principal Ding called them over, there must be some task to be assigned.

During the holiday, at the gala dinner, the big guy got a lot of rewards on the lottery turntable. Not only that, but also the prize money of Principal Ding's 10 billion lithography machine experimental project team, Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei and Luo Peng, the main cores. There are also many, many, many, many people who have been allocated the share, so much that they didn't even think of it at first.

It is unprecedented for a scientific and technological researcher to receive such a large bonus!

"Well, come and sit down."

Ding Yue said to the crowd with a smile.

These people are the treasures of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. For things like chips, we will have to rely on this group of people in the future. With them, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences can not only master cutting-edge chip technology, but also develop a chip made of chips. future.

In the future, whether it is a virtual metaverse or exploring the vast starry sky, which one cannot be separated from the crucial thing of the chip?

"I called you here today, mainly from Mr. An, who has already negotiated with Nationalchip Technology Group about the cooperation of the lithography machine." Ding Yue said directly to the crowd: "You also know that the lithography machine After the technology is developed, it will be put into production, and then it will go up the industrial chain of manufacturing chips, but it is not so easy to manufacture lithography machines. In the initial stage, you still need to rely on you."

Tong Yihang and Luo Peng understood what Principal Ding said.

"Principal Ding, although the production and manufacture of lithography machines are simpler than research and manufacturing, they are quite difficult in comparison." Teacher Luo Peng nodded and said, "It takes a little effort. ."

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