Start With a Fake University

Chapter 797: The Iron Suit No. 1 came out

"Overcome difficulties!"

This is what Ding Yue explained to Teacher Luo Peng and Tong Yihang.

Even if there are some difficulties and some difficulties, it has to be overcome, and strive to complete the training of the first batch of lithography machine technicians before the end of this year, and then in the new year, we will start to manufacture lithography machines, Etching machines and other equipment.

As for the funds and other equipment needed for the manufacture of lithography machines and etching machines, Ding Yue will prepare them for them as soon as possible. Anyway, these basic equipment can be solved with money.

"Okay, Principal Ding."

After Mr. Luo Peng heard the words, he nodded immediately. Since Principal Ding said so, they must be very confident, because Principal Ding will definitely support them.

"Director Xu, your computer department must also cooperate with Teacher Luo Peng and the others. According to the plan of the school and the company, strive to complete the first batch of technicians who can manufacture lithography equipment by the end of this year. Can you do it?"

Ding Yue looked at Xu Bin and Luo Peng and asked.

"Of course we have no problem here."

Xu Bin said calmly.

Teacher Luo Peng thought for a while, and nodded firmly, "Don't worry, Principal Ding, we must do our best to accomplish this task by the end of the year."

"Okay, I believe you can definitely do it."

Ding Yue's confidence is still very high.

These people under their command are all the elites among the elites of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is famous for those technologies in China and around the world. Which one is not their participation?

"Principal Ding."

Suddenly, Tong Yihang, who was beside him, came forward and called Principal Ding in a low voice.

"What's wrong?"

Ding Yue turned around, looked at Tong Yihang, and asked suspiciously.

"Well, it's just..."

Tong Yihang saw that there seemed to be a lot of people around him, but he didn't say what he was going to say.

"It's alright, if you have something to say, just say it."

Seeing that Tong Yihang seemed a little reluctant or afraid to say what he wanted to say, Ding Yue reassured him.

"It's Principal Ding. The thing you asked us to build for you last time has already been done." Tong Yihang told the matter when he saw it.

As early as the first half of this year, Principal Ding explained to Tong Yihang and the others that they were building steel battle suits. Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei naturally carried out secretly. While participating in the lithography machine experimental project, they also used their free time to give Principal Ding made this steel battle suit.

Obviously, Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei knew that this was a set of steel suits that could be worn on people, but they didn't know what purpose Principal Ding made this thing for.

Could it be military use?

As the most trusted mechanical professionals under Principal Ding, Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei also know very well that it is best not to ask things that should not be asked, otherwise, they will only be asking for trouble.


When Ding Yue heard the words, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked with a smile: "So fast? I can't believe that your efficiency is quite fast. While participating in the lithography machine experimental project, you can still give my steel battle suit to Build it, it's amazing!"

Ding Yuepao didn't mind talking about this with Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei. After all, if he wanted a steel suit, he would definitely not be able to build it with his own knowledge and skills, so he had to have Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei.

And Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei are not fools. As long as they get the blueprints and build their own steel suits according to the blueprints, they must know what it is.

"The things that Principal Ding explained must be done quickly, but Principal Ding, don't worry, although we will do it soon, every link, every part, and every precision machining process is perfect. of."

Tong Yihang said confidently.

Ding Yue believed Tong Yihang very much on this point. He nodded and said with a smile, "Very well, this time you guys made something for me personally, and I'll give you the corresponding reward."

"Principal Ding doesn't need it, no need hehe."

Tong Yihang quickly shook his head and said.

Principal Ding treats himself very well on weekdays. Tong Yihang has made a lot of money just from the projects he has participated in. Perhaps this money is something Tong Yihang could not earn in his lifetime when he joined other technology companies.

"No, no, no, listen to me, things are one code at a time."

Ding Yue shook his head and said to Tong Yihang with a smile: "You put in your energy and hard work, as well as your knowledge and skills, to build this steel suit for me, so naturally you have to get paid."

"Uh, then, that's fine."

Tong Yihang said that after seeing Principal Ding, even if he didn't want the next payment, it wouldn't work.

"Well, in two days, I will credit the reward to your bank card account, don't worry, it must be a big thank you." Ding Yue said with a smile.

"Thank you, Principal Ding."

Tong Yihang said excitedly, "We will do maintenance work for Principal Ding's steel suit at any time, but Principal Ding tells the truth, your steel suit is really handsome."

"Hahahaha, I just use it as a toy."

Ding Yue said with a smile.

For this set of steel battle suits, Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei had already signed a non-disclosure agreement when they were building them. Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei were not allowed to tell others about this steel battle suit.

"Brother Yue, what are you talking about here?"

At this time, Huang Youjie came up and asked curiously.

"It's just some other work matters." Ding Yue glanced at Huang Youjie and replied calmly.

Even Lao Huang couldn't let him know about his steel suit.

Only Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei, and the smart sister Ding Xiaoyou are the only ones who know that they want to build a steel suit The steel battle suit built must be equipped with the artificial intelligence robot Dabai, and to connect Dabai's artificial intelligence technology to the steel battle suit, Xu Bin's help must be needed, because Ding Yue does not have that awesome computer technology.

"Oh oh."

After Huang Youjie heard the words, he didn't ask any more questions and went to communicate with others.

"Abin, come here."

Ding Yuexuan was about to call Xu Bin over.

Sooner or later, I have to tell Abin about this matter. Since Tong Yihang and the others have already made the steel suits, it is time to tell Abin. After that, let Abin help him to reveal the artificial intelligence to the carrier. Enter the steel suit and install the cold fusion energy device. Then a complete set of steel suit is completed. You can find an opportunity to become an Iron Man and experience the feeling of being an Iron Man.


Seeing Brother Yue calling him, Xu Bin walked over and asked, "What's wrong with Brother Yue?"

"Abin, do you remember what I told you last time, I want to make a toy?" Ding Yue said to Xu Bin with a smile.


When Xu Bin heard the words, he suddenly became curious: "I know, it's made? What kind of toy?"

To be honest, Xu Bin is still very interested in this toy created by Brother Yue.

"You'll find out when you come with me later." Ding Yue said mysteriously, "But then I still need your help to load the artificial intelligence robot Dabai into my toy."

"Good guy, they all use Dabai's artificial intelligence technology. Do you call this a toy?"

Xu Bin was shocked when he heard it.

Is the toy thing already so high-end in Brother Yue?

"It's just made to play, why isn't it called a toy?" Ding Yue said with a smile.

"Hee hee hee, what toys are you talking about?"

At this time, Ding Xiaoyou, the younger sister who had already come over a long time ago, came over and asked with a smile.

"When did you come here?"

After seeing his sister Ding Xiaoyou, Ding Yue asked with a confused expression.

I didn't see my sister Ding Xiaoyou in the office just now, why did she appear in front of me now?

This whole thing is a bit weird and scary!

"Just now."

Ding Xiaoyou still replied with a smile.

"Ah, Xiaoyou, we didn't say anything." Seeing this, Xu Bin was ready to prevaricate.

Ding Yue, however, glanced at Xu Bin and said, "Abin, don't perfunctory this girl, she knows everything, and the most crucial part of my toy is that she made it for me."


When Xu Bin heard this, he was even more surprised.

Good guy!

Tong Yihang is here, explaining that this toy must be related to machinery, and most likely it is precision machinery, and he has to help him load artificial intelligence technology into the toy.

Aren't these two the most important?

The most important thing is that Ding Xiaoyou made it?

So what exactly is the technology?

This made Xu Bin even more puzzled and curious.

"Hee hee hee, Brother Xu Bin didn't think so." Ding Xiaoyou said cheerfully.

"You girl, you're quite amazing."

Xu Bin glared at Ding Xiaoyou and said.

"Okay, everyone, what I'm going to tell you today, after everyone goes back, prepare well." After Ding Yue finished talking to everyone in the office, he said to Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei, "Go, take us there. "

"Brother, are you ready?"

Ding Xiaoyou hurried closer and asked in a low voice to his brother Ding Yue, "Has the steel battle suit been made?"

"Well, Tong Yihang came to me just now and told me that it has been made, but it has not been loaded with artificial intelligence. You also know that if such a device does not have artificial intelligence, it is a pile of scrap metal, right?"

Ding Yue said calmly.

"That's not right, without my cold fusion energy device, it's just a team of broken metal, hee hee hee." Ding Xiaoyou said proudly.

"Yes, yes, without your cold fusion energy device, it would be a pile of rubble."

Ding Yue said perfunctorily: "It's still my sister's cold fusion energy device that is the most important."

"Of course."

Ding Xiaoyou felt a sense of pride when she heard her brother's affirmation.

About ten minutes later.

Ding Yue, Xu Bin and Ding Xiaoyou followed Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei to the center of the scientific research base.

In the center of the scientific research base, there is a mechanical laboratory dedicated to Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei. It is here that they made the steel suits for Principal Ding.

"Principal Ding, this way."

Tong Yihang led Principal Ding to the mechanical laboratory.

Ding Xiaoyou and Xu Bin also followed.

Ding Yue looked around, but he didn't seem to see where his steel suit was.

"Where to put it?"

After Ding Yue finished looking around, he looked at Tong Yihang and asked.

"Principal Ding, here."

I saw Tong Yihang came to a wall, followed by pressing a button on the wall!

Ka Ka Ka!

Suddenly a wall, like a mechanical switch, opened with a click. Behind this wall is a storage space, and in this storage space, there is a set of gold and red steel. Battlesuit!

That's right, it was made according to the style and color of Iron Man's iron suit.

Ding Yue called this set of steel suits No. 1 Steel suits.

"Brother, why is there only one set?"

Ding Xiaoyou asked curiously after seeing this steel suit.

My brother clearly agreed and gave himself a whole set.

"People only have so much time and energy, how can they create two sets so quickly, don't worry, your set will definitely be indispensable to you."

Ding Yue glanced at his sister Ding Xiaoyou and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, okay."

Ding Xiaoyou didn't make trouble without reason. He knew that what his brother said was reasonable. After all, Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei were not gods.

"Principal Ding, are you satisfied?"

Tong Yihang asked with a smile. UU reading

Ding Yue is very satisfied with the texture of this set of steel suits, as well as the style and color. It has to be said that Tong Yihang and the others understand themselves. The things they built are almost exactly the same as the design drawings.

"I rely on Brother Yue, this dress is so handsome!"

After Xu Bin saw this set of steel battle suits, he stared straight at it, as if he was attracted.

What kind of sturdy guy doesn't get confused after seeing this stuff?

If this is announced, I am afraid the whole world will be boiling over it.

"It's really handsome."

Ding Yue couldn't help but admire.

"Student Tong Yihang, the current steel suit can be directly connected to the system, right?" Ding Yue turned his head, looked at Tong Yihang and asked.

"It can be possible."

Tong Yihang nodded and replied, "But... this thing consumes a lot of energy. We are currently electrifying him, which consumes a lot of power. After the power is turned on, it can be loaded into the system."


Hearing this, Ding Yue smiled and said, "The energy problem is not a problem, it has been solved."

When he heard his brother Ding Yue say that the energy problem has been solved, Ding Xiaoyou on the side had another proud look on his face.

"Then Abin, it's up to you." Ding Yue looked at Xu Bin again.

What needs to be done now is that Xu Bin will put the artificial intelligence into this steel battle suit.

"no problem."

Xu Bin made an OK gesture, it's all trivial.

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