Start With a Fake University

Chapter 798: no man's land

If this set of steel suits does not have an artificial intelligence system, then it is a pile of cold mechanical steel.

At least in Ding Yue's eyes, that's how it looks.

Although every part of this set of steel battle suits adopts the most advanced machining technology, its technical difficulty is not comparable to that of ordinary mechanical engineering.

"The shock absorption system of this steel suit, Tong Yihang, have you tested it?"

Ding Yue stared at the set of steel battle suits that he asked Tong Yihang and the others to create for him, and asked with a serious face.

The most important part of the core of the steel suit is not its exquisite mechanical structure, but its shock absorption system.

There is no doubt about the shock absorption system, that is, when falling from a height, the people in the steel suit will not endanger their lives due to the existence of the shock absorption system.


Even in "Iron Man", the shock absorption system of the steel suit is also a crucial part.

"Principal Ding, we have conducted a simulation test. The shock absorption system of this steel suit equipment is very powerful. Even if it falls from an altitude of thousands of meters, it should not be a big problem."

Tong Yihang replied.

"The damping system used is specially designed by us in the mechanical structure, but we have only done a simulation test. If the actual measurement is concerned, we don't know how much the difference is from the simulation test."

Liu Tiefei, who was beside him, also said.

After Ding Yue heard the words, he probably had a spectrum in his heart.

Although this set of iron suits can help him realize his desire to experience a wave of Iron Man, Ding Yue definitely cannot test it himself for the actual measurement of its shock absorption system.

Only after the actual test can Ding Yue dare, or in other words, can put on this set of iron suits to experience the feeling of being an Iron Man.

After all, safety comes first.

Little life is the most important thing, not to mention that I am now a **** who is worth more than 100 billion. There are still many places in this world waiting for me to explore and develop. Your own life is under pressure, even if the probability of an accident is extremely low, you can't use your own life to test.

"Then let's do a real test today."

Ding Yue said very calmly.

"Ah, let's do the actual test today?" After Tong Yihang heard it, he was stunned for a moment.

This seems a little too sudden.

"Is there a problem?"

Ding Yue looked at Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei and asked.

"There is no problem in the actual measurement, but the problem is the energy problem of this steel suit. What kind of energy should be used for it to fly at an altitude of thousands of meters?"

Tong Yihang put forward his own question: "I am afraid that the kinetic energy of graphene batteries is not strong enough, and if the consumption is extremely high, the battery life will be insufficient. In this case, even if it is measured, it will be due to insufficient energy. And there is a problem, so in the absence of solving the energy problem, Principal Ding, I suggest that the actual measurement should not be carried out."

"A graphene battery doesn't work either, this thing?"

Xu Bin, who was preparing computer equipment by the side, asked suspiciously after hearing the words.

You must know that the energy contained in a graphene battery is very large. A graphene battery of a leap future new energy vehicle can make this leap future new energy vehicle travel thousands of kilometers.

Not only that, Feiyue Technology must be able to produce even more powerful graphene batteries, so there is no way to drive this set of steel battle suits?

"Director Xu, the driving energy requirements of this steel suit are still very high, because it is a pure and hard composite steel material, space-level, and heavy."

Tong Yihang briefly explained to Director Xu Bin.

"Oh, then how can we drive it?" Xu Bin asked, spreading his hands.

At this time, Ding Yue smiled lightly and said, "Of course there is an energy device that can drive it. This energy device was researched by Xiaoyou. If it involves technical secrets, I won't tell you."

"Hahahaha, I understand what you mean, Brother Yue."

Xu Bin didn't ask any more questions.

Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei didn't ask much, because they knew that Ding Xiaoyou, the younger sister of Principal Ding, specialized in energy technology research.

But what Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei didn't know is that what Ding Xiaoyou developed this time is a cold fusion energy device, a device that can create huge energy. They thought it was just an energy device stronger than graphene batteries.

However, in fact, Ding Xiaoyou's cold fusion energy device is not just a little bit stronger than a graphene battery. To be precise, the two are not on the same level at all.

"Brother Yue, then I'll connect Dabai to this device now, use this."

Xu Bin took out a laptop from his equipment box. In addition, there was a small box.

This laptop is not an ordinary laptop, but it is specially made by Xu Bin for himself. Its configuration can be said to be the best on the earth, because this laptop can meet most of Xu Bin's computer skills. operation.

As for the small box, Ding Yue had probably guessed what it was.


Ding Yue looked at the small box in Xu Bin's hand and asked.

"Yes, this is the third chip produced by our lithography machine experimental project team. The first chip will not be used when it is stored. The second chip is already in my computer. This third chip Block, it seems that it will be used in your steel battle suit, and after the chip is available, let's upgrade the chip system for Dabai."

Xu Bin smiled and nodded.

Now in the center of the Science and Technology Research Base of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, it is already possible to manufacture chips by itself.

However, only a very small amount can be produced. After all, there is only one newly developed 5-nanometer process technology lithography machine and etching machine and other equipment.

Chips are very important for any mechanical product.

Anything that involves automation or intelligent control is inseparable from chips.

Unless this mechanical product is not automated or intelligent, but in this day and age, if it is not automated or intelligent machinery, the efficiency is really too low.

And like the steel suit that Ding Yue wanted, it must be automatic and intelligent.

Is it difficult to put it on manually?

This difficulty is not ordinary.

"Okay, let's start."

Ding Yue said to Xu Bin.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Yue said to secretary Wen Ruohan, "Student Xiaowen, go and prepare."

After finishing speaking, Ding Yue turned around again and said to his younger sister Ding Xiaoyou: "Sister, you can also bring your cold fusion energy device, we will set off later, to the surrounding of Wucheng. Find a place with no one and test this suit of steel."


Ding Xiaoyou also wanted to see how cool this steel suit was in testing, so after hearing the words, he immediately turned around and headed towards the center of the scientific research base.

Soon, Xu Bin is loading the artificial intelligence system into the steel battle suit. Perhaps Xu Bin has already grasped this kind of technology, and it is quite fast.

"nailed it."

Xu Bin pressed the Enter key on the computer, and then said confidently: "Now, the system in this steel suit has been connected with Dabai."

The main system program of the artificial intelligence Dabai is in Dabai's set of "body" chips. After this steel battle suit is loaded into Dabai with the chip, it can only be regarded as a "replica".

"so fast?"

Ding Yue was surprised when he saw that Xu Bin had completed the intelligent system so quickly.

"Of course, don't look at who I am!"

Xu Bin crossed his hands and said confidently.

"Okay, Tong Yihang, get ready, put on this steel suit, and we're ready to go."

Ding Yue explained to Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei again.

After a while, he will set off for the inaccessible mountains around Wucheng. Ding Yue is going to test the intelligent flight program of this steel suit, as well as the shock absorption system.

As for whether to wear this steel suit today, that's another story.

However, Ding Yue estimates that there is a high probability that he will not wear this steel suit today. After all, it is just a test today.

"Brother Yue, if this can fly, wouldn't it be equivalent to a set of flying fortresses?"

Xu Bin asked curiously from the side.

"Flying fortress is so ugly, it's called a steel battle suit."

Ding Yue rolled his eyes and muttered.

"Steel suit, the name is really nice." Xu Bin touched his chin and muttered.

After Xu Bin completed the chip and intelligent system, Tong Yihang and the others began to pick up this steel suit.

This steel suit looks like a human figure, but it can be disassembled when not in use. Tong Yihang and the others removed the steel suit and put it in a metal box.

With this metal box and this set of steel battle suits, the weight is not ordinary!

But fortunately, this is not difficult for Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei, who are engaged in mechanics. You must know that in their laboratory, they have already started to use robotic arms. What does this little weight mean for robotic arms?

Not only that, Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei often like to make some mechanical equipment that is convenient for daily transportation of heavy objects. If you come here once, this set of steel battle suits and metal boxes will be much more convenient if you are lucky. It is nothing at all. big problem.

"Principal Ding, after packing the box, that's it."

Tong Yihang reported to President Ding.

At the same time, secretary Wen Ruohan has already prepared a car, which is naturally Principal Ding's Leaping Future New Energy Vehicle. Sister Ding Xiaoyou also brought the cold fusion energy device she developed.

The cold fusion energy device has been improved by Ding Xiaoyou to a very small scale, which is about the size of the Ark reactor in "Iron Man" that Ding Yue expected.

"Are you all ready?"

Ding Yue took a look and saw that the steel battle suit was already packed.

Cold fusion energy devices are also brought.

The artificial intelligence robot Dabai also asked the secretary Wen Ruohan to bring it over, and the car also drove over. Everything was ready and ready to go.

"Let's go then."

Ding Yue drove his Feiyue Future new energy vehicle, carrying secretary Wen Ruohan, sister Ding Xiaoyou, artificial intelligence robot Dabai, and the big metal box of the steel battle suit.

Xu Bin's words meant that he drove his Feiyue Future New Energy Vehicle, pulled up Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei and others, followed Ding Yue's car, and drove out of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences together. Drove outside the city.

On the map, Ding Yue found an inaccessible place.

Because of these flight tests or something, it is naturally a place with fewer people, the better.

Thirty kilometers away from the university town, in a big mountain, it is a good choice. The mountains are dense and dense, and even a car can't go in.

In the end, Ding Yue and Xu Bin parked the car outside the mountain, brought everyone along, and the artificial intelligence robot Dabai directly carried the big metal box with the steel battle suit and walked into the mountain.

Although the steel suit and the metal box are heavy, it is nothing to the artificial intelligence robot Dabai.

You must know that Da Bai can easily carry even heavy items of gold, not to mention this set of steel battle suits and large metal boxes.

About half an hour later, Ding Yue and his party came to the mountain.

"In this case, there shouldn't be anyone here, right?"

Ding Yue looked around and said.

This is a valley inside a mountain. There are mountains on the left and right sides. As long as you test flying in this valley, there is absolutely no problem.

"Is it ok here?"

Ding Xiaoyou asked in a whisper.

"Okay, there is no one else here." Ding Yue nodded, then said to Da Bai, "Okay, Da Bai, let's put things on the ground."

After Da Bai heard the master's instructions, he put the big metal box it was carrying on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Yue set his eyes on his younger sister Ding Xiaoyou.

The cold fusion energy device is in the hands of my sister Ding Xiaoyou, and it is housed in a small metal box.

Ka Ka Ka ~

Ding Yue stepped forward and, following Tong Yihang's prompt, pressed a button on the metal box.

The next second, the metal box made a clicking sound, and then opened automatically.

The whole set of steel battle suits in the metal box, even if not assembled, looks so textured.

It's a pity that this set of steel suits can't automatically fly over and assemble on Ding Yue's body like in the movie. If you want to wear it on your body, either Tong Yihang and the others will be responsible for the operation, or in the center of the scientific research base, a robotic arm will be used. to operate.

After opening the metal box, Ding Yue saw the place where the cold fusion energy device was to be installed on the steel suit, which was a recessed position.


After Ding Yue saw the recessed position, he called out to his sister.

"I'm coming."

Ding Xiaoyou walked over with the cold fusion energy device box in his hand, then opened the box and squatted down: "Let me see, I'm going to install my energy device on this steel battle suit by myself, hee hee. "

"Alright, alright, you come in person." Ding Yue turned to the side.

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