Start With a Fake University

Chapter 799: The first flight test of the steel suit


With this crisp sound, a fist-sized energy device was installed on the steel battle suit.

"It suddenly occurred to me, don't you put on the steel suit first, and then install the energy device?"

When Ding Yue saw that her sister had installed the energy device on the steel suit, she couldn't help but ask such a question.

"Principal Ding, it doesn't affect the order, you can also put on the steel suit after installing the energy device." Tong Yihang explained with a smile.

"Oh, that's fine, that's fine."

After Ding Yue heard the words, he nodded slightly, then looked at Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei and others, and said, "Then let's start."

Since this set of steel battle suits is not one that can be automatically worn, it is necessary for Tong Yihang and several other mechanic experts to personally instruct Ding Yue to wear this set of steel battle suits.

Ding Yue still prefers the direct, fully-intelligent automatic wear in the movie "Iron Man", but to achieve that level, it needs continuous improvement at the technical level.

At present, although it is manual wearing, it should be semi-automatic wearing more precisely.

"Principal Ding, you are standing here."

Tong Yihang saw that Principal Ding was ready, so he instructed Principal Ding to put on this steel suit.

"Brother Yue, let's just say, put it on for a flight test yourself?"

Seeing this, Xu Bin asked in surprise.


Ding Yue shook his head and said jokingly, "I want to prolong my life for decades. Now I'm just doing a wear test."

"Yes, Director Xu, the wear test is now carried out. If the flight test is to be carried out, the flight test in unmanned mode must be carried out first." Tong Yihang also quickly introduced to Director Xu Bin.

"I'll just say, Brother Yue, when did you become so courageous?"

Xu Bin touched his chin and muttered.

"My dear, are you saying that I am cowardly?"

Ding Yue glanced at Xu Bin, rolled his eyes and said.

"Hahahahaha, Brother Yue, you are thinking too much." Xu Bin said with a haha, "Let me Kangkang, how handsome will I be after wearing this steel suit!"

"come on."

Ding Yue nodded, then took a step forward and came to the big metal box.

Immediately afterwards, Ding Yue followed Tong Yihang's guidance and stood at a position inside the metal box that looked like footprints.

Obviously, standing on this, you should be able to put on this set of steel battle suits smoothly later.

Although this process seems a little stupid, there is no way to do it. Who made this just the first generation of steel suits? Ding Yue also wants to make a nano-level steel suit behind Iron Man, but However, the current black technology is not enough.


After seeing Principal Ding standing inside the big metal box, Tong Yihang pressed a button on the big metal box. Following that, the steel suits inside the big metal box began to be assembled automatically to a certain extent. .

Ka Ka Ka!

When Ding Yue heard the sound of this mechanical metal, he felt excited.

This is what men love!

Ka Ka Ka! clang clang!

First, the steel suits under the feet began to close, and then, Tong Yihang performed some manual operations again. The steel suits in front of him also slowly rose from the big metal box, and then moved slowly. Arrived in front of Principal Ding.

I saw Tong Yihang came to Principal Ding's body and pushed the steel battle suit hard, which formed a close-fitting effect.

"Principal Ding, if you give us some more time, we can make it fully automatic, but this requires Director Xu to help us." Tong Yihang was wearing a steel suit for Principal Ding manually and semi-automatically, while talking about In the future, the idea of ​​automatic wearing and intelligent wearing.


Ding Yue heard the words, nodded and said with a smile: "It is true that automatic wear is better, but it is very good that you can achieve such a level in the spare time of the lithography machine experimental project."

At this moment, the requirements should not be too high. After all, Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei have always been glowing on the experimental project of the lithography machine. It would be very good to have the energy to make the steel battle suits for themselves.

When they have more time and energy later, they can consider using intelligent steel suits to wear and use.


Ding Yue thought about it for a while. If you want to automatically wear each steel suit kit, you can either use the intelligent robotic arm to help yourself wear it.

However, Ding Yue has a better idea, that is, like in the movie "Avengers", Iron Man jumped down from the Stark Industries Group Building, and then the suit of the iron suit flew over to wear it, There is a certain chance that this model can be realized.

What Ding Yue thought was to install a chip on every steel suit kit, and then through his own artificial intelligence program, he should be able to wear an intelligent steel suit.

"How can I help?"

Xu Bin stepped forward and asked suspiciously.

"What else can you help? Naturally, it is to help write programs." Ding Yue said, spreading his hands.

At this time, Tong Yihang had almost put on all the suits of the steel suit for Principal Ding, so Principal Ding made a mechanical noise when he spread his hands.

"It's no problem. It's not difficult for me to write any level."

Xu Bin said confidently.

For a computer expert like Xu Bin, there is no program in this world that he cannot write.

Now Xu Bin's lofty ambition is no longer an ordinary program, but to build a virtual world of the metaverse!

"That's fine, just wait for the work when the time comes, hahahaha."

Ding Yue said with a big smile.

At this time, Tong Yihang had already put on most of the suits of the steel suit for Principal Ding, and finally there was only one helmet left.

According to Ding Yue's drawing design, the helmet of the steel battle suit is the same as in the movie, first from the back, then like a flip, it is buttoned forward, covering Ding Yue's entire face.


With the stitching of metal sounds, an "Iron Man" wearing a steel suit was "born".

"Fuck! He's handsome!"

After Xu Bin saw it, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei and the others also stared wide-eyed to see the effect of this steel battle suit being worn on a human body for the first time. It was really handsome.

"Looks like an iron man."

After reading it, Ding Xiaoyou muttered, "But if it can fly, it should be cool enough."


After Ding Yue put on the steel battle suit, he softly called his artificial intelligence Dabai.

"I'm in the principal!"

Inside the steel battle suit, a loud voice sounded.

Because Xu Bin has loaded the artificial intelligence system Dabai into this steel suit, Ding Yue can communicate with Dabai directly through the steel suit.

Moreover, after Ding Yue only needs to give Dabai permission, Dabai can perform all the functions of this steel suit according to the instructions of Principal Ding.

In front of Ding Yue's eyes, there are also some corresponding virtual operating system panels, which look very sci-fi, and even Ding Yue once had the feeling that he had opened his own university system.

Fortunately, the two panels are actually different, otherwise Ding Yue would have thought he was hallucinating.

"Principal Ding, you can test Dabai's handling of the entire steel suit in the steel suit."

Tong Yihang's voice came.


Ding Yue felt that he could really try it first.

So, Ding Yue let Dabai intelligently control some functions he could think of through voice commands. It felt pretty good, and all the responses seemed very smooth.

Ding Yue didn't expect it to be so silky, and basically couldn't pick out any shortcomings.

"No problems have been found so far."

Ding Yue said to Tong Yihang.

"Okay, Principal Ding, then let's do the first flight test?" Tong Yihang asked.


Ding Yue nodded, followed closely, and asked Tong Yihang to start unloading his steel suit.

About five minutes later, Ding Yue came out of the big metal box. Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei once again assembled the steel battle suit, but this time there was no one in the steel battle suit, but it was empty.

To be precise, it can't be said to be empty. It was empty before, but it's different now. There is already a chip inside this steel suit, and the core of this chip is Dabai's artificial intelligence.

"Da Bai, do the flight test later, remember to record all the data."

Ding Yue instructed Da Bai.

"Good principal." Da Bai responded.

The current Dabai is not only the system inside the steel battle suit, but also the big white and fat guy next to Ding Yue, just because the carrier is different, the core is the same thing, both Dabai.

"Principal Ding, what kind of energy device is this using, the power can actually reach such a large..."

Tong Yihang was shocked when he was about to start the steel suit for flight test.

"take it easy."

Ding Yue smiled lightly and said, "It's very powerful anyway. As for what energy device it is, I can't tell you."

After finishing speaking, Ding Yue said to Da Bai again: "Da Bai, the energy is activated."

"Prepare to activate the flight system!"



With the issuance of one command after another, the steel suit made a low humming sound.

Everyone's eyes fell on this metal iron man, wanting to see how it flew, and what degree of flying effect it could achieve in the sky.

The one who is most looking forward to is naturally Ding Yue.

After all, this "toy", but Ding Yue took the initiative to create it and experience a wave. Whether he can become an Iron Man in the real world depends on whether the first test flight can be carried out smoothly today.

This is the first step to start the Iron Man experience. Only after the first step is taken, can each subsequent step be able to move forward steadily.


Impressively, the steel suit's footsteps, a burst of energy waves hit, and the two propellers at the soles of the feet instantly pushed the whole set of steel suits up and took off directly!

Everyone seems to be familiar with this scene.

It's just that the one who flew like this last time was the fat white fat man Dabai, and this time, it was a suit of steel!


I saw the steel battle suit rise into the air, and the flight trajectory showed an arc. The most important thing is that after the steel battle suit flew into the sky, it seemed particularly stable, and its speed was also increasing.

"It seems to be going well."

Tong Yihang and Liu Tiefei looked at each other.

"I'll go, this energy booster is very powerful!" Xu Bin exclaimed, then looked at Ding Xiaoyou who was standing behind Ding Yue, and asked, "Sister Xiaoyou, what energy device are you using? technology?"

"A little bit, I won't tell you."

Ding Xiaoyou stuck out her tongue and said mischievously.

In fact, it's not that Xu Bin is not told, but this technology should still be in the "secret stage" for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Group. At least that's what my brother Ding Yue told himself last time.


Xu Bin rolled his eyes, then raised his head, trying to find the set of steel suits flying in the sky. As it became smaller and smaller in sight, Xu Bin knew that the more it flew. Come higher.

"Principal Ding, the speed is about to exceed 100km/h. This is just the beginning. This power is simply too powerful. There is no problem with UU reading surpassing high-speed rail or even achieving supersonic speed."

Tong Yihang, who was observing the data, exclaimed.

This reminded Tong Yihang of the last challenge of artificial intelligence robot Dabai and AlphaGo. That time Dabai achieved supersonic flight and shocked the audience.

"Supersonic speed is natural."

Ding Yue said calmly.

If the steel suit made by oneself cannot achieve supersonic speed, how can this be called an Iron Man-like experience?

"Continue to accelerate, but be careful not to fly too high, you can hover around."

Ding Yue gave Da Bai an order.

After all, you are testing the aircraft, and you still can't fly too high. Otherwise, you can only cause yourself some unnecessary trouble. If you fly at a low altitude, this is an uninhabited mountainous area. If you add some equipment, it will not be blocked. detected.

"Good principal."

Dabai responded.

Immediately afterwards, Dabai made a 360-degree circle in the sky.

"Damn it! It's so handsome to fly!"

"This looks much more ferocious than the previous Dabai."

Xu Bin and the others couldn't help but sigh.

When Ding Yue saw this scene, his heart surged.

If you put on a steel suit and fly like this, it won't feel too good, right?

But things can't be rushed.

After the step-by-step test is over, and under the condition that you can ensure your absolute safety, you can put on the iron suit and experience the feeling of being an Iron Man!

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