Start With a Fake University

Chapter 800: Another year has passed!

The weather is getting colder.

On the campus of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, students have already begun to wear down jackets, and young lovers are also warming each other's hands. As the end of the year approaches, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is usually preparing for the New Year's Eve party.

As the president of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Ding Yue is also very concerned about the New Year's Eve party.

Since the successful first flight of his steel battle suit, Ding Yue has put aside his mind and temporarily devoted part of his energy to the development and construction of his Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Although the school's daily teaching has department heads of various departments, as well as many professors and lecturers, and Director Qi Chunsheng leads the office team of the Office of Academic Affairs for overall planning, Ding Yue still needs to be concerned about it.

Of course.

In addition to school matters, Ding Yue also has to worry about some matters of Feiyue Group.

For example, the progress of the lithography machine equipment manufacturing plant, the training of relevant technical personnel, etc., these are all very important things. According to the previous plan, they need to be completed before the end of the year. Therefore, during this time, Tong Yihang, Liu Tiefei, and Luo Peng and Subeilin, the top technicians, are very busy.

This also caused Tong Yihang and the others to not have much time for Ding Yue to continue to build and improve the steel battle suit, which made his sister Ding Xiaoyou always come to Ding Yue to ask, what about my steel suit?

You must know that Ding Yue promised his younger sister Ding Xiaoyou that he would also make a steel suit for her.

Who made the most important energy and power device of the steel suit developed by his younger sister Ding Xiaoyou? Ding Yue doesn't want to give it, but Ding Yue told her younger sister Ding Xiaoyou. After a set of steel battle suits, you can't easily wear it and fly out, otherwise you can just wait for a cup of tea.

During this time, when Ding Yue was paying attention to the daily affairs of the school, he could be regarded as having leisure time.

Every day I come to my principal's office to "come to work" and drink tea.

When he has free time, Ding Yue will do some "creations". These creations are naturally brought over some excellent entertainment works from the earth in the previous life. After all, there is no such thing in this parallel world.

Generally, Ding Yue did these works on the grounds of a mysterious friend of his own.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Today, Ding Yue came to his principal's office to "work" as usual. While reading some school documents, there was a knock on the office door.

Because Ding Yue was quite absorbed in reading the document, he didn't hear the knock on the door.

However, the secretary Wen Ruohan was also there. After hearing the knock on the door, she came to the door.

"Director Bear."

Wen Ruohan came to the door and saw that it was Director Xiong Yang of the Department of Culture and Sports knocking on the door.

"Secretary Wen, is Principal Ding here?"

Director Xiong Yang was standing at the door, not knowing whether Principal Ding was in the office or not, so he asked Wen Ruohan.

"Well, Director Xiong, please come in."

Wen Ruohan nodded, then let Director Xiong Yang come in, then turned around, walked towards Principal Ding and said, "Principal Ding, Director Xiong is here."

Hearing this, Ding Yue raised his head and saw Director Xiong Yang of the Culture and Sports Department walking towards him.

Director Xiong Yang of the Department of Culture and Sports has been quite busy throughout the year, especially at the end of the year, when he will be busy with the New Year's Eve party again.

"Director Xiong, sit down."

Ding Yue took a cup of tea, took a sip, and then asked with a smile, "Is Director Xiong here to report on the arrangements for the New Year's Day party?"

"How did Principal Ding know?"

Director Xiong Yang asked in surprise.

"Hahahaha, it's almost the end of the year. The most important job of your cultural and sports department is the New Year's Day party, right? This is also a major feature of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences every year, isn't it?"

Ding Yue said calmly.

You don't need to guess. Now, besides the New Year's Day party, what other large-scale cultural and sports activities can Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences hold?

Small-scale cultural and sports activities do not need Director Xiong Yang to come and report to him. He can arrange it himself with the Department of Culture and Sports. So this time Director Xiong Yang came to him, it must be for the New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party.

"Yes, President Ding, from last year's New Year's Day party, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences' New Year's Day party has become a huge New Year's Eve party, and the number of viewers is no bigger than Toilet TV, Dream Blue. There are fewer TV stations."

Director Xiong Yang became more and more excited the more he spoke.

This can be regarded as a "work achievement" of Director Xiong Yang. After all, the coordinator behind the New Year's Eve party is Director Xiong Yang. Last year's New Year's Eve party at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences was a great success. .

"I have to make another great achievement this year."

Ding Yue smiled and said to Director Xiong Yang.

"We thought so too, but... Last year, we did come up with a lot of unique skills. It can be said that we created a peak of the New Year's Eve party in colleges and universities. If you want to break through yourself, it is actually quite difficult. "

Director Xiong Yang was not arrogant, and spoke out the current situation very truthfully.

"That's true."

Hearing this, Ding Yue nodded slightly and said, "Beyond yourself is always the most difficult thing, but it's not impossible, you say, Director Xiong?"


Director Xiong Yang nodded, and then handed a copy of the New Year's Day New Year's Eve party program schedule to Principal Ding: "Principal Ding, this is our preliminary customized New Year's Day New Year's Eve party schedule, can you take a look?"

Ding Yue took over the program schedule for the New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party from Director Xiong Yang, and then read it carefully.

Ding Yue will definitely take this kind of thing seriously about his popularity of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and the reputation of holding large-scale events.

Just imagine.

Last year's New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party was very good. If this year's crotch is directly pulled, then no one should directly bring the rhythm of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

"Well, although these programs this year are not so amazing and innovative, they are actually the characteristics of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences."

After Ding Yue looked at the program schedule of the New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party, he felt that there was nothing outstanding.

"Is it too mediocre to say that?"

Director Xiong Yang asked directly.

"Almost... Maybe that's what it means." Ding Yue nodded slightly and said, "Mainly, there are not too many surprises."


Director Xiong Yang touched his chin and began to think.

Now Director Xiong Yang attaches great importance to the New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party. If he can't handle this matter well, he will be very sorry for the word-of-mouth foundation laid by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences last year.

"It's mainly because of the situation of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Last year's New Year's Day party, there were too many big moves."

Director Xiong Yang began to analyze it.

"That's true. If this there a few new songs or something?"

Ding Yue also thought about it.

Since it is difficult to innovate in other areas, the safest way is to ask the singers from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences to release new songs.

That's right, it is to present a new song at the New Year's Eve party, so that the audience can feel a sense of expectation.

Of course, the premise is that the new songs released must be good enough, at least they must be of high quality.

"Principal Ding, this is a good idea, but... this year, Lin Zhirou and the others didn't prepare too many new songs." Director Xiong Yang said helplessly.

Lin Zhirou's words, as a rookie in the music scene from Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, this year only released a song in the first half of this year, maintaining the popularity of this year, although the words of other singers are also rising steadily, but in the second half of this year Or at the end of the year, there is no plan to release a new song.

"It doesn't matter, their strength is very strong."

Hearing this, Ding Yue smiled indifferently, and then opened his office drawer: "It just so happens that my creative friends have created a lot of works this year."

here we go again!

Ding Yue began to pull out his mysterious friend again.

In the past, Lin Zhirou and their songs were composed by Ding Yue's mysterious friend, and this time it was naturally the same.

"Ah, this is really great. As long as there are excellent works, I think Lin Zhirou and the others will definitely be able to surprise the audience." Director Xiong Yang said excitedly upon seeing this.

"There's still time before the New Year's Eve party, you ask them to prepare."

Ding Yue handed several manuscripts of musical works to Director Xiong Yang.

Needless to say, Ding Yue, Director Xiong Yang knows what to do next.

That is to immediately get these music manuscripts, go to President An Yu Jia'an, and then, under the coordination of President An Yu Jia'an, let the artists under Feiyue Media, namely Lin Zhirou and Jia Wenbo, begin to prepare these new songs.

As for what these new songs are, Director Xiong Yang is not a professional musician, so he didn't open it, but Director Xiong Yang believed in the creator friend of President Ding.

After all, where can a creator who can create a peak divine comedy like "Blue and White Porcelain" go wrong?

"In addition, I have another idea. Director Xiong Yang, please listen to it and see if it is feasible."

Ding Yue suddenly thought of something, and said to Director Xiong Yang with a smile.

"Principal Ding, what are your thoughts?"

Director Xiong Yang asked quickly.

Principal Ding's brain might be quite good.

"This year, didn't our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences developed a 5-nanometer process lithography machine, so think about it, let's use this topic to make a sketch show, right?"

Ding Yue suggested.

After all, for Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences this year, the biggest achievement is undoubtedly the development of the technology of a 5-nanometer process lithography machine!

"This is of course no problem, and I think it is necessary." Director Xiong Yang nodded immediately: "This is the glory of our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and President Ding, I think we can be in the sketch show, Take a good look at those foreigners."

"Hahahaha, yes."

Ding Yue said with a big smile.

"In addition, our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has been planning a metaverse plan since this year. It just so happens that after we come out with a 5-nanometer chip, we will have the opportunity to formally develop the metaverse. Then we will take advantage of this year's New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party. Do a show about the metaverse."

Ding Yue suggested again.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has begun to set foot in the field of the metaverse, and it is time to announce it so that the whole country and even the whole world know that this metaverse, we are here at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, not just Guge and Facebook , Penguin and other big factories can do it. The most important thing is that our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will definitely do better than you!

"A metaverse-related program, good Principal Ding."

Director Xiong Yang quickly wrote down Principal Ding's "suggestion".

Principal Ding's suggestion is actually about to be implemented. After all, Director Xiong Yang still has the potential awareness that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences belongs to Principal Ding, and Principal Ding has the final say, so Principal Ding said What, that is what, of course, the premise is that certain principles are not violated.

"Ah, before you know it, another year has passed."

When Ding Yue discussed with Director Xiong Yang about the New Year's Eve party, he couldn't help but sigh.

Year after year, Ding Yue felt that the passage of time was very fast, but it was also very fulfilling.

Especially when I see my Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences getting better and better year by year, the sense of accomplishment is really refreshing.

"Yes, Principal Ding, although this year is coming to an end, we will still be in the same boat next year and make unremitting efforts to move forward." Director Xiong Yang said very chicken soup.

"Well, thanks to you, you are the cornerstone of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. UU Reading"

Ding Yue smiled and nodded.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is inseparable from two groups, one is the students, and the other is the faculty.

Every student, every faculty member makes up the current Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, which has made Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences famous in China. Even on the international stage, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has shown its full face this year.

The two major events this year can be said to have completely made the world aware of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and also let them know that there is such a powerful private university in the far east.

These two major events are naturally the big PK of artificial intelligence robots and the advent of 5-nanometer process technology lithography machine technology!

"Principal Ding, to be honest, it was hard for me to have this kind of passion and energy when I was working in other places. In our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, I feel that every year, every day, even every second, the whole person, full of power.”

Director Xiong Yang said excitedly.

In fact, Ding Yue could see it all.

Not only Director Xiong Yang, many faculty members of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences are the same as Director Xiong Yang.

The most typical example is Director Qi Chunsheng.

Director Qi Chunsheng has clearly reached the age of retirement, and he can retire without having to work to take care of his life, but he did not choose to retire, but chose to continue to work in his own position and continue to shine for the teaching work of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Why is this?

I believe this is the power of love, and it really made them fall in love with this Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences!

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