Start With a Fake University

Chapter 804: Who said that a hero is the one who stands in the light?

"It seems that in the new year, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Media will blossom everywhere in the field of TV dramas."

"I like Xianxia dramas and overhead costume dramas very much. If that one is to be played, let's look forward to it first, and see how it goes after it airs."

"Whenever there's a movie or TV series coming out of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the uptakers of Xiaopo Station will have some material to edit hahaha."

"I feel that the annual New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has a link to show trailers."

"I have to say that this is a very smart approach. It can not only enrich the content of the New Year's Day New Year's Eve party, but also use the traffic of the New Year's Day New Year's Eve party to promote the TV series."

The audience on the Internet kept discussing the various programs and contents of the New Year's Eve party at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences this evening, and the discussion with the trailers of these three TV series was also very hot.

Among them, the popularity is the highest, and secondly, due to the subject matter, it may not attract the attention and discussion heat like the Xianxia drama for the time being.

"Welcome everyone to come to Feiyue home streaming platform to watch these three TV series made by Feiyue Media. Please pay attention to the official blog of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences and Feiyue Media for the specific dates of the three TV series. We will be in January. , In February, the news of the final file will be released one after another.”

After the host finished speaking, he introduced the next program.

The next three shows also performed well. One of them was highly rated by the audience, and the other two probably didn't get the audience's attention and did not become a hit show.

Actually, this is quite normal.

After all, not every show will become a hit show, and audiences have all kinds of strange tastes. It is impossible for every show to be liked by all audiences.

It's like an audience who can't read dance. When they see a dance program, they may feel a little dull and boring.

But the audience who can appreciate the dance will applaud, tsk tsk amazement!


It was almost Ding Yue's turn to play.

Because the new song sung by Ding Yue and Jia Wenbo is arranged in the middle and back, this is also to have a show that can arouse the enthusiasm of the audience at this stage.

Otherwise, if the show that bombs the field is ranked in the front, the audience will fall asleep more and more easily.

"Principal Ding, it's time for you and Jia Wenbo to make their debut."

In Ding Yue's headset, the voice of Xiong Yang, director of the Cultural and Sports Department, came.


Ding Yue responded, then cleared his throat.

At this time, the secretary Wen Ruohan and Lin Zhirou both encouraged them and said, "Principal Ding, you are the best."

"Hahahaha, thank you for your encouragement."

Ding Yue nodded calmly, then left his exclusive audience seat, and went to the back of the stage to prepare.

Today, the performance stage of the Central Stadium of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has been specially constructed. As the mysterious singer who sang with Jia Wenbo, the student audience at the scene, and the netizens in the live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, no one knows today. At the New Year's Day party in the evening, Ding Yue and Jia Wenbo will bring you a new song.

So, if you want to appear mysteriously, you must have a mysterious way to appear.

For this reason, the relevant team of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has done many drills with President Ding, and finally decided on a way to appear, and Ding Yue is also very satisfied with this way of appearing.

This way of appearing uses certain virtual technology and special effects technology.

Among them, the virtual technology is the virtual picture made by Xu Bin, which is displayed from the large screen on the stage and the virtual projector and other equipment, and the special effect technology is produced by Feiyue Special Effects Studio.

"Da Bai, are you ready?"

Behind the stage, in front of an elevator, Ding Yue looked at Da Bai and asked.

"Wait for the principal's order at any time."

Dabai responded.

So, Ding Yue stepped forward, stood in front of Da Bai, then turned around, his back was facing Da Bai's front, as if one after the other.

Da Bai, on the other hand, stretched out his hand and tightly protected his master. At the same time, the specially installed safety locking device on his body also locked Ding Yue.

"Let's invite singer Jia Wenbo to bring you a wonderful music performance!"

The host announced loudly on the stage.

Jia Wenbo appeared again.

The audience at the scene thought they heard it wrong, Jia Wenbo still has a song to sing today.

At this time, according to the arrangement of the coordinating team, a little work was done. When the host announced that Jia Wenbo would be on the stage, the scene suddenly remembered the prelude to the short-lived Super Marines theme song.

But this prelude only lasts three or five seconds.

"Cough, sing, sing."

Jia Wenbo also accompanied the music of the Super Marines theme song for three to five seconds, walked onto the stage, and said with a light cough, "Let's change it."

Obviously, the audience also saw that the program crew was working hard, and they burst into laughter.

This song has indeed been sung, and the audience will not forget it. After all, this song, accompanied by Da Bai's debut, was performed as the opening to blow up the audience. How could they forget it?

"Today, I bring you a new song to accompany the teacher."

With a sunny smile, Jia Wenbo said naturally while standing on the stage.

Everyone knows that when Jia Wenbo appears again, he must be singing a new song.

A popular and powerful singer like Jia Wenbo can bring a new song tonight, which is naturally much expected by the audience.

Just like this, a piece of music that everyone felt very strange, but very rhythmic, sounded.

The intro is a little tight.

However, when Jia Wenbo opened his mouth, everyone realized that the tone of this song was very, very low at first.


After the singing, there was only one word.

The audience was very puzzled, but this melody made people look forward to the next lyrics.

"It's brave."

"The wound on your forehead, your differences, your mistakes."

In everyone's impression, Jia Wenbo's voice is of a very powerful type, but in the front part of this song, it is so deep, which is really unexpected for the audience.

However, it is this relatively low voice, but it is still quite pleasant to listen to. Jia Wenbo's singing skills are really in place.

When Jia Wenbo sang, a picture similar to the MV video of the song began to appear on the big screen in the background. It was a city where light and darkness were intertwined.

Everyone seems to see that this city with a more realistic animation style seems to be a foggy city?

When the iconic fog city building appears in the picture, everyone can be sure that it is definitely a fog city.

"All, there is no need to hide.

Your worn-out doll, your mask, your ego.

They say, bring light and tame every monster.

They say, to sew up your wounds, no one loves clowns.

Why is loneliness, not honorable.

People are only imperfect, and they deserve to be praised. "

Every line of Jia Wenbo's lyrics is sung very clearly and full of emotion. That kind of deep emotion makes people feel a little depressed.

"It feels pretty good."

"This is Jia Wenbo's first time trying this kind of song, right?"

"Do you feel that the lyrics are gradually gaining strength?"

"Yes, yes, I also felt that feeling of getting stronger and stronger, and the explosive power should gradually increase."

The audience listened to Jia Wenbo sing in a style that he had never experienced before, and could not help but start to analyze it.

"Who said that a man covered in mud is not a hero?"

When Jia Wenbo sang this lyric, the audience at the scene had a faint feeling that the song was about to burst.

"Ah, the lyrics are well written. Who said that a person covered in mud is not a hero?"

"Damn it! The video is so well done!"

"The firefighters in the video really interpret this lyric perfectly."

"Who said that a man covered in mud is not a hero?"

As the rhythm of the music continued, in the picture, suddenly in the firelight, a white figure seemed to fly from the sky.

"Look, is that in the video?"

"Is that a video?"

"It seems that Dabai flew over."


"That must be Dabai, but what is that on Dabai?"

At this moment, the video picture and the virtual picture are integrated through a certain technology and angle.

Ding Yue was hugged tightly by Da Bai, flew into the picture of the big screen from the side of the big screen, and then hovered over the stage with the help of the virtual picture technology on the scene.

At this moment, even the audience at the scene couldn't tell the difference between reality and virtuality.

Why did Dabai fly out of the picture with a person?

The most important thing is that he still landed firmly on the stage and in front of Jia Wenbo. This man, isn't this Principal Ding?

"Fuck! Principal Ding?"

"Nima? How did Principal Ding appear?"

"Damn it, Principal Ding and Da Bai flew out of the picture?"

"This is so dangling!"

At the scene, the students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences were directly boiling, and at the same time, countless students had a doubt in their hearts, that is, how did President Ding and Da Bai fly out of the big screen?

This special cat is too amazing, isn't it?

The sci-fi effect can be directly drawn to the full, please!

Not only the audience at the scene, but also the netizens in the live broadcast room were in a frenzy. Dabai took the president of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Ding, and flew out of the screen. They were watching the live broadcast. This scene was simply shocking. .

As for the camera position in the live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, it can be said that the camera position is very good, and what netizens and viewers have properly seen fly out of the screen.

When Ding Yue landed, Jia Wenbo continued to sing.

"Shit, shit, shit! Principal Ding and Jia Wenbo sing this song together?"

"I didn't expect that even Principal Ding would play."

"Principal Ding is the eternal god!"

"I'm really looking forward to this song!"

"This is Principal Ding singing with Jia Wenbo?"

"Fuck, this new song is ready, Principal Ding and Jia Wenbo sing together!"

The students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences all screamed when they saw President Ding pick up Jia Wenbo and continue to sing the song.

"Love you walking alone in the dark alley,

I love the way you don't kneel,

I love you and confronted despair,

Don't want to cry,

I love your tattered clothes,

But dare to block the gun of fate,

I love you as much as I do,

The gaps are all the same. "

After Ding Yue sang this passage, whether it was the student audience at the scene or the netizen audience in the live broadcast room, they all exploded.

"It sounds so good!"

"Brothers, put a good tone on the public screen!"

"It sounds good!"

"sounds so good!"

"This is fine!"

"This song is going to be on fire!"

"Grass, the new song is so good!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room has been overwhelmed by the overwhelming "good sound"!

"Go! Do you deserve it! This ragged cloak!

Do you fight! War! With the humblest dream!

To the whimpering and roaring in the dark night! "

When Ding Yue sang the chorus, Jia Wenbo followed along. After the explosive power of the two broke out completely, the scene was ignited.

"After listening to this song, I feel so empowered!"

"Yeah, from Jia Wenbo's low beginning to the burst of power in the chorus, it's absolutely amazing."

"This song won't poke the needle!"

"This year's first premiere infinite single loop song was born."

"To the whimpering and roaring in the dark night!"

When netizens and audiences heard the chorus part of the song, their hearts burned.

"Who said that those who stand in the light are heroes!"

The last sentence of the chorus was sung by Ding Yue alone. This sentence closes the end of the first paragraph, which makes people feel an unfinished Especially the last sentence "Who said Only those who stand in the light are heroes", which made countless audiences sigh with emotion.


As in the video, who said that in reality, only those who stand in the light are considered heroes?

"They said, to quit your madness.

It's like wiping off the dirt.

They said to go up the stairs.

And the price is bowing.

Then let me, no, take the wind.

You are just as proud, that kind of loneliness.

Who said that playing ordinary games is not a hero. "

Jia Wenbo continued to sing this passage.

Following closely, Ding Yue continued to sing.

The excellent cooperation of the two made the atmosphere of the scene explode.

The progressiveness of that sense of power really gives all the audience a sense of power, and this sense of power, along with the hysterical roar of the chorus, becomes the burning of power, which can be burned in an instant. Blast the whole place.

I have to say, this song is really a test of the explosive power of singing.

When Ding Yue first came into contact with this song, he really felt that it was not very good, but then he continued to practice, and in the area of ​​professional singing, he was taught by Lin Zhirou and Jia Wenbo's skills, and he also had the guidance of music bigwigs.

In this way, Ding Yue has been practicing until now, finally being able to control this song perfectly, and being able to release and explode his power, and master it very well.

It is precisely because of this that the cooperative chorus of Ding Yue and Jia Wenbo will also appear to be completely seamless, and this song will be better sung to all the audience.

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