Start With a Fake University

Chapter 805: The strongest crossover singer

One, the audience exploded, and the entire network exploded.

This song is really great, it makes people feel the roar and roar in the desperate situation, as well as the strong sense of power, which makes people feel like they can't stop after listening to it.

"sounds amazing."

"It sounds good."

"Is this a new song by Jia Wenbo and Principal Ding?"

"Principal Ding sang very well."

"Jia Wenbo sang very powerfully."

"The cooperation between Principal Ding and Jia Wenbo is really great."

"Let's debut, Principal Ding."

"Wait for Principal Ding to become the top singer in the Chinese music scene, hahahaha."

"I never imagined that Principal Ding could sing so well."

"What's the name of this song?"

Whether it is the student audience of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences or the netizens and viewers of the live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, after listening to this song, they all felt a feeling of excitement.

But everyone still doesn't know the name of this song, because when Jia Wenbo and Principal Ding sang, they didn't give an introduction to the song.

"Who said that those who stand in the light are heroes..."

In the end, the song ended after Ding Yue sang this lyric.

After singing this song, Ding Yue is going to give the audience a brief introduction to the song, at least let the big guys know what the song is called and where to hear it next.

"I can see that everyone is very enthusiastic. Do you like this song, everyone?"

Ding Yue took the microphone and asked the audience at the scene.


"It sounds good!"

"Principal Ding, just say what the song is called and you're done!"

"Sing it again, hahaha."

"It does sound pretty good."

"This is one of the best new songs this year, isn't it?"

"Principal Ding, have you changed careers to become a singer?"

"Crossover singer Principal Ding!"

In the scene of the Central Stadium, in fact, the vast majority of the audience were students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. They never thought that Principal Ding would sing so well, and many students even wanted Principal Ding to make his debut as a student. Crossover singer Alright, from a private entrepreneur to crossover to become a singer in the Chinese music scene, it's a little exciting to think about it.

"This song is called, let's pay tribute to every brave warrior who walks alone!"

Ding Yue told all the audience the name of the song.

The moment Ding Yue said his name, countless netizens had already taken out their mobile phones, opened their own music apps, such as Penguin Music, NetCloud Music, etc., and started searching for this song.


No one has found any trace of this song on either Penguin Music or Net Cloud Music.

"Why can't I find this song?"

"Is this song not available on Penguin Music or Net Cloud Music?"

"Yes, I couldn't find this song at all."

"You are all joking, this is a song by Principal Ding and Jia Wenbo, how could it be online on Penguin Music or Net Cloud Music? Did you see Lin Zhirou's song on Penguin Music or Net Cloud Music? Can you see it?"

"Yes, yes, if there is no accident, this song should be launched on the home streaming platform."

"To be honest, the content on Feiyue home streaming platform is getting richer and richer, and I quite like it."

"Feiyue home streaming platform can be regarded as the best platform in our country, right?"

"Then let's listen to songs on the Feiyue home streaming platform."

Netizens and audiences just reacted. Today, this song just came out, how could it be found? Besides, this song, which is a singer of Feiyue Media, will definitely not be online on Penguin Music or Netcloud Music.

The songs of your own family, naturally, they have to be launched on the platform of your own family.

"This song will be launched soon on our Feiyue home streaming platform. If you like it, you can go and listen to it. It's free."

Ding Yue introduced with a smile.

Originally, according to the previous rules, after the new song is sung at the New Year's Day party tonight, the new song will be officially launched at twelve o'clock in the morning, or at nine o'clock in the morning of the next day. platform.

But Ding Yue thought about it, the audience must be looking forward to it. After listening to the chorus with Jia Wenbo, the response was so good, so he probably felt itchy and wanted to hear it on the music player as soon as possible. This song.

Therefore, Ding Yue made a decision and decided to let the staff of Feiyue Media upload the song to his own Feiyue home streaming media platform as soon as he and Jia Wenbo finished singing the song. Then, because it is your own platform, you can directly review it in seconds. After the review, netizens can search and listen to this song on the Feiyue home streaming media platform.

Ding Yue and Jia Wenbo have already recorded the audio in the recording studio.

Sure enough.

Just after Ding Yue told the audience that the song was called and it was launched on the Feiyue home streaming platform, some netizens immediately searched for the song on the Feiyue home streaming platform.

Good guy, I just searched for it.

Not only can you search it out, you can also listen to it directly online, as Principal Ding said, it's free.

This efficiency is simply amazing, isn't it?

"This new song is for everyone. I hope everyone will be a brave man in the new year. Even if you are a lonely brave man, you must make unremitting efforts and run forward."

Ding Yue said something more chicken soup, which inspired every student at the scene and every netizen audience in the live broadcast room.

I have to say that Principal Ding's remarks, coupled with this song, are simply super inspirational chicken soup!

On Weibo, the song sung by Principal Ding and Jia Wenbo was directly on the hot search, and the hot search ranking was still rising. After listening to this song, many netizens gave it to friends. , and participated in the topic discussion, for a while, a heat wave was formed.

At the same time, on Douyin, many short video producers have begun to use this song as BGM background music, and many short videos are accompanied by this song, and more and more netizens are In the comment area of ​​the short video, what is the name of this song and why is it so good?

Gradually, the popularity and popularity of this song began to rise exponentially.

On Xiaopo Station, there are already UP masters who are starting to produce various video content to match this song. With such popularity, how can we do it if we don't take a moment?

In just a few minutes, the playback volume of this song on Feiyue home streaming media platform has exceeded one million. This data, although it is not so much on Penguin Music or Net Cloud Music. Strange, after all, these two music platforms have a lot of users and traffic.

But for Feiyue home streaming platform, it is already very good.

To put it simply, if it takes three or four minutes for a person to listen to it once, and the number of playbacks exceeds one million in just a few minutes, then it means that the music channel of Feiyue home streaming media platform has Over one million users are using it.

In fact, the number of users of Feiyue home streaming platform at this moment has exceeded 10 million, because in the live broadcast room of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, there are already more than 10 million viewers watching online.

Many viewers saw that Principal Ding said that the song was launched on the Feiyue home streaming platform, so they went directly to search and listen.

At the scene of the New Year's Day and New Year's Eve party at the Central Stadium of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, the party program is still going on.

After Ding Yue and Jia Wenbo finished singing, Ding Yue briefly said a few words, then left the stage and handed over the vast stage to the following program.

"Principal Ding, your performance just now was really good."

After walking off the stage, Jia Wenbo commented on Principal Ding's performance just now from the perspective of a professional singer.


Ding Yue said with a smile: "I'm also worried that there may be some shortages."

"It's already perfect. To be honest, Principal Ding, your current singing level is basically no different from that of a professional singer. Principal Ding, don't you think about becoming a singer hahahaha."

Jia Wenbo also laughed and said.

"Being a singer, aren't you afraid that I'll take your jobs." Ding Yue said calmly.

To be honest, it's not impossible to give yourself another career as a singer. Anyway, Ding Yue usually has a lot of time aside from the Feiyue Group and Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

However, if he is a singer, Ding Yue is not in a hurry. He will have time and energy in the future. It is okay to take it slowly. Anyway, Ding Yue does not rely on being a singer to make money or gain fame. , just regarded it as an interest, so Ding Yue was not in a hurry at all.

"Principal Ding, I believe that in the Chinese music world, people will rely on their strength to eat in the future. Those with strength will have a meal, and naturally some people will listen to your songs, so there is no such thing as a job grab."

Jia Wenbo said confidently.

With the emergence of more and more powerful singers, those little fresh meat singers who used to rely on traffic have become increasingly unpopular. After all, the songs they sing are indeed not as good as those of these powerful singers. It doesn't hurt to compare.

"Hahahaha, self-confidence is a good thing, but as for being a singer, I'm quite interested in it. When I have time and energy, I can't develop into a singer."

Ding Yue said with a big smile.

"Then welcome Principal Ding to join us as our peers." Jia Wenbo said expectantly.

Jia Wenbo is still very confident in himself. Even if a powerful singer like Principal Ding enters the Chinese music scene, it will not affect his future development.

"Principal Ding, what are you talking about?"

At this time, Director Xiong Yang hurried over to Principal Ding and Jia Wenbo.

Principal Ding and Jia Wenbo have just finished singing this song, and as the person in charge of the New Year's Eve party tonight, they naturally want to come over and ask Principal Ding and Jia Wenbo what they need after singing this song.

"Jia Wenbo is telling me about the singer."

Ding Yue said briefly, and then said to Director Xiong Yang: "Director Xiong, this performance I sang with Jia Wenbo, among all the performances, how about the ranking of viewing data?"

"Hahahaha, Principal Ding, when it comes to this, then I will congratulate you. You and Jia Wenbo's song is currently the best show in terms of viewing data, and the response is also excellent. I just watched it. , on Douyin and Weibo platforms, they are all on the hot search, and their rankings are not low."

Director Xiong Yang said with a big smile.

This made Ding Yue a little surprised.

Originally, at the beginning, Ding Yue thought that when he and Jia Wenbo sang this song, it would be good to be able to explode on the spot.

The fact is that the scene really exploded, but what Ding Yue didn't expect was that on the Internet, within a short period of time, it has already started to become popular?

"Principal Ding, it seems that the two of us are going to be the top of the New Year's Songs Chart."

After Jia Wenbo heard the words, he joked excitedly.

"It's a bit of a surprise."

Ding Yue is quite calm. After all, as a successful person, Ding Yue definitely doesn't care about these false names.

However, the higher the popularity of this song, the better it is.

When everyone thinks of it, they will immediately think that this is a song produced by Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. As long as it can enhance the reputation of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, it is a good thing!

"By the way, Principal Ding, now on the Internet, netizens call you the strongest crossover singer."

Director Xiong Yang suddenly said again.

"The strongest crossover singer?"

After Ding Yue heard the words, he was a little puzzled.

But he reacted quickly.

He really can be regarded as a crossover singer, especially after singing this new song with Jia Wenbo tonight, he has become a singer from a private university president.

"Hahahaha, yes yes yes, tonight, I am indeed a crossover singer, but I am not the strongest."

Ding Yue smiled, then spread his hands and said.

Ding Yue doesn't believe that in this parallel world, isn't there a powerful crossover singer?

For example, from a restaurant owner, cross-border singer, and become a popular singer?

"Principal Ding, I would like to call you the strongest!"

Jia Wenbo said with a smile.

"Go, go, what's the fun, classmate Jia Wenbo, you've worked hard to prepare this song for me to sing with me. Take a good rest tonight."

Ding Yue turned towards Jia Wenbo, rolled his eyes and said.

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