Start With a Fake University

Chapter 811: President Ding's autograph!

Latest website: I have to say that the overall program quality of this year's Spring Festival Gala has really improved a lot compared to previous years.

If you compare it further, for example, the Spring Festival Gala six or seven years ago, this year's Spring Festival Gala is simply a slap in the face of the original Spring Festival Gala, right? Ding Yue even thinks that the quality of this year's Spring Festival Gala is actually comparable to that. It was comparable to that in the 2000s.

Whether it is from the stage effect, or the watchability of the program, the humor of the sketch comics is very good, and it can be seen that it is a program that has been polished for a long time.

In the past two years, the programs that Lin Zhirou sang on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala would become one of the higher quality ones, even a little bit out of the crowd.

But this year is different. Even though Lin Zhirou and Jia Wenbo's songs and singing programs performed very well, compared to the overall program, they would not have the feeling of standing out from the crowd.

Ding Yue summed up, that is the Spring Festival Gala of National Television, and finally came to his senses.

They finally understand that the Spring Festival Gala can no longer be messed up like before, but needs to polish each program work well, and make the program meet the love of the audience.

The Spring Festival Gala starts at 8 o'clock, and when it reaches 12 o'clock, almost people all over the country count down together to wait for the arrival of the Spring Festival.






The familiar countdown shout, and after the shout, the fireworks and firecrackers that sounded all over the country, and the sound of firecrackers was one year old, and the festive Spring Festival kicked off like this.

On the New Year's Eve of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, Ding Yue spent happily with the teachers, students and staff.

In the next few days, it was more leisurely. In the relatively strong New Year's flavor, Ding Yue played cards, ate, drank and played games with his friends, and had a lot of fun.

After the Spring Festival is over, Ding Yue can't relax so much. After all, as the head of a school, doesn't he have to support Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

The happy holiday time of the Spring Festival seems to be fleeting.

No, Ding Yue felt like he hadn't played for a few days yet, so he looked at the calendar again, my dear, it's going to be the Lantern Festival soon.

After the Lantern Festival, Xia Guo's Spring Festival is over.

But in fact, for most people, usually on the sixth and seventh day of the new year, they have to leave their hometown and go back to their respective cities to go to work. Many companies are also on the seventh or eighth day of the new year. All have to start working.

However, Feiyue Group is different.

Feiyue Group has a long holiday. Most employees can go to work after the Lantern Festival. Of course, there are also a very small number of employees who need to maintain the operation of various products and brands under Feiyue Group. Therefore, during the Spring Festival, Need to work overtime.

And these employees dedicated to the Spring Festival jobs, Ding Yue's remuneration is also very generous.

Therefore, in Feiyue Group, no employee will complain that they are still working in the company during the Spring Festival, because the return they get from working during this period can definitely be proportional, unlike some other companies, employees Working overtime during the Spring Festival is only several times the salary. Feiyue Group not only only has several times the salary, but also a generous Spring Festival condolences on the job.

After the Lantern Festival, colleges and universities across the country have started the new semester back-to-school season.

Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is no exception.

First of all, the employees of various departments of the school have successively returned to their jobs in the school, and then they have made the best preparations for the return of the students.

In fact, the most important part of the back-to-school season of each semester is logistical support. After all, there are more than 200,000 or 200,000 students returning from all over the country, and a lot of resources are needed to ensure that students return to school. daily life after school.

In terms of logistics support, Huang Youjie, the director of the logistics department, is naturally responsible.

Therefore, at the beginning of each semester, the most busy person is actually Huang Youjie, the director of the logistics department.

This semester is very important for the first students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Why is it important?

Because this is their last semester at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Of course, it's not the last semester of all first-class students, but the last semester of most first-class students.

From the establishment of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, to now, more than 9,000 students in the first class are about to graduate. Although it is said that some students have already graduated early, in fact, most of the students still follow the steps. The students who complete their studies will graduate successfully this semester.

Most of the students have already completed the internship work. Since the last semester, in fact, the senior students basically do not have any courses that need to be taken in school.

Generally, in the fourth stage of the senior year, all you need to do is social practice practice and prepare your own graduation thesis.

The graduation thesis is the most important thing for a college student before graduation, because only after the graduation thesis is passed, can the graduation be successfully completed.

In the last semester, most of the students were busy with their internships. After this semester, most of them concentrated on their graduation thesis.

For this reason, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences also has a special area in the library for students preparing for graduation thesis. After all, to write a graduation thesis, the various thesis materials that need to be referenced are very large and complex.

"When I came to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, I never imagined that I would have such a bright future."

"Alas, in the blink of an eye, four years have passed."

"I'm about to graduate."

Since this semester, senior seniors and sisters began to express their emotions on the school forum of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

Indeed, when many graduating students came to Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, they just wanted to fulfill their university dreams. How could they have imagined the result? Here, under the influence of the school environment, I love the study of professional knowledge very much, and in the past few years, I have learned the knowledge and technology that I should learn in my major, and I am about to graduate. I have found a very good internship.

All students who have interned in related companies of Feiyue Group only need to graduate successfully and get a diploma, and then they can directly change to a regular with the diploma. From the salary of several thousand yuan during the internship period, the salary can be easily reduced after the regularization. Tens of thousands.

this day.

As usual, Ding Yue came to his principal's office to "work".

Director Qi Chunsheng of the Academic Affairs Office came over and found Ding Yue.

"Director Qi, is something wrong?"

After seeing Director Qi Chunsheng, Ding Yue asked with a smile.

"President Ding, the most important thing for our Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences this semester is the situation of the first graduates. In March and April, we can focus on the defense of the graduation thesis, and then starting in May, we can let the students take pictures. The graduation photo is taken, and Principal Ding, this is a sample of the graduation certificate customized by our school according to the Education Department. If it is confirmed that there is no problem, we will issue the graduation certificate in this way."

Director Qi Chunsheng reported a series of work to President Ding.

"Well, this year's first graduates are indeed very critical. What is the current data for internship work and the graduation rate of credits?"

Ding Yue nodded and then asked.

Not to mention the defense of the graduation thesis, it is necessary to look at the internship rate and the passing credit rate, which are very important for the graduation rate.

"Principal Ding, the internship rate has reached more than 80%, and the credit pass rate has reached 100%."

Director Qi Chunsheng replied.

The so-called internship rate is the proportion of students who have found internship jobs among the more than 9,000 students. This is definitely not 100%. There are already some students who are not looking for internship jobs, but are preparing for postgraduate entrance examinations.

As for the pass rate of credits, it refers to the number of credits students have obtained each semester during the four years of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Generally, colleges and universities have a requirement for credits, and it must be after the number of credits required. , in order to be able to graduate successfully, otherwise, you will not be able to get a graduation certificate.

The students of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences naturally did not disappoint Ding Yue. All the students in the first class have passed the credits. As long as they pass the graduation thesis defense, they can graduate smoothly.

And now the graduation certificate of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences is very valuable.

That's right, in just four short years, Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has used its own achievements one after another, as well as the continuous rise of its reputation, to directly change the gold content of the graduation certificate from the most **** to the current first-class gold content. .

It is even more valuable than the graduation certificate of the national key universities.

Not only that, if Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering or the Department of Computer Science, it is estimated that it would be comparable to the college students who graduated from the strongest related departments in the country.

No, whether it is the Penguin Group or the Ali Group, etc., if they are graduates of the Computer Science Department of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, they are highly sought after talents.

"Ah That's good."

Ding Yue was very satisfied with the data mentioned by Director Qi Chunsheng, and then asked: "If there is a graduation certificate, there is a unified system of the Education Department, so we can't make any adjustments."

"This is true, but Principal Ding, on the graduation certificate, you need to have Principal Ding's autograph, and then we will print Principal Ding's autograph on the graduation certificate, you see..."

Director Qi Chunsheng mentioned this matter.

The graduation certificate of each school is in the unified system of the Education Department. It is no problem, but on the graduation certificate, there is also the part that the school is responsible for. In addition to the school's seal, there is another important thing, that is, fog The autograph of the President of City University of Arts and Sciences.

Of course, it is not for Principal Ding to sign every graduation certificate with his own name. If he did, it would be good to say that there will be thousands of graduation certificates. In the future, there will be tens of thousands of graduation certificates or even more than 100,000 graduation certificates. , If every one of them is signed, that hand will probably be exhausted.

"Oh, yes, yes, there is still this matter, if you sign it by yourself, I will practice a signature, and then print this signature on the graduation certificate to face it?"

After Ding Yue heard the words, he nodded and asked Director Qi Chunsheng.

"Yes, Principal Ding, you just need to confirm this autograph before May." Director Qi Chunsheng replied.

"Well, then I started practicing recently, so I have to get a nice autograph for the students anyway."

Ding Yue said with a smile.

"Then I'll trouble Principal Ding."

"This is what I should do as the principal. In addition, regarding the arrangement for the defense of the graduation thesis, has the Academic Affairs Office started to do it?" Ding Yue shrugged and said, and then mentioned the defense of the graduation thesis.

The defense of the graduation thesis is the most important thing in this semester of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. After all, it is related to the situation of the first graduates of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. Another is that the graduates' thesis must also be transmitted to the thesis On the Internet, how many excellent papers will Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences produce this year?

This Ding Yue can wait and see.

Ding Yue believes that students from the Department of Computer Science, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Architecture, and the School of Medicine, who are the top ace departments of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, can definitely produce top-level thesis, and even their graduation thesis. It is comparable in the world today.

"Yes, our Academic Affairs Office, in collaboration with professors from various departments, will organize the defense of the graduation thesis in March and April."

Director Qi Chunsheng replied.

"Okay, after arranging the defense of the graduation thesis, get me a table. If I have time, I will come and see the defense of our students' graduation thesis."

Ding Yue smiled and said Director Qi Chunsheng.

"Okay Principal Ding, after our Academic Affairs Office has arranged the schedule for the defense of the graduation thesis, I will bring it to Principal Ding as soon as possible."

Director Qi Chunsheng nodded.

"Okay, Director Qi, the recent graduation thesis defense season has a lot of work, but you should pay attention to your health. There are so many people in the Office of Academic Affairs, right?"

Ding Yue warned Director Qi Chunsheng again.

After all, Director Qi Chunsheng is a person who has undergone surgery and is a person who loves his work very much, but he must be very careful. Ding Yue doesn't want to see what happens to Director Qi Chunsheng's body again.

"Mmmm, I know Principal Ding, thank Principal Ding for your concern for me."

Director Qi Chunsheng nodded.

Compared with the past few years, Director Qi Chunsheng’s workload has indeed reduced a lot, and he has given all the assistants in the Office of Academic Affairs. What Qi Chunsheng now thinks is that he can do more at Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences. It takes a few more years to do a few more years, because this university has brought him too many surprises.

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