Start With a Fake University

Chapter 812: The Gravitational Slingshot Effect and Mars

The latest website: Housi Building.

In a large amphitheater, many students gathered here, and they were quite excited and apprehensive. Most of these students were girls, and it seemed that they should be a major with many girls.

The anxiety and excitement of these female college students are not because of one thing.

The anxiety is mainly because the defense of the graduation thesis is going to be conducted here today. As a college student, I naturally know how important the defense of the graduation thesis is, so I am naturally more uneasy.

Excited is another matter.

The female college students were excited because Principal Ding was actually here. I heard that Principal Ding would be present in person today to observe the students' graduation thesis defense.

In addition to the professors and teachers of the department, President Ding and the director of the Academic Affairs Office Qi Chunsheng all came here.

Today's graduation thesis defense of the Department of Chinese is a "random selection" of Ding Yue who came to the scene to observe. Ding Yue also watched a graduation thesis defense of the medical school before.

There is no other special reason why I selected the graduation thesis defense of the Chinese Department to observe it on the spot.

"Principal Ding is here too."

"Principal Ding, are you here to see our graduation thesis defense?"

"Principal Ding is so handsome today."

"You nympho, what does my husband do?"

"You fart, that's my fiance!"

When the female college students saw Principal Ding, they became excited.

After all, with the temperament and appearance of Principal Ding, I am afraid that any girl will not be able to stand it after seeing it, right?

"Today's graduation thesis defense, everyone should do well. I believe that each of you is well prepared." Ding Yue said to the female Chinese students present with a smile.


The students answered in unison.

Seeing the students so full of self-confidence, Ding Yue had a clue in his heart.

Any serious student of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences will definitely focus on something as big as a graduation thesis. Unlike some students in some colleges and universities, even the graduation thesis does not work well, and even ends up with a The fate of not even graduating.

"Principal Ding, come and sit here."

The director of the Chinese Department invited Principal Ding to sit next to him. The middle seat was reserved for several professors who were mainly responsible for the defense of the graduation thesis. For the thesis defense, let yourself sit in the C position of the graduation thesis defense, and observe and observe. Naturally, it is enough to sit in the observation position.


After Ding Yue sat down, he looked at the head of the Chinese Department, and said with a smile, "Then get ready to start."

"Okay Principal Ding."

The head of the Chinese Department nodded, and then announced: "Good students, today's graduation thesis defense of our Chinese Department has begun. Please follow the names you read on the list and come forward in turn. Thesis defense."

After the announcement of the Chinese department head, the students were all ready.

Then, according to the list, the professors of the Chinese Department started the defense of the graduation thesis of the Chinese Department.

Ding Yue sat on the side and watched quietly. At the same time, the artificial intelligence robot around him was not idle. Ding Yue was going to let his artificial intelligence robot check the papers for the graduation thesis defense that he observed today. It is an artificial intelligence robot, and it must be very fast and convenient to check the duplicates.

The first female college student on the field was quite beautiful.

Ding Yue pondered, it seems that he did not choose the wrong time for the defense of his graduation thesis.

The first female college student with full of youthful temperament defended her graduation thesis.

The professors of the Chinese Department were also very satisfied with the defense of the student's graduation thesis.

After the defense was over, all the professors nodded their heads in satisfaction, and the girl's face was full of smiles.

Obviously, the female student successfully passed her graduation thesis defense.

"Congratulations, your graduation thesis defense has been successfully passed." A professor announced to the girl seriously.

When the girls heard the result, they were even more happy.

Ding Yue asked the artificial intelligence robot Dabai to check the girl's graduation thesis and found that there was no problem with this graduation thesis.

The graduation thesis defense of the Chinese Department started smoothly. Each of the girls who appeared next has their own characteristics. In the defense of the graduation thesis, they also answered fluently. It can be seen that everyone is fully prepared. Participated in the defense of this dissertation.

The deans and professors of the Chinese Department were very satisfied when they saw that almost none of the students fell off the chain.

After all, Principal Ding is watching from the side. If Principal Ding sees a student from the Chinese department lose the chain during the graduation thesis defense, it will be a joke, and his Chinese department will be in Principal Ding's mind in the future. , more or less will deduct points.

The time for the defense of the dissertation passed quickly.

Starting at 9:30 in the morning, it was already twelve o'clock in the middle of noon.

"Okay, this morning's graduation thesis defense is here. Please come back in the afternoon," the head of the Chinese Department announced.

After all, it's already noon, and it's time to eat lunch. You can't even let people eat it, and let people do their graduation thesis defense here on an empty stomach.

"Principal Ding, how do you feel?"

After announcing the end of the thesis defense in the morning session, the head of the Chinese Department came to President Ding and asked.

There were no problems during the defense of the graduation thesis, and the performance of each student was also very impressive. The director of the Chinese Department did not come to ask this question, but to ask Principal Ding to praise him.

Ding Yue nodded with a serious smile and said, "Well, not bad, every student in your Chinese Department is fully prepared. In the future, these students will become elite talents in various professional fields after all."

"Thanks to President Ding for his affirmation of our Chinese Department."

The head of the Chinese Department said excitedly.

"Okay, let's go to lunch. After focusing on the whole morning, I must be hungry. After eating, we have to continue in the afternoon, right?" Ding Yue stretched out his hand and patted the head of the Chinese Department lightly on the shoulder. .

"Okay, Principal Ding, we have to continue in the afternoon, and because of the large number of students in our Chinese Department, the defense of the graduation thesis will last for several days before it can be successfully concluded."

The head of the Chinese department explained.

"Okay, then I wish you all the students of the Chinese Department to pass the graduation thesis defense successfully. I am optimistic about you."

Ding Yue said to the head of the Chinese Department with a smile.

"Principal Ding will not be disappointed." The head of the Chinese Department said firmly.

After that, Ding Yue left the amphitheater with the artificial intelligence robot and secretary Wen Ruohan. When he walked out of the amphitheatre, a young college student came to chat with Principal Ding.

It's more about chatting than chatting.

After all, in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, who wouldn't be jealous of President Ding's body?

"Okay, after you graduate, you still need to continue to work hard, maintain the spirit of hard work in Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and use the professional knowledge you have learned to benefit the society and the workplace in the future. Humanity."

Like an old father, Ding Yue warned the students around him.

All the students responded one by one, saying that they would never disappoint Principal Ding and would definitely live up to Principal Ding's expectations.


When Ding Yue founded Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, he only wanted to complete the task of the system. At that time, he didn't think that it was so far away, but now the time has come to look at the group of graduates who are about to go out of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences, and Ding Yue was quite emotional about the promotion effect that Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has brought to the society and the entire human race in the past few years.

In a strong university, the talents cultivated and the science and technology researched can indeed promote the progress and development of the civilization of the entire human society in a certain sense.

Even the Chinese Department can contribute to this great cause.


In the next few days, the major departments of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences were all engaged in intense and exciting graduation thesis defense.

Among them, the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the School of Architecture, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the Department of Computer Science, the School of Medicine and other faculties and departments have produced wonderful papers one after another. The papers are highly technical and theoretically challenging current theories in various fields. The smell of the paper ceiling is gone.

For a time, the wonderful graduation thesis of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences has caused a huge storm in the entire academic world.

This storm has to start with a graduation thesis from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

This graduation thesis is actually about setting foot on Mars and developing the content of Mars. From theory to deduction, it seems like a huge Mars development plan, which brings infinite reverie to people.

The most important thing is that in the reverie, the theoretical support is very rigorous.

Therefore, the defense video of this graduation thesis went viral in the sci-fi circle in just a few hours, followed by the rising popularity and the wonderful debate process of this student from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics , so that the defense video of this graduation thesis went viral in an instant, and even became a hot search on Weibo.

Countless science fiction enthusiasts, countless science fiction writers, and even bigwigs in related academic circles have begun to pay attention to this graduation thesis of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences.

This graduation thesis of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Wucheng University of Arts and Sciences directly points to the manned landing plan that Yingjiang is currently arranging in full swing, and also points out various technical and theoretical support for the manned landing on Mars plan.

It seems that with this graduation thesis, Xia Guo can also achieve the feat of manned landing on Mars.

But after all, it is just a thesis, and it only brings this feeling to everyone. In fact, if you want to achieve manned landing on Mars through this graduation thesis, it is simply a fantasy. After all, manned landing on Mars is a A very complex and difficult task.

However, the shock and impact brought by this paper is indeed very strong.

Especially for those ordinary people, after watching the defense video of this graduation thesis, they feel that Xia Guo's manned landing on Mars is just around the corner.

For professionals, the content of this graduation thesis is also very valuable, such as borrowing the gravitational slingshot effect of the planet to accelerate the process of the spacecraft going to Mars and shorten the time to go to Mars.

The gravitational slingshot effect has also become a hot word on the Internet for a while.

On today's major media platforms, what netizens discuss the most is not about celebrities, scandals or big melons, but about the gravitational slingshot effect, manned landing on Mars, transformation of Mars development and other things that sound very sci-fi.

It's really refreshing.

Ding Yue also watched the video of the graduation thesis defense of the student from the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, as well as his graduation thesis.

In his graduation thesis, there are easy-to-understand content and a lot of obscure content related to aerospace.

Of course, those obscure and incomprehensible theories are actually not too difficult for Ding Yue to see. Why? Because Ding Yue was born in the Department of Physics, the theoretical knowledge related to aerospace is actually inseparable from the knowledge of physics.

You must know that physics is closely related to this world, and almost nothing can be said separately from physics.

"This student's ideas are very bold, but they are backed by very good theories. Not bad, not bad."

After reading it, Ding Yue couldn't help but sigh.

If the Aeronautics and Astronautics School can produce top talented students, that is a good thing.

In fact, after Ding Yue looked at the signature of this graduation thesis, UU read www. uukanshu. com understands, isn't this Zhang Hang the famous genius student of the Aeronautics and Astronautics Institute?

Good guy, this guy's eyes are no longer as simple as spacecraft research, and he has already set his eyes on manned landing on Mars, as well as the future transformation and development of Mars.

I have to say, this look is actually pretty good.

Mars is a planet very similar to the earth. Some scientists once said that Mars may have been what the earth looks like now hundreds of millions of years ago. Therefore, manned landing and research on Mars is very important.

In the future, with the continuous development of human civilization, the earth may really no longer be able to meet the needs of human development space and resources.

At that time, human beings will definitely expand their scope of activities. In the vast sea of ​​stars, among the planetary systems, the most suitable planet for human research and development is undoubtedly Mars.

This is why for so many years, whether it is Eagle sauce or Xia Guo, the research on Mars has never been interrupted.

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